"There are still 0999 cycles before departure...0999...0999..."

Lin thinks it should be a countdown, but it's all 0999.

It seems that the "carriage" is about to start, but because the frequency of talking is getting higher and higher, it should be about to start.

Including Lin's pompoms, there were seven passengers.

Each of the passengers here stayed in one place. Except for the two Ershite armors staying together, the others were quite far apart, and they didn't care what the other passengers looked like.

So Lin slowly drifted to the passenger that Lin was more concerned about.

It looked like a black pompom, and it didn't respond to Lin's approach, still staying where it was.

It's just that Lin can still feel its consciousness after getting close to it, the kind of consciousness...who wants everything to disappear.

To be precise, Lin perceives it in the Devouring Realm. Although the Devouring Realm has undergone great changes, it is still receiving the thinking data of external creatures.

Lin still has a lot of troops in the Devouring Realm, and she can learn from these troops... this creature that wants to disappear has now become a passenger here.

Lin actually didn't know how it came out, or why it was here as a passenger. Of course, Lin still had to continue to observe it, so Lin let the pompon float next to it, but it still didn't respond.

"There is still 0999 before departure..."

At this time, the "carriage" suddenly started.

If you drive outside, you can see a huge gap suddenly appeared in the sky, and the golden carriage floats slowly.

The compartment itself does not seem to have any power system, mainly because the open space gap **** the compartment in.

The speed of the carriage slowly increased, and soon it flew into the open gap in the sky, and the gap was slowly closed.

This seems to be a long space passage. Lin found that after entering this place... the outside scenery became pure white, and the carriages were moving at high speed. As for the passengers here, there was no reaction.

So Lin began to conduct some tests on them.

The first is the creature that Lin has always cared about and wants everything to disappear. Although it looks like a solid black pompom, it is actually an ‘image’.

It has no entity in itself, and Lin has not found any way to touch it yet, only that it can sense its consciousness in the domain of swallowing.

It seemed that it was quite special, and Lin decided to continue investigating it.

As for the other creatures... the one that looks like a stone and that looks like a caterpillar is actually a plant-like species. Of course, it is not a cell creature, but a species that grows in a cold void and has a long life cycle. , There is no neural structure in itself, Lin doesn't know why they are here...maybe they were put in by the administrator of the previous station.

The one that looks like a star is just a...lamp.

Its own energy system is quite special. Lin thinks it can light up for almost a hundred pom-pom years, but it seems to have no other function except light.

And those two armor-wearing Ershites...they were more interesting, Lin found that there was some bone meal inside the two armors.

They died a long time ago when they were worn. The corpse is no longer there, and the bones are turned into powder, with only a few residues. What is more special is that these two armors have a self-maintaining intelligent system, so they are still there when the wearer dies. active.

What's more special is that these bone meal are not from Ershimin, they are another kind of cell organism, but they look similar to Ershmin, and they also have limbs.

Through the inspection of their systems, Lin found that these two armors were mainly to participate in a war. In their memory, their homes are being invaded by foreign enemies, so they must go back to protect their homes.

But they didn't know how to get back. Lin found that the earliest part of their record was to get lost on a barren tumbling person, then wander around until they met the station, and then was invited into the carriage.

Although they have the memory of their homeland in the war, they don't know how to get lost where the station is... And they don't know where their homeland is. Lin thinks that maybe this is something Ersh made again.

They don't know where they will go in the carriage, but because they have nowhere to go, they try to see if they can get back home.

It seems that among the passengers here... these two armors are relatively normal, at least you can know what they have gone through.

The carriage is still moving, and the speed is not very fast, only a few hundred meters per second.

The space it travels in is a place with almost nothing. The entire space is pure white, but there is some dust floating in some places. Although there is nothing at all, it has a wonderful ‘power’ to attract the carriage to move.

After driving for a while, a space gap was opened in front of the carriage, and the carriage entered the next space, which was also white as the previous one. After driving for a while, the carriage was replaced with another space.

It seems that the carriage is mainly used for navigation by constantly changing spaces. After changing several places, Lin found a more interesting space.

Here you can see... the previous carriage.

Last time it was said that hundreds of millions of creatures were shipped out, so the carriage is also very huge. Its length and width are more than one kilometer, and the whole body is golden like this one. The surface is covered with dense windows, but it doesn’t stop here. Moved.

"Find an abnormality and stop moving."

Suddenly there was a message from the administrator in the carriage. At this time, the carriage Lin was riding on also stopped, just one hundred meters away from the giant carriage.

So Lin let the pompom split into half and float out to see how this giant carriage looks like.

After approaching the nearest window and flew in, Lin found that...there were a large number of things of different sizes, which looked like insect cocoons.

There is a creature in each "cocoon", which is obviously the species that set off last time.

Although they are of different types, these cocoons all provide them with life-sustaining devices. After Lin examined a few, they found that these creatures were all alive.

This is still very special.

Because the last time I set out was when the Void Tunnel collapsed, a very long time has passed since now, and they have been preserved for some reason.

But after a few more tests, Lin found something strange about them.

There are many creatures whose structure is not stable. Although they can remain intact in the cocoon, they may fall apart instantly when opened.

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