4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 17: Rule changes

The ‘rules’ of the Devouring Realm will change under certain circumstances.

For example, the common patchworkers here are formed under certain rules. If the rules change, the thinking data will not become patchworkers here, but something else will be formed.

If the rules of the Devouring Domain are changed now, many things here may not be able to sustain.

Including this creature that is devouring giant brains.

Its current black appearance is mainly formed by using the rules of the Devouring Domain. These blacks are actually similar to the ‘creature’ of the patchworker, formed by thinking data.

Because Lin has almost occupied the entire space anchor, it can be known that the ice of the creature that controls the space anchor is not in the space anchor. It has entered some data in the space anchor in advance using some peculiar methods to let the space anchor move and capture by itself. The domain of devouring.

At the same time, these data will also allow the space anchor to form some special pieces after entering the swallowing domain, that is, the black vortices that Lin sees inside, and the black that is pouring out to swallow the entire giant brain, all of which are pieced together. By.

In other words, this creature itself knows the ‘rules’ of the Devouring Domain very well. Using the rules here, it wants to use space anchors to customize some special pieces to occupy the main position in the Devouring Domain.

As for its own body, it may not be here for some reason.

And if Lin changes the rules of the Devouring Domain, her plan will not succeed.

It is rare for the Devouring Domain to change the rules, and sometimes it takes a long time to change.

However, now that the giant brain was swallowed, it began to be scattered into many small pieces. From these small pieces, Lin could learn a lot of information...including the rules of the swallowed domain.

The changes in the rules of the Devouring Domain are actually related to ‘mutation’.

The current thinking data has been forming a patchworker. If it fails to form a patchworker or becomes something other than a patchworker, then the rules here may change.

Giant Brain had observed this phenomenon before, but it tried to prevent it, so the rules could not be completely changed.

What Lin had to do now was to try and see if there was any way to use this method... to make the Devouring Domain change the rules.

The patchworkers here seem to be made up of random pieces, but they are actually "perfect", that is, each one is made up of pure thinking data. As long as you add some other thinking data, they are considered to be 'Variants' too.

And Lin is also ready for this kind of thing. On Patchwork Tumbler, Lin has built many towers tens of meters high on the surface, which are mainly used to send some information to the location where the thinking data of the Devouring Domain converges.

Through the previous understanding of the Devouring Domain, Lin can create some signals that are mixed into the thinking data.

They will affect the data in the Devouring Domain, causing the final patchwork... to mutate.

In the past, Giant Brain also discovered that there were some abnormal data that caused the patcher to mutate, but it tried to prevent it.

But if it is not prevented, if these anomalies continue to occur... the rules of the Devouring Domain will change.

Now this mutation has begun.

The signal sent by the tower that Lin built caused the thought data concentrated in the Devouring Domain to be affected, because the patchwork of these data also changed.

Although the appearance looks similar to the original, they are made up of some miscellaneous objects, but the behavior is different. When the patchworkers generally appear, they will act according to the thinking that formed them. These new patchworkers do not move much. Most Staying in a daze, this was because Lin's signal itself didn't mean anything, it was just some'impurities'.

And for the Devouring Domain, these new patchworkers are already mutants, and it can also be said that they are not patchworkers.

The number of these mutants is increasing, and Lin has made more towers to send out abnormal signals... As long as it continues, every new patchworker can become a mutant.

After a while, Lin found that the Devouring Domain had changed.

Although the location of the giant brain has become completely black now, Lin feels that there is still a chance...because Lin found that the patchwork is no longer generated.

This is the first step in changing the rules, that is, thinking data will never generate anything, and the Devouring Domain will change them to another form of storage.

And the original pieces here, including this large black object, will also undergo great changes.

They will not disappear, but Lin feels that it should not be able to continue with the previous goal.

While Lin was observing the changes, she suddenly discovered something special...that is, the direction of Devouring Domain had changed.

Originally it had been approaching unforeseen places, but now it suddenly changed its direction and moved towards another point.

Because Lin has occupied the space anchor... there are many interesting devices in the space anchor, including devices that can locate the Devouring Domain, through which Lin understands the exact location of the Devouring Domain.

It was flying in a different direction from before, and Lin felt that this should not have been the effect of changing the rules.


Suddenly, Lin found that almost everything in the Devouring Realm... was shattered.

Whether it was the patchworker here, the entire patchwork tumbling, and the huge black group that occupied the position of the giant brain, almost everything turned into countless pieces of several centimeters in an instant.

Of course the space anchor was also broken, so Lin quickly let the troops begin to move, and assembled the scattered pieces again, first forming the previous positioning device, and then forming other parts.

Soon Lin found out that the reason for the shattering of the things here seemed to be that the Devouring Domain had hit... something.

It was not because of the impact of the impact that the contents inside were shattered, but a certain change occurred in the swallowed domain at the moment of the impact, which shattered the contents inside.

But not everything is broken, like many of Lin's units, and Ersh's Nuo are all right, but Lin still doesn't understand how this kind of "fragmentation" chooses targets.

At the same time... Lin saw a lot of cracks appearing in the Devouring Domain.

These cracks lead to the place where she ran into, and Lin just wanted to see what she ran into and why she ran into it.

What's more special is that what the Devouring Domain hit was not something like another dimension, but a tumbling person.

Lin found that it was a tumbling person in the void.

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