Lin saw many engulfing ships.

They appeared in the surrounding void, seeming to have suddenly opened the space and came here.

There are a total of ten of these devouring ships. They appeared at Lin’s "Lost City" Tumbler more than 100,000 kilometers away. Lin was ready to deal with them when they appeared, and their behavior was as Lin thought. slightly different.

After all the swallowing ships came out and swayed in the void for more than ten seconds, they all returned to the space where they appeared and disappeared.

It seemed that they didn't want to save the engulfed ship captured by Lin, and they didn't know why.

The engulfing ship that had fought Lin before had fallen to the surface under the gravity of the Lost City, and was surrounded by a large number of micro-arms.

Lin started dismantling the engulfing ship... and inspecting the creatures inside.

Lin found that this kind of battleship was made quite interesting. It looked like a cellular organism, and it was mainly operated by liquid transport pipelines all over the body and small particles wandering in the pipelines.

These particles are responsible for almost everything, such as repairing damage, transporting weapon materials, transporting energy, etc. The movable structure of the engulfing ship is also made like a muscle cell.

So it can twist its body or swallow something like an eel.

What’s more interesting is the inhabitants of the engulfing ship, known as the “final inducers”. These creatures have built many houses in the engulfing ship that look like barnacle shells. Each house is equipped with a large number of weapons. When Lin's micro-arms entered here, they also suffered fierce attacks from them.

Of course, at this point, no matter how they attack, it doesn't make much sense.

The shape of the finalist itself is somewhat like a larva with many slender limbs. Lin found that each of them has its own house, and each house has a complete life-saving system and other equipment. They are usually completely different. Each individual of the race that comes into contact with the same kind stays in their own room all the time. They will develop and manufacture various entertainments by and other things, and they usually lead a life of self-entertainment.

But if they need to control the engulfing ship, they will use a special thing to connect their nerves to form a temporary group consciousness to control the engulfing ship.

They are not cellular creatures. Lin has not found any cellular creatures in the void tunnels at present, but the nerve structure of the final inducer is very similar to some void tunnel creatures, so Lin can detect their memories with a little research.

The final inducers themselves have this name because of their neural structure... They have the ability to send nerve signals to other void tunnel creatures, similar to connecting similar species, they can connect nerves to some void tunnel creatures, attracting They drove their aircraft close to the engulfing ship and swallowed them.

Although they understand the ideas of other void tunnel creatures, they don't have any plans to communicate with other creatures. Most of their lives are in the entertainment of their own creation, and occasionally they connect their nerves when they need collective action.

This kind of civilization... Lin found it quite interesting.

Although Lin examined the memories of these finalists and did not find out how they created their own civilization, they seem to have the ability to transform space to a certain extent and create engulfing ships. Each individual has a lifespan. There is no upper limit, they have lived on the space wall somewhere in the void tunnel from the beginning of memory, and slowly collect resources there, transform the space to create an engulfing ship.

What is special is that the entertainment games they create are similar to computer games of other civilized creatures. Although they do not have any social interactions and have not experienced almost all the things described in these games, they can get happiness from these games. They The inspiration for creating games is also obtained when connecting other biological nerves.

Therefore, the finalist is essentially regarded as a pure villain by many civilized creatures of the void tunnel, and now they have once again assumed the role of villain.

The finalists will suddenly feel that they need to connect their nerves under certain circumstances, and then they will suddenly unite to control the engulfing ship.

For a long time in the past, the finalists have always been in their own entertainment. They have no nerves at all, have not learned any information from the outside, and have no knowledge of the collapse of the void tunnel.

Until recently... they received a task, a task about ‘cleaning up’.

This wonderful task information suddenly appeared in their thinking, and the content inside required them to clean up some obstructions, and these obstructions were mainly things in the void.

Because the Void Tunnel is being reborn, it will once again serve as a huge highway across the Void, connecting to many places in the Void.

But in this process of rebirth, many things will become obstacles. These obstacles include some creatures that appeared after the collapse of the void tunnel, some void phenomena and the like.

Because these things may be a little rebellious, a strong army is needed to clean them up.

The finalists and their engulfing ships are part of this army. They will pass through the void tunnels that have not yet been fully reborn, but have been able to reach many locations to solve those obstacles.

At the same time, they also need to recover some special things, such as the transport organs of bus-like creatures.

But the mission did not tell them why all this is, why the void tunnel will be reborn, and why these obstacles need to be cleared and so on.

It's just that the finalists thought they had to complete this task, so they ended their long hours of self-entertainment and began to control the engulfing ship.

Lin feels that the Introducer is indeed suitable for this task. Their engulfing ships are equipped with powerful firepower, which can directly penetrate the surface of some Tumblers until deep in the ground. They can easily destroy some on the Tumbler's surface. Civilization, at the same time, is very flexible, and can open space tunnels at will.

But they are actually not that united...Only all the attractors in one swallowing ship will be united, but when the attractors on other swallowing ships see Lin capture the swallowing ship, they will be afraid of them. Don't want to save this companion.

So the engulfing ships just retreated. They may have the idea that they might win together, but they will not communicate this idea with their companions outside the ship to cooperate with tactics or anything.

However, it is obvious that, like the previous ‘Lord of the Dead’, there are many special creatures involved in the plan to revive the Void Tunnel, but what is directing the progress of all this?

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