"The Frontier Fleet was destroyed in cycle 751."

"Smash the rogues and their doom comes at cycle 800."

"Deadly deceased by... Uncertain data."

The golden carriage is slowly advancing along with what looks like a flame.

The surrounding area is dark, and the ground is composed of a large number of squares. Every time the carriage is driven to a square, the dark surroundings will instantly show rich scenery.

Some scenes are the surface of a tumbler, others are scenes of large fleets sailing.

These scenes all deal with a civilization that once existed in the Void Tunnel, and these civilizations have one thing in common... that is, part of their army is in the 'storage room'...

But their armies were not captured... at least not all of them, most civilizations were stored here after signing a certain contract.

This contract is called the 'doomsday contract'.

That is, if their civilization perishes, part of their civilization will be preserved and will be 'resurrected' later.

At that time, many civilizations signed this contract, and the general content was to put some troops in the storage room like what Lin saw now.

And the group of 'flames' ahead is the manager of this place.

However, according to what it said, it was not the creator of the whole plan. It was also one of the civilizations that signed the contract at that time. The reason why it was willing to take Lin to visit here seems to be because the civilization that made this small carriage was actually a participant. For one, it was not initially identified.

After recognizing it, it brought the small carriage here, seemingly because Lynn told it that it was completely unaware of the specifics of the whole plan, and it thought it necessary to inform.

At the same time, it also tells Lin that any civilized creatures participating in the contract may not actually know the whole of the plan, but if they come back here, they will be told the truth.

And as far as Lin knew before, they didn't seem to want to let the civilized creatures that were released come back, and those creatures seemed to be 'obediently' performing tasks outside every time they thought of coming back.

"Everything here is created by it."

The group of 'flames' stopped, and at this time the small carriage also went above a square, and then there was a huge pattern around it, which looked like a complex network of passages.

This is actually the Void Tunnel. The network formed by the combination of a large number of spaces is the size of the Milky Way, but the location that can be reached through these channels is far beyond the scope of a Milky Way.

The reason Lin knew this was because she saw the pattern and also felt the relevant information introduction.

But this is the size of the void tunnel after it is completed. The void tunnel has not reached this level before it is destroyed, but they can reach quite a few places.

"Are you saying that the Void Tunnel itself created this plan?" Lin asked 'Flame'.

"It's not the same." The flame said: "It was a special existence that led to the birth of the plan."

"Special existence?"

When she finished speaking, Lin found that many areas on the map of the Void Tunnel brightened up.

"These are the 'recording areas'." Flame said: "Some special areas, they will absorb and record the thoughts of creatures, etc., and store their information."

"These areas were originally small spaces, which were scattered throughout the void. When the void tunnel was formed, these small spaces were also collected as part of the tunnel."

"Although they were in a split state at first, after being connected to the tunnel, these spaces began to slowly merge into a total of nine special large spaces..."

According to the introduction of ‘Flame’, some ancient void tunnel civilizations discovered the characteristics of these nine spaces, mainly because they would automatically absorb the thoughts and thoughts of some creatures, and then store them.

As long as it is a creature that has absorbed thoughts, entering a certain position in these nine spaces can feel these stored thoughts.

This led the civilizations that first discovered them to think it was a very...useful place, and to take advantage of it.

These spaces were first used for many purposes, such as storing data, or to understand what the nearby civilizations were thinking, and in the end they were used for the current plan, which is the recovery plan of the Void Tunnel .

The reason is that some civilizations have discovered the origin of the void, that is, they have investigated the predecessors of the normal void and the fragmentation of the solidified void. They believe that the large amount of space that constitutes the void tunnel is also the huge amount of fragments produced by the splitting of the two voids.

Due to a series of changes caused by the division of the void, these spaces cannot return to the normal void or the solidified void, and can only exist in these two spaces as separate spaces.

Of course, this is also a good thing, because it is possible to travel long distances by connecting different locations in the void through these spaces.

But some powerful civilizations have found that this state is temporary. These spaces are inherently unstable, and sooner or later a devastating disaster will occur, which is the end of the world for all civilizations in the Void Tunnel.

But there is also the possibility of recovery. If the two separated voids fuse again, the space of the void tunnel will return to a stable state again.

They need some way to store all kinds of civilization data to get through this apocalypse.

This is a relatively long process, mainly recording civilization information through nine special spaces called recording areas. The civilizations that first customized the plan included all the civilizations they recognized in the plan, and contacted them one by one to talk to them. Know the specific situation and let them store the civilization's data in the record area.

Of course, not all civilizations are willing to join this plan. Many civilizations are skeptical about this and do not want to hand over their own race information. Some races believe that there will be no disaster at all. Many civilizations have joined the plan. After all, many civilizations are already completely dependent on the Void Tunnel environment and cannot go out casually.

There are also civilizations that cannot leave for some special reason.

Because the recording area itself is special, the data it stores will not be destroyed when the tunnel collapses.

But with more records, these nine areas will often have some problems, such as data loss, data errors, or some weird things, such as something called a "thinking creature".

In the end, the civilization in charge of the plan found that the nine recording areas were not actually complete. The many problems it caused were mainly due to the lack of a space. In fact, there were ten recording areas.

But they don't know where the tenth is.

Although Lin probably knows now, the tenth should be the Domain of Devouring.

According to the description of 'Flame', those nine areas are very similar to the Domain of Devouring... the same kind.

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