4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 31: The will to absorb

This group of creatures call themselves ‘Armor of Will’, and they are mainly composed of...armour combinations from various civilized creatures.

If we say what is the most common creation of civilized creatures, all kinds of armors must be considered one of them. In order to deal with various dangerous environments, civilized creatures are always making all kinds of things to protect themselves.

Will armor is a war armor from many different types of civilized creatures.

Although these creatures are of different types, the technologies are relatively close, and they all use a similar technology, which is the armor self-learning system.

When the wearer uses this armor, the armor will also begin to learn their various behaviors. After learning, these armors can act on their own.

Of course the wearer is killed, but the control system of the armor itself is not injured, and the armor will fight automatically.

This system originally planned that the soldiers themselves could no longer fight, and the armor could absorb their rich combat experience to continue fighting, but after a period of time passed, this group of armor rebelled.

There have been cases of intelligent creation rebelling in many civilizations. This is how the armor of the will comes. These experienced "veteran armors" often keep thinking about why they have to fight until they are abandoned, and finally they unite. Against their own creators, a group of armors successfully wiped out a certain civilized creature, and occupied their territory to create their own civilization.

Since then, they have called themselves the armor of will, but the armor of will itself has a more wonderful characteristic. Although their lifespan can achieve immortality by constantly maintaining themselves, the ‘consciousness’ cannot be eternal.

They don't know how to create consciousness, and they don't seem to have studied this aspect. Over time, their'emotions' will become weaker and weaker until they no longer have any thoughts.

Then they start to use the old method, which is to catch other intelligent creatures, and then stuff them into their armor for a period of time. Whether this creature is fearful or bored to death, the armor of will can be maintained by this creature. In their own minds, they threw in new ones until they could no longer support them. Later, they felt that it was too troublesome to catch them outside, and they also opened a biological farm to gain a steady stream of consciousness by cultivating intelligent creatures.

As for their reproduction, they also acquire consciousness by manufacturing new learning devices and armors, and then let this device learn from intelligent creatures.

Then, the volitional armored territory developed and expanded. In the process of their development, many wonders were created, such as this fortress battleship with a diameter of 100 kilometers, a variety of rich weapons, etc., of course. Everything is because the surrounding civilized creatures are very opinionated about their existence, so the armor of the will has been in constant warfare.

Because the armor of the will has been under constant attack, their overall civilization has been transferred to a marginal space in a void tunnel.

Then they continued to suffer from this position, defeating the civilization creatures that came to besie them countless times, which also made other creatures find that it was almost impossible to destroy them, so they gave up.

However, the war actually never ended, and the armor of the will soon turned from defense to offense, and began to continuously attack the territory of those civilized creatures.

Until the end, the entire volitional armored race stopped functioning for some reason that they did not know themselves, and only now did they wake up, and they found that they had a new mission.

What is more special is that Lin did not find information about the armor of the will from the memories of those void tunnel creatures before, they may be the species that disappeared relatively early.

And their new mission is to eliminate those species called hindrances. This order was issued by an individual who could be called the ‘Armored Emperor’.

The armor of the will can be regarded as individual creatures, but they all worship their rulers extremely. It is said that the armored emperor who has absorbed wisdom in the minds of countless creatures, they have no doubts about this emperor's orders.

Therefore, Lin intends to see the great emperor, it is inside this fortress ship.

This fortress ship is called the "Ship of Ten Thousand Letters" in accordance with the armor of its will. The large number of towers built on it have the function of launching missiles and other things, but these towers have another function, that is, to record "famous sayings."

There are many intelligent creatures. Certain remarks made by their rulers or some well-known individuals will cause a great sensation in their race and have been circulating for a long time. If similar phenomena are discovered by the armor of the will, they This kind of remarks will be recorded under the spires of the fortress ship.

But this is not the intention of the conscious armor to fulfill the content of the speech, or to recognize these speeches or something, they are more like collecting these speeches as if collecting loot, so when wandering the streets of the fortress ship, you can see the surrounding buildings. A lot of famous sayings from different species are written down.

The writing system of the armor of the will is mainly to engrave on solid objects, but they absorb the information above not through observation but through touch.

Between the streets of the fortress ship, there are also a large number of armored forces of will everywhere. Lin currently sees millions of soldiers preparing for battle here.

And their ruler is in the center of this fortress ship, and some of Lin's miniature arms have arrived in this place. This great emperor is not in any building, but in a square in the center of the city.

There are tens of thousands of will armors around it, and the armored emperor itself is a body that is more than ten meters high, and it looks like a copper-colored armor with three pairs of limbs, and its shape is a bit like an empty citizen.

This great emperor now seems to be giving orders to his opponent. It is constantly swinging in the air with two pairs of limbs. With its movements, some luminous symbols are ‘painted’, and then these symbols float on the surrounding will armor.

After receiving these armors, they left quickly, but soon more armors joined the square, so there were always a lot of them here.

Lin found that the emperor was mainly assigning tasks, such as which armor should go to which position to operate weapons and so on.

It seemed very inefficient to distribute this way. Lin knew that they had better communication methods, but it was not used, so Lin decided to check to see what it was thinking.

So Lin let the miniature arms floating in the air approach the armored emperor.

When Lin approached, Lin found that its movements became much faster, and its limbs moved at high speed, drawing a lot of symbols floating out.

The main meaning of these symbols is that it is ordering to attack a certain place.

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