Lin felt that they might have to destroy this place, so when the original attackers were blocked by Lin, they would try to dispatch more...collectibles to capture the galaxy.

These collections may be a civilization, or some powerful creature, or it may be a catastrophe phenomenon in the void, etc. They are all stored in the second recording area, and are slowly activated one by one.

Now, the surface of Lin's 'Gun Forest Ball' is being heavily bombarded.

These explosions successively destroyed large 'gun forests' on the surface of Gun Forest Earth, and this attack came from something in another second recording area.

Lin still doesn't know what it is attacking, but it is definitely not the crystal thinker and the civilization that is affected by emotions.

But no matter what it was, Lin just needed to know where the attack came from.

These explosions are mainly a kind explosion. In simple terms, it is to squeeze something through space into a small amount, and then release it. It is a very interesting technology.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that there are many small black spots falling from the sky. When approaching the surface, these black spots will suddenly explode, releasing a huge amount of matter from it to destroy everything around it.

And the posters of these black spots, Lin had already detected that they were less than 30,000 kilometers away from the ball.

At this moment, the ground where the spear forest ball had been blown flat suddenly grew a long spear like a dense forest, and shot it out in the direction of the target.

Although these long spears were blown flat before, this time they were launched a little differently. They did not suffer any damage when flying in the void, and hit the target directly.

It looked as if they were stuck in the void, and after a few seconds, the scenery at the location where the spear was stuck shook, and a huge thing appeared there.

This thing looks like a large piece of metal, it is more than ten kilometers long and wide, but its thickness is only one hundred meters...

The spear pierced it completely, and after it manifested for a while, it disappeared into the void.

At the same time, Lin discovered that something had happened on the surface of Gun Forest Ball. A large number of circular space doors were opened on the surface, and many things similar to black mud crawled out of these doors.

These things began to dig on the surface the moment they climbed out, and they kept dissolving the ground and moving toward the depths, as if they wanted to attack the core of the ball of guns.

When the group of 'black mud' attacked, Lin saw that the surrounding void began to flicker, and after each flash, a distorted 'object' appeared.

This 'object' looks like the surrounding scenery is swirling together, as if it has distorted the surrounding light. After an instant, thousands of such 'distortion groups' appeared around the spear ball. As soon as they appeared, they started bombing the Bullets.

The way they bomb is by launching a 'distortion' like themselves onto the surface, and everything that comes in contact with them breaks apart quickly and is sucked into the distortion.

This is quite interesting.

Because the people who came to attack Lin were far more than the two before, and many things in the second recording area ran out.

Perhaps it was because Lin had delayed the Crystal Thinker for too long, or the Crystal Thinker had shown difficulty in completing this mission, so they all decided to defeat the threat of Lin.

In addition to the ball of guns, Lin also found that the whale dwellers also had a situation.

That is, the space around the whale dwellers has changed, and the void is constantly shaking like the surface of the water.

And the whale dwellers on these tumblers felt that their world was collapsing, everything was shaking violently, and buildings were falling apart and drifting into the sky.

Apparently the stuff in these second recording areas is very good at space technology, they can easily warp the surrounding space.

At the same time, Lin also found that the star of the whale dweller was dimming, as if it was being blocked by something.

Now just relying on this ball of guns can't stop all these changes. Lin is wondering whether to send more troops to fight a real war here.

And Lin suddenly found out that the whale dwellers were not entirely in despair.

As they watched in horror as everything changed, some strange creatures appeared in the Whale Dweller civilization.

They appear in large numbers in the cities of whale dwellers, or in the whales they live in. Their appearance looks exactly the same as that of whale dwellers, but the whole body is shining, which is in line with the whale dweller's understanding of "beauty".

Immediately after these creatures came out, they began to tell the Whale Dwellers that their civilization was about to be destroyed, but they could save the Whale Dwellers, as long as the Whale Dwellers arrived somewhere in the void.

At this time, as long as all the whale dwellers have a communication tool, they have received a coordinate, and the position of this coordinate points to several positions near their several tumblers.

Their appearance has indeed moved many whale dwellers, especially those in the whales. They hardly hesitated...and didn't have time to hesitate, they drove the whales towards the coordinates.

There are also plenty of surface whale denizens frantically huddling for positions where they can take off.

Of course, these strange creatures also came out of the second recording area. Lin felt that their overall goal was to destroy the galaxy, but to preserve the whale dweller civilization.

But they don't seem to care much about how much they keep, because these actions will definitely lead to the death of a large number of whale dwellers.

Since the coordinates are all near the tumbler, some whale dwellers have successfully reached the target, and when the first whale reached the target, a huge gap appeared there.

This crack is not as irregular in shape as the common void crack. This is a complete square, and it can be seen that it has a structure similar to a runway, which seems to be specially used to park large warships.

The whales drove into the gap, and the vibrations they had been feeling stopped, and they relaxed a little bit.

Of course, there were a lot of Lin's spies who went in with them, and they had been among the whale dwellers for a long time.

There are still a lot of whales rushing this way, but Lin found out that only two or three whales had entered each rift and closed it, as if she didn't plan to let more in.

Since each tumbler has only one breach nearby, they will only let in a dozen or so whales at most.

This is indeed very little for the entire whale dweller civilization, and the large number of whale dwellers here seems to be destroyed.

And the collapse of this galaxy was still accelerating, so Lin decided to... try to get it back to normal.

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