This is a 'garden'.

The ground here seems to be paved with starlight, and countless flickering points of light form a gorgeous platform. On this platform, there are many creatures.

These creatures are like plants. Most of them have roots to fix themselves on the ground, and their bodies are closer to fungi. Most of them are hairy or in the form of a large number of silk threads, and they sparkle like the ground. Lights of various colors, and occasionally some bubbles can be seen emerging from these glowing creatures and slowly drifting into the air.

This platform full of 'plants' floats in a translucent sphere with a diameter of several kilometers. The platform itself is hundreds of meters in diameter. There are many similar platforms around, and they are also almost filled with a lot of things. .

The reason why this civilization is called "light foam" is because they look like bubbles... to be precise, they are bubbles with a diameter of several meters

They are actually a group of very interesting creatures. The light foam will hunt down some creatures with more developed neural structures, but not so intelligent creatures, that is, those creatures that have just developed into primitive civilizations.

The light foam will accumulate these hunted primitive creatures together, and after special treatment, bubbles will slowly appear on their corpses.

These bubbles are light foam.

In addition, Guangmo also likes to collect creatures without neural structures. For example, the creatures that Lin sees around are like plant fungi. As long as these creatures are planted on this platform like starlight, they will also Bubble pops.

The bubbles formed by these nerveless creatures do not have consciousness, and the light bubbles mainly use these bubbles as food.

Therefore, the light foam civilization looks like some translucent spheres several kilometers in size. There are many planting platforms floating in these spheres, and there are also weapon platforms and the like.

The most special thing about light foam is that they are not 'real creatures'. Although they look like bubbles, they are actually inaccessible, similar to the composition of dream energy, and their reproduction is mainly from real creatures in some ways. Extract the energy that makes up their own.

Lynn knows so much about them so far, and there are still quite a few mysteries in this species.

In short, they are also a member responsible for clearing the obstacles in the void. They appeared after Lin Kuai defeated the fortress ship of the Will Armor.

After saving the fortress ship, the light foam did not communicate with the will armor, and they flew directly into the depths of the void.

The fortress ship, on its own, returned somewhere within the Void Tunnel and began repairing the damaged part.

These light foams started their journey in the void.

Lin also mixed in with them and made some observations on them.

Lin has some miniature units on the platform inside Guangmo's 'ball ship'. In addition to seeing a large number of plants among them, there is also Guangmo itself. They all look like a group of several meters in diameter. Bubbles, and these bubbles will have some seemingly random content, such as some stones, sand, or entangled vines, creatures trapped inside, and so on.

Since Lin has not yet found a way to access them, she does not know their specific structure. Lin believes that they should be a kind of creature that needs to be active in a special environment, that is, they cannot enter the normal void until the void merges.

However, their spherical ships with a size of several kilometers are solid, and what constitutes the outer shell of the spherical ship is a layer of what can be called a 'solidified shield', and the way of composition is also very interesting, similar to the solidification of the void. Some spaces have a double-layer structure. The first layer and the second layer are several tens of meters away. Objects entering between the two layers will be solidified. They become hard or go straight through.

Lin knows about solidification, so she still managed to enter the interior. So far, they have not found any attacks on other civilizations. Because the light foam is very interesting, Lin intends to investigate them very carefully.

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While tracking and observing Guangmo, Lin was also observing another place.

That's... a storage room.

Before attacking the fortress ship, when Guangmo came to the rescue, Lin had already detected where they came from, and Lin had already arrived at this position.

This location is actually a tunnel in the Void Tunnel, but it is not always connected to other tunnels, that is, after it releases a group of creatures, it will immediately disconnect and be in an undetectable state. status.

Therefore, you can only come to this storage room by sending some troops in at the moment when it opens and emits light.

So Lin now sent the small carriage that had been traveling in the Void Tunnel into the storage room.

The main reason is that when the light foam came out, Lin found that the small carriage was just near where they came out, so Lin changed the goal of the small carriage and made it head for the storage room.

Because Lin has basically controlled all the systems of this carriage, it can be said that most of the structure of the carriage itself has been replaced by Lin with her own arms.

After entering the storage room, Lin could see many huge objects floating here.

Most of them are battleships of hundreds of meters and the like, and they mainly come from civilizations of various periods in the Void Tunnel.

Most of the void tunnel creatures that are recovering outside are the last group of civilized creatures in the void tunnel, and only a few of the knowledge Lin got from them recorded the situation of these older civilizations.

From the outside, these civilizations themselves are quite powerful. As for the fortress ships, or the engulfing ships and the light-bubble spherical ships, they seem to be the civilizations that are close to the top of these reserves... Judging from the size of the ships.

They were all in an inactive state, and apparently it was their turn to go out to wake them up.

But who is in control here?

Just when Lin thought so, she found that something was floating in the direction of the carriage.

This thing is more than ten meters in size and looks like a blue flame.

"Not on the record."

This group of 'flames' sent some signals to the small carriage, and Lin found that many void tunnel creatures could understand this kind of signal.

Therefore, Lin can also send a signal to it: "Are you the manager here?"

"No." The group of 'flames' replied: "The manager died a long time ago, but the program will not stop, it will eventually eliminate most obstacles... You seem to be obstacles too."

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