4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 16: break down

Giant brain... seems to be swallowed.

After solving the patchworkers blocking the way around, the space anchor flew directly in the direction of the giant brain, and then hit the giant brain.

A group of black objects appeared where they collided, and this group of black objects quickly spread towards the giant brain, swallowing the entire giant brain, and of course also included Lin's arms on the giant brain.

Although Lin wanted to study the Space Anchor, this time was not enough to create something that could capture it, so maybe the giant brain would be completely swallowed by the Space Anchor before Lin did anything.

But because of this, Lin can know more information.

As the black matter spread, Lin found that the giant brain began to split. It began to split into a large number of small pieces from the surface, and flew out toward the surroundings.

It looked like it was avoiding the darkness of swallowing, and at the same time, each of these small fragments represented...some information.

What is more special is that these pieces of information are not the thoughts of the giant brain, but the thoughts of the consciousness that controls the spatial anchor.

It seems that when it hits the giant brain, its consciousness is transmitted to the giant brain, causing the fragments of the giant brain to fly out with its thoughts. This phenomenon is obviously related to the ‘rules’ of the swallowed domain.

So Lin observed these scattered pieces, and roughly knew the message of this consciousness that longed for everything to disappear.

However, this information is not very clear. You can only know that this consciousness has been decomposing things from the beginning of memory...

Decompose big things into small pieces, and small pieces into smaller pieces. It seems to slowly decompose some giant objects like tumbling into powder, and then continue to disassemble these powders until they are small. Until it cannot be decomposed.

For a long time, it has been continuously decomposing all the things it encounters, and during that time, it believes that this is its eternal mission.

At the end, it broke down all the things it encountered, and then... it has nothing to break down.

For a long period of time, it was floating, there was nothing in the void, but occasionally some dust was encountered...Of course the dust was also decomposed by it.

But it is not clear how many things it has broken down. In short, it hasn't broken down anything for a long time. During that time, it seems to have gradually different ideas.

It thinks that its past mission seems to be wrong, and now it has nothing.

So it wanted to use some methods to make up for it.

Then there is the situation Lin sees now. In short, it sees an opportunity...Void Fusion.

That is, while the void is fused, it can open a very special ‘channel’, and then slowly swallow things in the normal void through this channel.

The "desire for everything to disappear" that Lin knew before is actually just a small part of its thinking. Its overall idea is to move a lot of normal and empty things to its place where everything has been broken down, so that it can be Make up for the mistakes it originally made.

However, it is not clear how it knows the technology to open the channel and understands the fusion of the void.

It seems that the Devouring Realm is also a key place for it. It needs to use the Devouring Realm to accomplish this goal, so it controls the space anchor to capture the Devouring Realm.

Lin felt that this creature was indeed a threat to the void in the fusion. Although it was unlikely to move the entire void over, it was unclear how much it could move, and it was still necessary to stop it.

But Lin mainly wanted to visit its place, which is its ‘hometown’, the area where it thought everything was cleaned up.

It shouldn't belong to the void that Lin is familiar with, it may be another void, or a larger space.

So Lin also started to launch some attacks on it.

There is a Tumbler made up of patchworkers, and Lin has many arms that have entered the Tumbler and made a series of transformations on it.

In addition to the direct transformation, Lin also used the method here, which is to create some new patchworkers through mental data, and can directly change many core parts of the Tumbler in a more ingenious way.

Small patchworkers generally don't have a brain-like thinking structure, but when they become large enough, they will appear in areas similar to the command center. As long as these areas are controlled, the Tumbler can make some attacks.

At this time, the surface of the Patchwork Tumbler cracked, and tens of millions of metal blocks of various shapes shot into the air.

When these metal blocks approached the space anchor, the ‘plants’ on its surface immediately began to react, intercepting all the missiles.

After successive explosions, every metal block was perfectly stopped, but when they exploded, heavy rain composed of micro-arms also spilled on the surface of the space anchor.

When these micro-arms touched the ‘clay’ on the surface, they also started a war with the countless microbes guarding there.

Lin's miniature arms are not cell structures, they are all assembled from various relatively strong materials found on the Patchwork Tumbler.

The microbes in the clay are similar, similar to micro-machines. When they are inextricably beaten, Lin also asks the Patchwork Tumbler to launch more metal blocks.

They carried more and more micro-arms in the past. With countless reinforcements, the defense forces on the surface of the space anchor were quickly at a disadvantage, and they were defeated and retreated steadily.

The combat capability of the space anchor itself is not very strong, but the combat effectiveness of the space anchor does not represent the combat effectiveness of its controller.

The consciousness that controls the space anchor itself did not directly participate in the battle. Lin felt that there should be a special reason. It seemed that it could not directly participate in the battle, because it released a large amount of black objects that swallowed the giant brain.

It's just that it didn't use this kind of thing to deal with Lin's attack.

Some micro-arms have already penetrated the inner area of ​​the space anchor... Lin found that all the black vortices here seemed to be gone.

So Lin took these places and continued to deepen inward. Soon Lin's miniature arms occupied many places... These places were the places where Lin used the patchwork to see the black vortex, but now they all disappeared.

Therefore, Lin felt that there was a possibility that the consciousness of this creature might have broken away from the spatial anchor and transferred to the giant brain, and the black objects were the manifestation of it being transferred.

Now that it was so, Lin felt that there was another way to trap it, which was...change the rules here.

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