If that's really a mistake...that's a lot of weirdness too.

Lin is watching the war in the void.

The Whale-Dweller civilization has never left this galaxy, but because of their way of life, they are still quite used to Void Wars.

Most of the biological civilizations often want to communicate with each other when they encounter alien creatures. The same is true for the whale dwellers. They began to send a team to try to communicate with the entangled 'tentacles', and at the same time Various signals were also tried, and when the opponents destroyed their squad, the Whale Dwellers attacked.

A dozen 'whales' several kilometers in size are now firing large swarms of missiles from their shimmering golden-blue shells.

The dense barrage flew towards the target, but when they approached the tentacles, they all quickly turned into powder or exploded directly, and none of them could successfully approach the target.

This group of tentacles is very interesting, because it came out from another recording point, and Lin has no understanding of it at all. What I found so far is that it is surrounded by very dense micro-machines, forming a layer of 'mechanical cloud' to protect yourself. .

The appearance of this group of micro-machines looks a bit like drills or propellers, and they can quickly cut through all the approaching barrages.

The micromachines themselves have no ability to move, they are mostly controlled by the tentacles themselves.

After launching several rounds of missiles in succession and found no effect, the group of whale dwellers retreated, and when they flew into the distance into the void, they also issued a warning to the surrounding whale dweller countries.

The main warning is for residents living on the sixth tumbler.

Although the fleet of the country of the sky fought for a while, they were not residents of a certain tumbler, so they were unwilling to fight to the death here, and they had already begun to discuss whether they would wander in the void in the future.

At the same time, the tentacles flew towards the sixth tumbler.

This tumbler is a whale farm, and the entire tumbler is covered with a jelly-like substance, forming a sea of ​​jelly.

Huge blue towers stand in this jelly ocean, this is the kingdom of the whale dwellers on this tumbling man, there are three countries in this world.

In fact, they can no longer be regarded as "whale dwellers", because they stay outside and rarely live in the whale's body, but their life is still very dependent on whales.

This kind of giant whale breeding mode in the void is to incubate the cub on the surface of the tumbler, and then bring it to the void to grow after the cub grows to a certain extent. Because some cubs are not picked up due to various accidents, it is impossible to Flying into the void has been growing on the ground, and some special organs in their bodies that can resist gravity need to mature in the void, so the cubs left on the surface will slowly collapse under their own weight.

The whale dwellers have installed a lot of giant turrets on the ground. These turrets can directly launch suitable cubs into the void, so that no cubs will be left on the surface and grow up.

Of course, these turrets are not only used to launch cubs, and now they use the turrets to aim at the group of tentacles that flew into the sky of the tumbler.

Due to the previous warning, the whale dwellers on the surface have activated a full-scale alert. The 100-meter-long cannon fired a large number of cannonballs at the tentacles that covered the sun. Weapons of other types also fired together, and brilliant rays of light exploded one after another around the tentacles.

Most of them were blocked by the flying mechanical cloud, but Lin still saw something passing through the mechanical cloud and came to the surface of the tentacles and exploded... Although the explosion did not cause damage to the tentacles themselves.

The entangled tentacles are all tens of meters thick, and some of the materials that make up the tentacles have not been seen in normal space, but they are very solid.

When the attack on the surface, the tentacles also launched its attack, and a huge storm began to hang from the jelly sea on the surface of the tumbler.

A strong storm vortex is generated directly below the tentacles, and every building it touches will be quickly disintegrated into powder, joining the ranks of the storm.

As the storm grew stronger, the firepower below became weak, but from the other side of the tumbler, a fleet was coming fast.

This fleet is a huge force composed of twenty giant whales over five kilometers in length. They slowly flap their flippers and radiate the missiles installed on them.

The missiles they used this time were more powerful than the previous ones, and the brilliance they formed in the void almost covered the entire tentacles.

The tentacles are also constantly releasing a large number of micro-machines, but it has not attacked the warships made of these giant whales.

However, Lin found that the storm below it was intensifying its rotation, and a huge pit was drilled on the ocean composed of jelly, and a large number of creatures in the jelly sea were swirling and flying with the storm.

Although the support troops on the surface of the tumbler are constantly coming, they are also completely unable to approach the storm. This is not a simple storm. There are a lot of micro-machines mixed in it that will shatter everything that enters the storm.

Soon, the storm reached the deepest point of the seabed. The seabed here was not jelly, but the solid seabed quickly disintegrated, and a huge hole was drilled like an ocean.

After a hole of sufficient size was drilled in the seabed, the tentacles began to fall, slamming into the hole it drilled.

The shock caused by this strong impact caused hundreds of kilometers of buildings around to collapse one after another, and the entire sea of ​​jelly was churning, but Lin felt that the impact should be stronger, and it obviously used some method to buffer it.

Next... but slowly stabilized, the jelly sea does not churn for a long time like an ordinary sea, because it itself is a giant life form composed of a large number of creatures, no matter how they are smashed and smashed, they will slowly recovery.

The tentacles began to drill deep into the ground, and the giant crater it created before was slowly filled by the jelly sea. The process of its drilling down hardly caused any movement...not even an earthquake.

So everything seems to be stable again, of course there are no whale dwellers, they can guess what might happen next when they see this situation, so they start discussing and plan to evacuate all the residents on the tumbler and all the people in the sea Whale calves, the command of the army is also considering some ways to send explosives deep underground to blow up targets.

Of course, this is too difficult, because they have been blocked by the opponent for so long just now.

They really have nothing to do against the next stage, so Lin decided to help them.

At the same time, see if you can go to the second recording area, which is a special location.

The first recording area, Lin felt, belonged to the 'modern', that is, the era of the Void Tunnel.

And the second, most likely the 'ancient' recording area.

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