"Finally... they all disappeared."

When Lin's pompoms float in this jungle, I can always see some... ideas.

This jungle grows on the surface of the “space anchor”. It is a hexagonal object with a size of hundreds of kilometers. Not long ago, it stopped the Devouring Domain. At the same time, it opened a huge entrance and flew into it. In the domain of devouring.

The moment it came in, Lin launched a lot of troops to detect it. Of course, it was not only Lin who approached it. The large number of patchworkers in the Devouring Domain also had opinions on the arrival of the Space Anchor and began to attack it frantically. .

These “plants” on the surface of the space anchor are also twisting. They all look like thorns. They are hundreds of meters high. The original version is entangled and inactive. When the enemy comes, they are all When they move, when they twist, the spikes on their bodies will also be launched to attack the patchworkers in the sky.

Now the fighting between the two sides is very fierce. Countless patchworkers are bombarding the surface of the space anchor, and most of their attacks are intercepted by the spiked rain shot from the surface'plants'. Of course, many patchworkers are directly shot through. .

However, some of Lin's pompoms were not attacked, they came to the surface of the space anchor in the sky of gunfire, and moved forward among the huge twisting thorns.

The surface here is mainly composed of black material like clay. What is more special is that Lin's pompoms wandering in the jungle occasionally find that the clay on the ground will squeeze out a small object that emits a strong light.

This object is only a few tens of centimeters in size. After it emerges from the ground, it will float into the air, and then the light will gradually dim, and finally fall apart.

This kind of object is actually the language here.

It is the language used by Ju Nao and Lin before to communicate-to combine something with a specific shape, which represents some meaning.

Lin found that these things that emerged on the surface of the space anchor all meant something. Of course, it was not communicating with Lin, but more like talking to herself.

When Lin was wandering around, she saw these things constantly appearing in many places. After combining their information... we can roughly know that this was the thoughts of the creatures that arrived in the Devouring Realm a long time ago.

Lin can also know what kind of creatures they are through these.

This group of creatures are a group of races known as “stellar people”. They think they have the will to manage the galaxy. At first, they seem to be a group of relatively ordinary personality creatures. At some point, they think that personality is an obstacle to development, so Started a method of unifying consciousness, this method is mainly related to their mode of reproduction.

They reproduce in a special way. They can be participated by multiple individuals and only give birth to one individual. At the same time, they continue to develop techniques to "modify" their offspring. Finally, they accomplish their goal of unity of consciousness-because a large number of individuals share the same Participate and give birth to a cub, and this cub is much stronger than its predecessor, mainly in terms of thinking.

Then these cubs grow up and gather together to give birth to stronger individuals.

In this way, there are fewer and fewer biological entities in this civilization, but they are becoming stronger and stronger. After a long time there has been an entity that can manage the operation of the entire city. They don’t seem to have much automation technology, all materials and energy production. It needs to be controlled by them personally.

However, these increasingly powerful creatures can completely control the operation of a large number of facilities, and eventually even manage everything in the entire world. Of course, because a world is controlled by only one organism, the facilities it has to manage are not as good as when a large number of creatures live. So many.

At the later stage, there are only a few individuals left in their entire civilization, and each individual manages a world the size of at least one Tumbler.

At this time, they no longer want to reproduce. According to the plan, they should continue to reproduce. In fact, their reproduction is more like...fit. These last few individuals will give birth to an incomparable existence, but they dispel this idea. Instead, they devoted themselves to the study of the void. They explored the various phenomena of the void and tried to understand the meaning of the existence of the void. At some point, they discovered the domain of swallowing. After a lot of research, they knew the domain of swallowing. s position.

It's just that they discovered that their current technology could not reach the swallowing domain, so they re-emerged the previous idea. These'horoscopes' felt that their current wisdom could not achieve something that might create an incomparable one like before. Descendants of the People’s Republic of China, there may be a way to solve the current problems.

However, after they have reproduced before, the previous generation will age and die quickly, and these individuals do not want to die now, so... they have made some modifications to themselves so that they can reproduce new offspring but they will not grow old or not. die.

Then, they created the most intelligent individual in the history of the race. It can be said that this individual is the result of the integration of the entire race.

However, based on the current information, Lin feels that they can have more powerful and intelligent individuals, and they can continue to reproduce, but here is the end.

Except for a little difference in the end, the entire reproduction process of this race seems to be an irreversible process.

In fact, the most powerful individual born last is the...space anchor that Lin sees now.

This last and most powerful Astralist concentrated their race’s technology to create a huge spacecraft such as the Space Anchor, and started the action to the Devouring Realm. It itself controls the entire space as a dwelling consciousness. Anchor, several other individuals also put on the space anchor and embarked on this journey together.

As Lin knew, they came to the Devouring Realm, and went to another void, and then... perished.

The main reason for their extinction is that they think they have discovered...empty truths.

Then, they store the ‘truth’ as data in the domain of swallowing.

In fact, they also discovered the operating rules of the Devouring Realm at the time, that is, how the Devouring Realm stores thinking data and discarding these data. They tried to modify the Devouring Realm and tried to save the'truth' forever in the Devouring Realm. In the domain of devouring.

This behavior led to their demise. It seems that forcibly modifying some mechanisms in the Devouring Realm caused the Devouring Realm to destroy them, but did not completely destroy them.

To be precise, it was just the consciousness of these creatures that was destroyed, things like space anchors were still preserved, and even if they didn't have consciousness to control it, they still survived for a long time.

It was only now that the Space Anchor was activated again, and the reason seemed to be because... some creature controlled it.

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