"Avoid danger."

Facing the "world vortex", the small carriage chose to avoid it, and it flew quickly toward the side of the space channel.

As for this large carriage... Lin felt that there were still a lot of places to investigate, so she didn't want it to be destroyed so easily, so she decided to avoid it too.

This kind of ‘carriage’ power system is quite special, it is mainly moved by ‘spatial gravity’.

The material of the carriage itself has a special connection with the space passage here, so that it can move in the space by letting itself be towed.

At the same time, it can also change the direction in which it is being pulled at will, but its movement speed is not very fast, and it was originally mainly used for long-distance movement through various channels.

Because Lin has already understood how it moves after a period of inspection, Lin has repaired part of the power system on the large carriage.

After the restoration was completed, the large carriage also began to move in one direction, trying to avoid the ‘world vortex’ that was approaching not far away.

Although the speed is not fast, as long as the vortex does not accelerate, it can be avoided.

At the same time, Lin also decided to study the situation of the'world vortex'.

Although it looks like a vortex, its speed of rotation is also very slow. It takes about a pompom day and night to turn around. The'parts' that make up the vortex seem to be living spaces such as space stations or large aircraft. .

Of course, even if the speed of the selection is very slow, the large carriage will be destroyed by this vortex.

What makes Lin care about is that this also appeared suddenly, as if being teleported here.

So, Lin used the materials obtained from the large carriages to launch some units directly into this vortex.

The first thing Lin’s unit came into contact with was something with a diameter of more than 300 meters, which looked like a ball-shaped aircraft. Because there were many big cracks on the surface, Lin’s units over one meter in size could drill directly into the interior. .

And inside this sphere, Lin found a lot of...corpses.

The internal environment is similar to a common aircraft, with many passage rooms and the like, and quite a lot of corpses can be seen in these places.

Lin found that these corpses were a mixture of many different species, and there were many types, but Lin found that it was most ‘cylinder brain’ species, that is, a species that took out organs such as his brain and used some mechanical devices to maintain operation.

So Lin sees the most corpses, which are these tank brain creatures.

Just like the group of creatures Lin found in the large carriage before.

The bodies of the creatures in the large carriage were not spliced ​​together, and they would be broken directly when they were taken out of the "cocoon", and the corpse Lin found here was just taken out.

And they still looked like they had just died.

This is quite interesting... It seems to Lin that this group of creatures were assembled just a while ago, but the assembly process is relatively abnormal. Although the complete body of each creature is pieced together, the internal organs in their body are similar to those of blood vessels. The transportation system of this kind is not fully connected, so they were alive when they were first assembled, but died quickly because of abnormal internal organs.

As for the cylinder brain organisms, the life-sustaining components of the mechanical device are not fully assembled, so they cannot survive.

What's more special is that the neural structure of these creatures is relatively complete, so Lin can parse out some information.

These creatures...are alive not long ago.

In other words, at the moment they were ‘assembled’ out, they thought they were living a normal life and did not expect that they would soon die.

In other words, their memories are from when they were alive a long time ago... These creatures were actually originally species that lived in the void tunnel.

And they originally lived in the "world vortex". There are many species living here, all of which are civilized creatures from the void tunnel.

Some were involved accidentally, and some were deliberately moved in. The reason they stay here is mainly because of a certain idea.

And what Lin cares more about is...what exactly assembled them? The death time of these creatures was a pom-pom day and night, that is, they were assembled not long ago.

It may not only be these creatures, the entire vortex may also have been reassembled, thinking...Lin also sent a large number of troops to other locations in the vortex.

As long as it is a relatively large thing, you can find basically residential areas, or aircraft, and then you can find a lot of biological corpses inside, and these corpses...Of course, all of them have been dead for a short time.

But it wasn't exactly a corpse. Lin also found some living creatures. Some creatures were relatively intact, so they could survive, but they were also very confused about the current situation and didn't know what happened.

But the memory of these living creatures is much more complete than that of corpses. Through them, we can know that this world vortex... has a ‘core’.

It's just that this core is not in the center of the vortex, but on a seemingly ordinary space station.

This space station is called the ‘station of convergence’ by them.

From the outside, it looks like a spherical shape, with a diameter of more than 100 meters, floating among a lot of fragments, which looks unremarkable.

And after Lin got into this sphere, she found... there was nothing inside.

This is what an empty metal ball looks like, and Lin didn't detect any special space inside.

Maybe this core has not been assembled yet.

Although Lin already knew what the core of the world vortex was from the living creatures, in fact this was a center of their faith.

The creatures gathered here seem to believe in the vortex of the world except for those who come in accidentally.

The world vortex itself can be said to be a...wonderful aggregation of beliefs, mainly created by a large number of individual civilization creatures.

Just as Lin was thinking about it, Lin suddenly noticed something appeared in the sphere of ‘Station of Convergence’.

It looks like a large number of light spots. When they come together, they form a variety of... things.

These things look like the flesh and blood of cellular organisms, but in fact they are what is called the core in the Convergence Station.

However, Lin is more concerned about these light spots than the core. Lin thinks that they should be the culprit that put together all this... a long time ago.

It can also be called a ‘historical assembler’. I don’t know whether a creature is a strange thing or something.

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