"Clean up... those creatures."

"For this moment, we have prepared a huge army..."


Lin is investigating the situation of the void tunnel. Now the small carriages have passed through a lot of spaces. Most of these spaces are relatively empty. There are only a few floating objects and no living things. It looks like... just built. .

Lin conducted some tests in the void and found that it was indeed the case. In fact, when the small carriage arrived in a new space, the next space it was going to would begin to form slowly.

The first few have world vortices, and the space of the transportation hub is not newly generated, it should have existed relatively early.

But now on the forward path of the small carriage, those spaces are all newly generated, so there are very few things inside.

In order to confirm this, Lin also checked the conditions of these spaces in the void.

Each space in the void tunnel will have at least one entrance and exit connected to other spaces. They are connected together to form a void tunnel. In the void, they are very scattered, and the entrances and exits of each space are mostly far apart. , Of course, because of this, the Void Tunnel can be used as a passage for long-distance travel.

Because Lin's bases are widely distributed in the void, the process of these spaces can be found in some parts of the void.

Most of the space generation processes that Lin discovered were similar to the concentration of fragments, a large number of tiny spaces gathered together to form a large space.

However, how their internals have changed...it is not so clear at present, it is quite amazing that the space itself can merge so quickly.

At the same time, just as Lin thought, the convergence of these tiny spaces affects some bus creatures, because the tiny spaces also transmit energy. When they gather in large numbers, nearby buses will not be able to transmit energy.

Now Lin only found that some void buses were affected, but if the entire void tunnel was formed... it might affect quite a lot of bus creatures.

In addition, there are some spaces that are not made up of small spaces, but...that existed before.

These spaces can be called hidden spaces. They were probably hidden when the void tunnel collapsed, and they have not reappeared until now.

The Final Introducer and their engulfing ships had been in this kind of hidden space before. In the process of detecting them, Lin discovered that the engulfing ships also had a memory system.

When the initiator connects with each other to control the engulfing ship, they will begin to use the memory stored in the engulfing ship, and this part of the memory will not remain in the individual memory of the ultimate initiator.

It can also be said that they will not remember most of the things when they controlled the engulfing ship afterwards.

Lin has found the memory bank of the Devouring Ship, and she can find that she knows a lot... like this Devouring Ship has been in a certain space before.

Although the engulfing ship cannot think itself when it is not under control, it also observes the surroundings and records what it sees.

That place can be said to be...a place with many things.

In addition to other engulfing ships, there are also a lot of floating objects gathered in that space. They all look like some... large ships and other creations.

Lin felt that this space should have stored a lot of things preserved in the void tunnel era, mainly various creatures and their creations.

After the Void Tunnel starts to recover, they will be activated again. Some creatures' mission is to go to the Void to eliminate the obstacles, and some may rebuild the tunnel or something. Lin can be sure that there should be something planned before the Void Tunnel collapses. The recovery of everything.

So Lin wanted to find the location of this space where many creatures were stored, but the Engulfing Ship itself didn't know where this space was.

To be precise, this space needs to go to the location of its entrance and exit, and enter the correct ‘password’ for this location to open it.

That is to put some special-shaped objects in that position to open the entrance and exit of the space.

The engulfing ship itself knows to use this method to open, but does not know what to place, and according to its memory, the entrance and exit of the space where the creatures are stored is always changing positions, something like a travel space is constantly changing.' Move', so currently Lin has to use some other methods to find that place.

For example, if they caught other devouring ships, they might know... although it might not be big, because Lin could find from the memories of the devouring ships and the end inducer that they didn't seem to be going back from the beginning.

So we need to see if there is a way to go to that space from another place.

Now Lin feels...maybe the two passengers in the carriage seem a little hopeful.

Because the small carriage has come to a relatively special space at present, this space is also like those I saw before, with very few things inside, but there is one exception, that is, there is a big...city floating here.

The city is built on a disc with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers. The architectural style of the city looks like a large group of dense towers, most of which are very sharp, and the tallest is more than one kilometer.

Because Lin found similar things in the storage space in the memory of the engulfing ship, this city should have emerged from there.

The two armored passengers on the carriage...showed extreme excitement when they saw the city, they ran out of the carriage directly, and then activated their propellers to fly towards the city.

Of course, some of Lin's miniature arms stick to them and follow them.

"Does this mean..."

They landed under a minaret on the edge of the city. The tower was more than a hundred meters high and more than ten meters wide. However, no entrance was found. Instead, many marks were carved on the bottom of the tower.

These two armors stretched out their hands and touched these marks, and they instantly showed very excited emotions.

Because the traces above are telling them... the war is over.

They originally planned to participate in a war, but that war has ended a long time ago. The traces on it tell them all. This city is actually a thing called a fortress ship. It has experienced Countless wars, and at the end witnessed the victory of the war.

But those traces also tell them that a new war will begin soon, and they must participate in this new war.

These two armors were very surprised... and when they were surprised, Lin had already begun to explore the surrounding towers.

Lin found that many of the towers were solid, but there were also normal building structures with hollow interiors, and there were also many armors like this.

They all seem to be preparing to do the same thing as the final inducer, which is to go outside and clear the obstacles.

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