'boom-! ’

The violent explosion shattered a small piece of the fortress ship.

This also caused panic among the will armors, who may not have thought that something could pass through their defenses.

Of course, Lynn did it.

When Will Armor was building towers on the ground to absorb space cracks, Lin also let a nearby unit approach here.

From the outside, this unit looks like a shell that is more than one kilometer long. This is also the unit that Lin used to observe the aliens here. At the same time, it also has a certain fighting ability and can strike the enemy at a relatively long distance. military.

For example, it is very simple to hit a fortress ship at a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers as it is now.

However, for the fortress ship, it was easy to find the 'conch shell' at this distance, but they did not immediately counterattack. The fortress ship quickly flew towards the nearest space tunnel entrance and exit, as if planning to escape.

But Lin had already interfered with the entrance and exit of the space first, so that it could not be opened smoothly.

In the case of being unable to escape, Lin continued to let the 'Skull' launch several attacks on the fortress ship.

The projectiles launched by the shell are mainly rocks that will explode, which is nothing special in itself, but because Lin has tested the interception system of the fortress ship, these rocks can bypass their interception and hit directly on the ground. on the fortress ship.

While bombarding the fortress, Lin was also testing the thoughts of the Panzer Emperor.

To be precise, the idea came from the 'space rift'.

The armor that Rin built in the tumbler underground where the alien proliferators are located, imitating the armor of the armored king can clearly feel... the same idea as the armored king.

In these space fissures, commands will be continuously issued to try to drive the armor, and Lin can parse the command information into specific thoughts.

When the fortress ship is attacked, these thoughts will also change, and it will come up with some thoughts of trying to fight back or escape.

The thinking in this rift is more like the group consciousness of a division of labor species. It will consider at least hundreds of possibilities at the same time, and then calculate each possibility. At the same time, it also wants to attack itself... that is Lin's shell. What is it.

Although he thought a lot, there were not many plans that could be decided in the end. In the end, the thinking in the rift decided to fight back.

The moment it was decided, the fortress ship fired tens of thousands of projectiles at Lin's shell.

These projectiles are very fast, they are all missiles and the like, and Lin's screw shell opened a space entrance beside her before being hit and flew in.

Then, another space entrance opened more than ten kilometers above the fortress ship. When the figure of the screw shell reappeared, the will armor above and the armored emperor himself were surprised.

The space entrance that Lin uses to move is actually the entrance of the space tunnel. There are several entrances and exits here. The way Lin interferes with them is actually to cut a large entrance into multiple small entrances through the bus-like transmission organ. Because the fortress ship It's too big to pass through the cut entrance, but Lin's shell can go in and out at will.

At the moment when the conch shell appeared, countless intercepting beams on the fortress ship shot at it, and these attacks instantly shattered the conch shell and turned it into smoke in the void.

But soon more... shells appeared inside the tunnel's entrance and exit.

These shells were about the same size as the first one, except that they were numerous, and hundreds of thousands emerged from the entrances and exits, rushing towards the fortress ship.

Because Lin's shell is not the only one. Although there was indeed only one attack at first, when it attacked, Lin also made many shells drive over from the surrounding area and entered the void tunnel at the same time.

When a large number of conch shells appeared, the fortress ship had to disperse its firepower. Some of the conch shells that were not taken care of by the firepower were directly smashed into the fortress ship, and the impact it caused destroyed a large number of surrounding buildings.

When Lin did this, a new idea popped up in the minds in the rift... They wanted to call in reinforcements.

At present, only the fortress ship and the engulfing ship of the Last Introducer are conducting 'combat'. Lin doesn't know the reason yet, but obviously if these two cannot continue to fight, more troops will be needed to support this operation.

The plan seems to require something powerful enough to continue to attack civilizations in the fusion void, whether or not to destroy these civilizations, to continue to interfere with their appearance anyway.

After the fortress ship was hit by three conch shells, the behemoth also began to teeter, as it was so close to the tumbler of the outcrop proliferator that when its control system was affected, it might receive the tumbler's Attraction leads to crash.

At this time, Lin also saw the reinforcements that Rift Mind wanted to call.

The entrance and exit of a space tunnel unfolded in the distance, and Lin found that there were a lot of... bubbles gushing out there.

To be precise, it was a bunch of blue translucent spheres with a diameter of several kilometers, and buildings with many floating objects inside these spheres could be seen.

These spheres are also one of the reserved troops. Similar to the Will Armor and the Final Inductor, they belong to a certain species in the Void Tunnel, but Lin still does not know the details of this species.

They were obviously here to rescue the fortress ship, and when the group of spheres approached quickly, they also poured a lot of firepower on Lin's conch shell group.

Through the buildings inside the sphere, they emit a large number of purple light balls. Lin found that these light **** can completely smash everything that comes into contact with the shell at the moment of contact. The shell still maintains 80% integrity and flies into the distance.

Lin thinks this is quite interesting, saying that the skills of these stored troops are not the same.

With the support of these spheres, Lin let the remaining conch shells hide back in the Void Tunnel, so the fortress ship was also saved.

Of course, Lin mainly wants to know where all their troops are stored through these 'reinforcements', not necessarily to destroy the fortress ship.

This group of spheres came from a certain space tunnel. Although there are multiple space tunnel entrances and exits, some of the entrances and exits lead to different tunnel areas, and the area where the spheres came from happens to be Lin has not been to.

These hoarded troops won't go back once they come out, so they might start attacking civilizations in the void here, like the other two.

But even if they don't go back, Lin can find out where they came from through their trajectories. Lin will go there to investigate and observe what these spheres will do.

Lynn felt that there might be many differences between them and the first two.

(End of this chapter)

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