4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 38: the second

"You mean our world...will be completely destroyed along with other worlds? How is this possible?"

"You can't believe such rumours lightly."

"It's fake, don't believe it!"


Their reactions were similar to what Lin thought. .

After learning about the plans for the Void Tunnel, Lin had some communication with some of the civilizations that could communicate in the Void, mainly telling them about possible attacks in various ways.

Just as Lin thought, the civilization of individual creatures, whether it is the ruler or the general public, does not care much about this news. If it is spread widely, then they will start to try to deal with these 'rumors', if it is not spread. It's not a big deal if it's too broad.

Unless Lin replaces most of the individuals responsible for decision-making, they will not be prepared for the next crisis, but doing so is not much different from Lin dealing with it herself.

But in any case, Lin will still tell them, just to see if the species in the void can cope with this crisis.

Of course, Lynn will also do some things... they are really difficult to deal with.

After a detailed understanding of the 'flame', Lin knew that what Lin entered was only one of the nine recording areas, and the other 'flames' did not know how to enter.

Although the Devouring Domain should be one of these recording areas, Lin did not find any clues from the Devouring Domain, but the Devouring Domain will hit the void tunnel that is being repaired and stop, which also means that something happened between it and these areas. ...Association.

All logging areas are hidden spaces, and also store a lot of powerful weapons, and their next target is... a galaxy.

Most of the inhabitants of this galaxy are cellular creatures, and there are six tumblers suitable for cell creatures to live in. Among them, the intelligent creatures are a species called 'whale dwellers' by Lynn. This galaxy has giant species similar to whales. They are generally With a size of several kilometers, it will migrate back and forth between six tumblers.

Whale dwellers are parasitic creatures that live in these 'whales'. After developing their wisdom, these creatures begin to use whales as their country. According to the different whales they live in, they also have different cultures and civilizations. The whale was transformed into a warship to wage war on other whales.

Now their civilization seems to be coming to an end, because next something called a 'stellar oscillator' will be thrown at the stars of this galaxy, and then the gravitational environment of the whole galaxy will fluctuate, and all the tumblers will Be sucked into this star and utterly destroyed.

The main reason for destroying these tumblers seems to be because this is an 'anomaly'.

The places called anomalies are all born after the split of the void. As long as these points are destroyed, the void can be closer to the original void... The way of destruction is mainly to destroy all kinds of creatures in the anomaly. thing.

So Lin told some of the 'whale dwellers' about the crisis by sending signals directly to the brain. Some of the individuals who were directly communicated had a sense of panic about the crisis and began to publicize it everywhere, but not all have a great response.

However, they performed better than most of the individual creatures that Lin communicated with before, because at least one whale dweller who claimed to be the fleet of the Kingdom of the Sky was more concerned about this information, and they planned to investigate.

This whale resident fleet is mainly composed of ten 'whales'. These whales are more than one kilometer in size. From the outside, they appear to be covered with gold-blue metal shells. At the same time, they are also equipped with a large number of powerful firepower. Weapons, looking like a big fish in full armor, the brains of these huge creatures have long been controlled by the whale dwellers who were once parasites, and they can fly wherever the whale dwellers want to go.

This fleet has this name because it never landed on a tumbler, and mostly trades with other whale-dweller nations in the void.

Now, they have come to an altitude of 30,000 kilometers from the tumbler, which is the sixth farthest from the star. Because of Lin's information, they have decided to observe whether something will appear at this position.

Lin is also observing here with them. What Lin uses to observe are the miniature soldiers floating in the void, but Lin is not completely sure what will appear here, because all this is obtained from the 'flame'. Yes, it can only know the approximate time of the next attack.

If you can see it appear, Lin thinks it should be able to solve another doubt.

Three thousand seconds after the fleet arrived here, something did appear in the void.

A burst of brilliance suddenly flickered in the void in the distance, and after a few seconds it quickly became dark. At the same time, it could be found that there was a mass of things about 100,000 kilometers away from the fleet.

It looked like a sphere of more than ten kilometers in size formed by a large number of tentacles and the like entangled together, and it was slowly floating towards this side.

When this sphere appeared, Lin detected some abnormal information.

Just as Lin thought, after learning about the Void Tunnel recovery plan from 'Flame', Lin discussed it with Shalin.

This Void Tunnel is not the Void Tunnel that Lin was familiar with before...or it is a little different.

Shalyn thinks it might be something very ancient that's causing this to happen now.

...that is, the nine recording areas themselves are not products of the Void Tunnel Era, they are very old in nature, that is, things before the Void split.

The Void Tunnel was only formed during the normal Void period, and in fact it had been a long time since the split.

But judging from the information obtained before, some of the creatures and things that Lin discovered were indeed in the Void Tunnel.

When actually entering the first recording area where things like warships were stored, Lin hadn't detected anything special, but now she's found something special.

This blob, which looks like a pile of tentacles, was released from another recording area, and the moment it was released, some very special 'energy' could be detected.

It can be said that it is similar to the transmission of energy, but the transmission of energy is special, and the current bus organs cannot be used.

After the discussion, Shalin thought that there should be some kind of relationship between these very ancient recording areas and the Void Tunnel... Maybe they misunderstood something.

For example, their original goal was to revive a large space similar to a Void Tunnel before the Void Split, but now they mistake the Void Tunnel as the target to revive.

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