4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 20: Last passenger

"No... arrived."

These creatures have fragmented memories.

Lin has tested many creatures in this one-kilometer-sized'carriage'. Although most of them are unknown to Lin, their thinking structure is similar to many creatures in the normal void, so Lin can roughly detect their memories. .

These creatures are all residents of the Void Tunnel. Just as Lin knew before, some creatures are dissatisfied with their living area, such as the exhaustion of local resources, etc., trying to find a way out. After I heard about the station After that, I decided to take the station as my last hope.

But Lin also discovered the ideas of other creatures...they are a little different.

This ‘station’ can also be called the ‘end exploration site’. In the memories of these creatures, the role of this site is not to help those dissatisfied with their environment, but to explore the ‘end’ of the void tunnel.

At that time, there were some races that could be called "travelers" in the Void Tunnel. The Traveller was not a species, but a general term for many creatures. What these creatures have in common is that they have a high degree of understanding of the Void Tunnel... …Or think it’s very high.

They have also mastered the technology of navigating fast in the void tunnels that ordinary species do not possess. Therefore, these ‘travelers’ are almost always living a life of constant migration, where there are more resources. Generally speaking, they go wherever there are more resources.

The loop timing method used by the station administrator before was also customized by some traveller species.

Of course, the stations are also related to them.

Some "traveler" species only travel in part of the void tunnel, and some "traveler" species are active in the entire void tunnel. They find that every time they cycle through the void tunnel, they often find the void tunnel. Some unconfirmed areas appear in the.

They call these areas ‘ends’, and there are also unknown areas. In short, some spaces that don’t know how to emerge are connected to the void tunnel and become part of the tunnel.

Therefore, a species with very powerful technology at the time customized the'station' plan, but this was not one species participating, but many species participating. The goal of the station itself was to go everywhere in the void tunnel and find these'ends'. ', and then went there to study the environment.

At the same time, the station will also carry a large number of species. Most of these species are relatively low-level civilized creatures collected from various places in the void tunnel. What is more interesting is that they do not capture these civilized creatures in a tough way, but tell them. Have the opportunity to build a home in a new unknown area.

In fact, the builders of the station did not lie on this point, although their goal seems to be to find some species everywhere to test the local environment to see if they can live there, but the station has already called the creatures. These creatures were informed of various situations such as related risks.

It seems that quite a few creatures entered the station with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

Of course, most of the time the creatures that come to hitchhikers are not mobilized by the entire civilization, and most of the time, they are just organized actions by some individuals within a civilization.

In short, the station has gathered quite a lot of creatures, one part is to build a new home, and the other part is a species of ‘traveler’, mainly to explore the end of the situation.

If you don't count Lin taking it now, then this one-kilometer carriage will be the last time to set off, and the creatures transported in it are already very small compared to before.

The last group... Judging from the memories of these creatures, they did not reach their destination, but hit something on the way that caused their demise. Some creatures still have memories before they finally died.

Generally speaking, this kind of carriage itself will avoid the dangers in various void tunnels, but sometimes the danger is very special, they can't avoid it. The danger they encounter is a kind of thing called "world vortex"... .

This seems to be a very special'disaster' phenomenon. It looks like a living area for a large number of creatures, such as a space station, land masses and the like are gathered together in a whirlpool shape. The most special thing is this.' "World Vortex" contains all things that have a large number of creatures...or originally inhabited by a large number of creatures, and at the same time it will actively attack some biological gathering areas, or block vehicles with many creatures.

This carriage was supposed to be completely destroyed by crashing into the'world vortex', and many creatures have memories of their last moments.

But don't know why, they are resurrected again.

In fact, the station is also a resurrection thing. Originally, all of this should have been destroyed along with the collapse of the void tunnel.

Although the station may not be destroyed and retained, the creatures in this carriage are indeed dead. Although they all seem to fall asleep in a cocoon, this cocoon also has nerves connecting them. The structure allows them to observe the outside world, or perform some functions such as entertainment games, in short, they are not asleep on the journey.

And now they are all asleep after being resurrected. Lin also found that many creatures are not stable. Their bodies... have not been spliced ​​together, and they look like they are complete, but many of the creatures’ bodies are split. Yes, for example, creatures with limbs, their limbs are not connected to the body, they are just placed in the position of the long limbs, and if they are taken out of the cocoon, they will be scattered.

However, the life-sustaining device in the cocoon allows them to live on their own without connecting their limbs to the body.

It seems that although they were resurrected, they were not completely resurrected. Lin felt that it should be a creature or something with all the physical data of these passengers, including memories, and then assembled them as passengers. But it was placed here without being assembled.

It's quite interesting, I don't know what is doing this.

Now the small carriage that Lin was riding in also flew to the vicinity of the big carriage. It flew slowly on the outer shell of the big carriage, and some golden tentacles swayed back and forth from deep below, seeming to be detecting something.

"Attention passengers, we have discovered a huge unknown danger." At this time a message appeared in the small carriage: "We will try our best to avoid this danger."

When the small carriage sent a message, Lin also noticed something abnormal in the distance.

It looked like a vortex made up of a large number of fragments, with an overall diameter of more than a hundred kilometers. It seemed...that was the ‘world vortex’.

Although it has this name, it is not as big as a world, and Lin is even more curious why this vortex has also been resurrected.

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