The giant whale in the void gave them hope.

The miniature storm war on the surface is still going on. The arrival of this giant whale has changed the battle situation. Countless light spots like the stars flickered all over its body. The light of the stars rained down and hit the bottom precisely. In the storm... Lin's unit.

They are not rays or anything, but small luminous objects that explode as soon as they approach the target.

It was a very simple thing in essence, but the strike was very precise. After the falling stars flickered, Lin's troops were reduced by more than 30%.

The crystal thinker's micro-machines also took the opportunity to counterattack, and took advantage of this opportunity to start devouring Lin's troops.

At this moment, every whale dweller is exclaiming, even including those who do not believe in gods, in fact, they are not unbelieving in gods, they just 'believe in reality', and now there is a real **** in reality, and it is descending the stars The rain battered the storm that devoured the world, and it made them pray.

Although they didn't know what the giant whale actually hit, they just thought that God had come to save them.

The giant whale shone like stars again, which made the whale dwellers cheer.

But soon their cries ceased.

A ten-kilometer-long 'spear' flew from a distance and penetrated the body of this giant whale. The light of its whole body was instantly extinguished, and the whole body was constantly swaying in the void, as if struggling. general.

Of course, Lin threw this spear, and its launcher was the new army "Spear Forest Ball" that Lin sent here.

This is a small tumbler unit with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers. Its surface is full of 'spears'. These spears are of different sizes and are neatly arranged on the surface like a forest.

After the whale dwellers discovered Lin's unit, they quickly became frightened again, and the giant whale still gave them some hope...

The giant whale threw out the spear stuck on it while swinging continuously, and then it flew towards Lin's spear forest ball.

The starlight shone on it again, and the behavior of the giant whale aroused the passion of the whale dwellers. The whale dwellers who had no intention of fighting now also activated their whales, and aimed at Lin's spear ball and The storm in the Land of Eternal Night launched a large number of missiles.

At the same time, some 'spears' on the surface of Gun Forest were also fired.

These spears are generally several kilometers long, with a black metal structure on the surface, and there are many sharp barbs. These spears are not actually made by Lin. The spear forest ball looked like this when Lin found it. Lin thought it was The weapon of a certain civilization, but there is no historical record of how this place was built, so Lin transformed it into her own weapon.

When these spears flew out, the giant whale also hit the pouring starlight on these flying spears, and each spear dissipated as quickly as it was dissolved, leaving only some dust in the void drift.

Lin felt that its responsiveness became stronger, and Lin felt that it had something to do with the whale dwellers.

Whale dwellers are creatures with 'emotional release', that is, when their emotions fluctuate violently, they will release some pheromones, and these pheromones will spread to affect the emotions of the same kind around them.

Lin found that there was something in the recording area that was also detecting this emotion, and that was the constructor of this giant whale.

It is also one of the 'civilizations' stored in the recording area. Lin has made some observations on it. This is a very interesting civilization.

It looks like a big cloud in the recording area, thousands of kilometers in diameter, these clouds are always in a state of slow deformation, they will slowly change into various shapes, sometimes it looks like a large Buildings, sometimes like battleships or something, of course there are some like stones...or Lin doesn't know the shape of something.

After they have deformed, they will revert to their cloud state after a period of time, and then continue to transform into other things after a period of time.

What's more amazing is that their cloud state cannot be touched. At least Lin has not yet found a way for normal void matter to touch them, and they can be touched when they form something.

The reason why Lin thinks it is 'civilization' is because when the cloud is changing, there are some things in it that maintain a certain shape all the time, and they will touch each other and do various actions. ……resident.

When a large number of whale dwellers expressed despair and began to pray, this huge cloud began to 'leak' to the outside of the recording area, and part of it drifted out like the wind, and finally left the recording area and went to Eternal Night. The land gathered and formed, forming a giant whale.

When this giant whale ignited hope for all the whale dwellers, its speed also accelerated, and it was also approaching the ball of guns when it continuously fired a large amount of light to destroy Lin's spear.

And at this moment, Lin also sent out a strong emotion.

This emotion is sent from the gun forest ball. To be precise, there are many temporary brains formed by Lin on the surface of the gun forest ball. These brains can directly send out any strong emotions that Lin wants. Lin is mainly used to test whether it will will affect it.

Lin found that the movement of the giant whale slowed down a lot after Lin's emotions, and then it was hit by three spears that followed, and these spears penetrated its skin as before and penetrated deep into the giant whale. internal.

Lin found that this is indeed the case. Strong emotions themselves will affect it. For example, strong feelings of despair will make it move slowly. As the emotions gradually change from despair to hope, its actions will become faster and faster.

What Lin just made it slow down was the same desperation as the whale dweller had begun.

However, this will not interfere with its purpose, that is, the idea that it is going to attack Lin will not be disturbed by emotions, and it will fly here no matter what.

There are also many miniature troops on the spear. They tried to dismantle it inside the giant whale. At this time, the inside of the giant whale began to transform into a relatively high temperature environment, and it seemed that they were trying to melt Lin's invasion force directly.

So Lin was about to fire more spears, but at this moment, there was a violent explosion on the spear forest ball.

The explosion destroyed a large number of spears on the surface, while also blasting a huge pothole.

This was not made by the giant whale. Lin found that now... there is another fighter. Of course, this is also from the record area 2, and it directly attacked Lin's spear ball.

It may have been playing here, and everything in the recording area will come out not necessarily.

If that's the case... then test it.

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