"what is that?"

They all felt terrifying horror when huge shadows covered the sky.

This is a civilization that lives on the surface of the tumblers. Their civilization traces cover nearly 80% of the surface. The void can clearly see the glittering brilliance of their cities.

So far they are relatively lucky, the fusion of the void has little effect on them, and they are still living the same daily life.

But that seems to end there.

With the appearance of a giant shadow of hundreds of kilometers in the sky, a large number of will armored troops landed on the surface like rain, and they began to clean up everything around them with weapons that could easily turn their targets into powder.

Seeing that the creatures screamed and turned into powder, Lin felt that they should have the ability to fight back.

Just as Lin thought, the civilized creatures on the surface quickly gathered their armored units to the invaded position, and at the same time, countless missiles also flew off the surface and shot towards the fortress in the air.

When the sky roared violently, the war on the ground began to spread to the entire city.

Lin was observing the war. Not long ago, the "Armored Emperor" issued an attack order, so the entire fortress ship flew away from its original position and moved towards somewhere in the void.

This location is also the location of a civilization in the void. This civilization is established by a group of cellular creatures less than one meter in size and many limbs. Although they occupy most of the surface, they have not yet been able to fly to the void.

In the face of the will-armored fortress ships, they seem to have no resistance. The entire fortress ship has been covered with a layer of protection when the battle begins. This layer of protection is mainly composed of powerful interception rays. It will emit rays of light to intercept all targets. , including targets as small as Lynn's miniature units, they can also intercept them.

But they didn't notice that Lin had been mixed into the fortress ship and some miniature units inside the will armor. They would only activate this protection when the war started. Aren't they afraid of being invaded at ordinary times?

In any case, all the firepower of the civilizations on the surface was unable to do any damage to the fortress ships, and their armies were rapidly disintegrating in the face of the armoured will.

But the will armor did not completely destroy the civilization. After smashing almost a city, they quickly evacuated.

All the will armor for surface combat flew back into the fortress ship, and then the fortress ship returned to the void tunnel.

The armored emperor continued to issue orders while Lin's observation was underway.

This armored emperor Lin has also tested it. Lin found that it is somewhat different from the surrounding will armors. Other will armor Lin has a way to detect their memory systems. Although the armored emperor’s body structure is similar to other armors, it is The core of thinking is a one-way space rift.

It can also be said that there is no way to enter the crack, and in this crack, a command signal will be issued to make the body of the armored emperor move.

After the fortress ship returned, Lin found that the emperor had begun to give them research orders...mainly to study the armor made by civilization.

Many of the group of civilized creatures they attacked just now also wore full-body armor. After returning, Will Armor began to study the armor style of these creatures, and then decided whether to use this armor or not.

The way these will armors "reproduce" is to create learning devices, then put the learning devices into the newly made armor, and then put this armor on an intelligent creature.

They are not obsessed with a certain style of armor, but will try to find a variety of styles... For example, the target they attacked just now is also an optional target.

But the armors they made all use their own technology, but the shape is similar to the civilized creatures just now.

Next, under Lin's observation, this fortress ship went out and attacked the civilized creatures in the void many times.

The targets they attack will all wear armor on their bodies. As for other aspects, it seems that there are not many requirements. Whether it is primitive animal skins or Void armors that can move in various environments, as long as the coverage area is large enough, they will Go research, but end up with very few styles.

In the process of observing these will armors, Lin discovered that some civilizations have also been attacked by the Terminator.

The finalists themselves attack relatively quickly. They use the method of rapidly disintegrating the surface to cause a large-scale catastrophe in the environment where the entire creature lives, but they will leave without confirming whether the local species are completely extinct.

Therefore, Lin can also confirm that they are indeed all following the task of 'cleaning obstacles', but this task does not specifically require them to exterminate those creatures, so they act according to their own preferences.

Lin felt that there should be more troops to launch more attacks on various civilizations in the void. Lin mainly wanted to find out where the next mission was.

After observing for a period of time, Lin did not find any trace of the origin of the mission, so perhaps it would be a better choice to defeat all these attackers.

Therefore, Lin then carefully paid attention to the various civilizations in the void.

The Terminators attack very rarely, and they flee quickly with each attack, so they are relatively difficult to catch.

As for this fortress ship, Lin found that their next target was a rather special one.

The target they chose was a civilization that didn't make armor at all.

It can also be said that this civilization does not have those large numbers of individual individuals who need to wear armor.

This civilization is a plant-like civilization, and they are also recently discovered by Lin. What is more interesting about this civilization is that it is a creature that grows on a doomsday tumbler.

Doomsday tumblers are those who once had biological civilizations, but in the end, due to various wars, the biological extinction turned into a doomsday state. Of course, it is not completely extinct. Some creatures have survived like this. A world grows and sprouts.

This plant-like creature quickly brought the entire post-apocalyptic world to life, but it also did something special. After it filled the world, it began to make some giant 'flying machines' and directed them towards Launched in the void.

At the same time, the creature showed high intelligence, and Lin found that it would try to go to some nearby tumblers, and study the void environment to create aircraft with different structures to try to reach the target.

Such a peculiar civilization would be seen by this fortress ship, but Lin felt that perhaps the Great Armored Emperor and this civilization had something in common.

That is, their thinking comes from the cracks in space.

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