4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 15: Internal consciousness

When the space anchor came in, the Devouring Domain began to move again.

But the direction of movement is different. It used to ‘chase’ the sea of ​​creation, but now it is moving in another direction.

This direction... seems to be related to the idea of ​​space anchors.

The space anchor itself has a lot of thoughts. When Lin explored on its surface, she found that these thoughts were constantly being condensed into pieces and squeezed out.

This is not what the Space Anchor wants to communicate, but now that the Space Anchor is controlled by another creature, so it wants to try to remove the original thinking...or memory data or something.

Originally doing this kind of thing in the normal void would not have any special circumstances, just delete the old data, but if you do this in the Devouring Domain, the situation that Lin sees now will appear... …The memory data is condensed into this kind of mass and squeezed out from the surface.

Therefore, Lin can also know through these things what the self-proclaimed astral creature that made the space anchor has gone through, and what kind of ‘empty truth’ has been found.

The empty truth they found... is ‘tourism’.

In the concept of the astrologers, they don't think that the voids are separated, just like the many kinds of voids Lin sees now, they think they are a whole...Different voids are just different areas of the whole.

Although they didn't find too much void at the time, it's interesting to say that.

Then they think that this ‘whole’ is always expanding, just like Lin thinks the void is like a bubble. They think that the ‘whole’ is also a huge bubble that will keep getting bigger.

In the end it will burst into many small bubbles, that is... into many voids.

Most of the ‘bubbles’ will stay in place, but the bubbles at the edges will fly out and move towards the area outside the ‘whole’.

I don't know what is farther away.

The astrological people wanted to participate in this journey very much, and they also believed that the Devouring Realm might allow them to achieve this journey, so they finally planned to control the Devouring Realm to the most marginal...Void they thought.

Then the horoscopes intend to enter a long-term sleep state, and when the final whole void bursts, they can board the part that is likely to fly out at the very edge... and advance towards the unknown depths.

Although they explored very few parts of the void, they believed that they had understood the ‘whole’ of the void and believed that they could embark on a journey to the unknown through this method.

Of course it failed in the end, but the idea was still very interesting. Lin also felt that it was necessary to find out where they said the edge was.

The memory data of these astrologers is not very comprehensive, but Linneng roughly knows how they detect the edge of the void, mainly because they want to build some devices in the domain of swallowing for detection.

And Lin intends to make them like the finished installation.

But for now, we need to solve the current situation first.

That is this...the creature that controls it in the space anchor.

Lin originally planned to go deep into the space anchor, but the resistance of the space anchor is still quite fierce. Although some pompoms have not been attacked on its surface, if you want to dig inside, you will find the'clay on the surface.' There are a lot of metal microorganisms in it, they will frantically besie all things trying to get in.

Although Lin can defeat these microorganisms, Lin thinks that he can use the rules here...that is, to assemble something through thinking.

The patchworkers here are all formed because of external thinking data. After some tests, Lin has discovered what kind of thinking data will form what kind of things.

Therefore, Lin can create thinking data on the giant brain through some units, and can directly construct some things Lin wants inside...the space anchor.

Thinking about it, Lin began to let the units on the giant brain...input some data to the giant brain.

These units can create thinking data similar to the Devouring Domain recovered from the outside, so they will also generate special patchworkers here.

By adjusting the input thinking data, Lin was able to confirm the generation location of these special pieces and...the general form.

After Lin entered the data, she quickly received some information, which came from the inside of the space anchor.

It seems to have been successful.

Lin’s inputted thinking data created some pieces of the space anchor inside. They have been ‘set’ by Lin to quickly observe the surrounding environment at the moment of birth, and then send these environmental information to Lin.

Then, they will be crushed by the microorganisms inside the space anchor, but only before then they can observe and send information.

Lin still can't control the location of these patchworkers very steadily, but as long as she manufactures more, she can understand the overall situation inside the space anchor.

The interior of the space anchor is roughly like the interior of some large machinery, with many complicated mechanical structures.

And what Lin is more concerned about is that besides these mechanical structures, there are many things similar to... whirlpools, to be precise, some black whirlpools, all of which are more than ten meters in diameter, wandering between the mechanical structures.

After discovering them, Lin also knew what exactly controlled the space anchor.

It was one of the ‘powerful biological consciousnesses’ discovered before the domain that it swallowed, and it was also the consciousness that Lin cared about.

It's... the consciousness that longs for everything to disappear.

The Domain of Devouring has been detecting various consciousnesses in the void. There are some powerful biological consciousnesses in it. It is one of them. This consciousness is quite special. It is eager for the result predicted by Lin's simulation device.

Everything disappeared completely.

Since Lin's improviser can also detect its... emotions, she can know that the vortex in the space anchor is controlled by this powerful consciousness.

Now that it was so, Lin felt that...the disappearance of the void might be the culprit.

In other words, it is not the main killer who caused the disappearance, but at least it will advance the result, but what kind of creature is this creature?

Its purpose for controlling the space anchor should be to grab the Devouring Domain, and then try to do something with this.

While Lin was investigating, Lin found that the Space Anchor had almost wiped out the patchworkers surrounding it, and moved towards the giant brain.

Although patchworkers have been spawning all the time, they are actually more...random. Not every spawner will attack it immediately, so they will soon be unable to stop the space anchor.

Now that Lin felt it was necessary... to dig out this spatial anchor personally to detect the consciousness inside.

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