"The void will return to completeness in the future, and so will you."

Many civilizations signed this 'doomsday contract', but the plan was shelved at the time.

Because the civilization that originally initiated the plan could not gather ten recording areas, the nine recording areas at that time could not perfectly record all the data.

So, they decided to find the tenth record area first.

Although it is not completely certain that the tenth recording area is the Domain of Devouring, Lin thinks it is very likely.

Then these civilizations who initiated the project began their search journey, but they did not find the tenth record area until they became extinct...

During this period, the registration of the doomsday contract has not been closed, and the registration space stations have been established in the nine recording areas. These space stations use fully automatic maintenance technology. During the period, any civilization can come to this place to register.

After the civilization that originally initiated the plan perished, the registration space stations in these recording areas were also destroyed one by one. The reason was that some creatures wanted to monopolize these recording areas, so there were many wars in the recording areas.

But after these registered space stations were destroyed, and the civilization that initiated the plan perished... The 'doomsday contract' did not end because of this.

For a long time after that, rumors of the doomsday contract often appeared in various civilizations, and many civilizations followed the rumors to the nine record areas...

Generally speaking, they are civilizations that are about to perish, or have perished. Civilizations in a drifting state will care about this. After they find the record area, they will find that the registration space station that should have been destroyed is still in good condition. You can continue to register.

However, most civilizations that came to sign up were deemed ineligible and could not sign up.

Because this registration area only accepts some civilizations with strong military power.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the civilization that came to sign up is in a dying state, the important thing is that their weapon technology is powerful enough and has a complete record.

This registration has its own set of criteria to determine whether the applicant is strong enough. According to Lin's current view, this standard is not very high. Many civilizations can't sign up mainly because their technical information is not well documented.

Then, over a long period of time, more and more civilizations have been recorded... Then who is doing all this?

According to 'Flame' telling Lin, this is the nine recording areas themselves.

When the original civilization material was put into the recording area, these recording areas may have formed some kind of consciousness.

But the consciousness of the recording area is not reflected in the recording area, but on the registration space station. The registration space station was originally designed with a series of intelligent machines for maintenance. Although the registration space station was destroyed in the war, these intelligent machines were not completely land was destroyed.

As long as they have a little remnant, they will collect resources from the surrounding, such as a large number of parts and fragments left by the war, to repair themselves, and reassemble the registration space station.

In fact, the space station was also destroyed many times later, but each time these intelligent machines were not completely destroyed, they reorganized the space station many times.

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After that, the machines have... evolved.

Not only will they reorganize and maintain the space station, but they will also create a lot of "scouts" to explore the civilization in the void tunnel, understand their language and way of life, etc., and spread the news about the doomsday contract to them.

Later, they have created spies of various civilized creatures, and promoted the doomsday contract by mixing in these civilizations. Of course, most of those civilizations in the prosperous period did not care about the doomsday contract, until they were about to perish, they would try to find ways to leave something behind.

For a long time in the beginning, these intelligent machines had 'principles', that is, they would not directly steal a civilization's weapon information, but the civilization itself should take the initiative to sign the contract.

But from a certain time, they changed this principle, and the spies in the recording area began to frantically steal information about battles from various civilizations, probably because it was a waste of time for a civilization to voluntarily contract.

In this regard, 'Flame' believes that the time when the Void Tunnel may collapse is approaching.

At the same time, they also began to use other methods, such as directly capturing a whole battleship, modifying the system in various ways, and at the same time modifying the driver's nerves to make them think that they have joined the plan, and then use these captured battleships. Store for later use.

Through this forcible method, they obtained a large number of troops, but these intelligent machines thought this was not enough, and they began to seek the help of some "mysterious forces" in the Void Tunnel.

The main ones are the more special phenomena like the World Eddy and the Lord of the Dead. Through a certain method, they successfully controlled some of the phenomena and made them part of the recovery plan.

Then what Lin knew was that after the Void Tunnel collapsed, all nine recording areas remained, and these recording areas were also transformed into the current storage areas.

There are eight of them with weapons and armies of various civilizations, and one is specially used to store 'mysterious power'. The goals of all these have also changed from the original plan.

In fact, the doomsday contract plan was originally intended to resurrect the civilization that made the contract after the Void Tunnel collapsed, but things changed later. Those intelligent machines... or the recording area made a new plan.

That is, to clear all obstacles.

Obstacles are some creatures or other things that appeared during the period after the split of the void. These new creatures will cause the two voids to merge, and there will be some instability. The Void reaches a state of perfect fusion.

At the same time, the Void Tunnel, as a large number of fragments separated from the two Voids, must be perfectly fused in order to truly fit the Void, and it will no longer collapse when it is completely stable.

Everything is for the goal of perfect integration.

He Lin introduced all of this "flame" and thought it was a very great goal, even if he wanted to fight all the creatures in the void now.

It will tell Lin about this mainly because it thinks that the creatures that can return to this storage area are all civilizations of the early contract, not forcibly captured later.

As long as it is an early contract, it is still necessary to know all of this. Of course, whether you know it or not, it will have no effect on the entire plan.

... at least that's what it thought.

Lin feels that it may take a very long time for them to clear the 'obstruction' in the entire void, because the two merged voids... are already too huge, and the troops it stores are too small, even if they can quickly reach some places through the void tunnel, It also takes a long time to complete, even if the targets they swept won't resist.

But it seems that it also knows this, so 'Flame' told Lin that they will try to attack some places that can have a greater impact.

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