4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 48: normalization

This galaxy is slowly collapsing.

From the outside, this place looks like muddy water, all the scenery is constantly swaying, dispersing and re-merging.

This is the state that they are trying to adjust this area to the source of the void. Although it seems to be shaking very much, the tumblers in the galaxy have not been destroyed... at least not yet.

It will feel like an earthquake on the surface of each tumbler, but not quite enough to kill them outright.

And Lin is testing how to return to normal here.

Now the 'rules' of the void are in a very unstable state, and they seem to be changing all the time. According to Lin's current testing, Lin believes that the void has four states, one is biased towards the normal void, the other is towards the solidified void, and the other is It is biased towards the previous time when the void was still one, that is, the original state of the void, and the other is the state of merging the void.

Fusion Void is not the state of Void Origin, but a somewhat different situation from Void Origin. It is similar to smashing something and then piecing the pieces together. Although it looks very similar to the past, it is not exactly the past. That thing, in the process of merging, will be mixed with countless 'impurities'.

Of course, the situation of the void is actually a lot more complicated. In short, the fusion void is a brand new state, which can accommodate a lot of things. For example, various normal void creatures can still live well in the fusion void state.

And Void Origin Lin thinks that it may not be able to accommodate many current creatures.

Now the goal of these recording areas is to make the void return to the same state as the original source, and Lin feels that it is better to maintain the fusion void state according to the current detection results.

But what to do now? The more direct method is to defeat the things in the second recording area, but the war process will also cause a lot of damage to this galaxy, so the location of the battlefield should be farther away.

They distort this galaxy region to make it close to the original state of the void in some way, so Lin can also 'distort' it back through a similar method.

That is to say, just launch something special... a space bomb to be precise.

So, Lin first tested and fired one.

Now the surface of Gun Forest is being ravaged by various wonderful things, a large amount of 'black mud' is eroding the surface, the 'distortion group' in the void is absorbing and smashing various substances, and the vibration of the void is also affecting Gun Forest Ball.

The Ball of Guns was in a state of slow disintegration, and after an instant...most of the collapse stopped.

The 'distortion group' that was smashing everything in the void disappeared, and the continuous vibration stopped, but those black mud-like things continued to spread, but it was still easy to deal with them.

Just as Lin thought, the changes here can be twisted back, as long as they pass a kind of 'space bomb'.

That is, let a space with normal void rules come to the position of the gun forest ball, and then let this space explode, so that the surrounding distortion seems to stop and become a more normal state.

However, this is not actually an 'explosion', but opening many entrances and exits in this space, allowing the space to have an impact on the outside world.

And Lin has a lot of such spaces. As long as Lin opens a large number of entrances and exits of these spaces in the position of this galaxy...then this galaxy will return to normal.

Lin has some units near this galaxy that can control the space. These units look like some huge platforms from the outside. They are mainly space control devices. Lin can directly adjust the entrances and exits of many spaces to the whale dwellers through them. The location of the galaxy.

Soon, Lin saw the effect.

The changes in the void stopped, the swaying scenery that was like water waves became stable, and the earthquake felt on the Whale Dweller Tumbler became smaller and smaller.

It was indeed very effective. In addition to the disappearance of the distortion phenomenon, the things that came out of the second recording area were also affected differently.

Many things in the second recording area can only move in a specific void. Generally speaking, it seems to have an 'entity', and people like crystal thinkers can continue to move in the void.

And some more special things, such as the giant whale **** that appeared before, it did not completely disappear, but its activities in the void were restricted, not only became very slow, but the whole body was slowly collapsing In this state, Lin could easily defeat it, and the gun forest ball fired a long spear at it again. It didn't dodge, and it dissipated when it was pierced one after another.

As for other things, it disappears with the cessation of the distortion phenomenon.

So, Lin let the ball of guns continue to move forward, and Lin decided to repair the environment here, but Lin quickly noticed that the recording area seemed unwilling to give up this place.

It seems that the recording area is still unwilling to give up this place, only to see a thousand-kilometer-wide crack in the void, and a lot of twisted things pour out there.

What gushed out was similar to the scenery of the galaxy before, that is, starting from the position of the crack, the surrounding scenery seemed to be constantly oscillating, and this shock continued to spread to the distance.

It turned out to be so, it wanted to use a method similar to Lin, Lin used space to make this place back to normal, and it also used space to make this place continue to distort.

So Rin fired a lot of bombs at that rift.

In addition to shooting a lot of long spears from the gun forest ball, a large number of pure white spheres also flew into the void in the distance.

These pure white spheres are explosives made by Lin, each of them is hundreds of meters in size, and tens of thousands of them rushed towards the rift and exploded near the rift.

Under the successive explosions, the distortion spit out from the rift is also dissipating, and each explosion can restore the originally oscillating scenery to normal.

That's because the rift itself didn't spit out the 'distortion' directly, but released some things in the recording area, and then let them distort the surrounding void. As long as Lin blew up those things, the surrounding area would return to normal.

Before because whole galaxies everywhere were not so good to blow up by this method, but they are now much more concentrated and better to destroy.

But it should be able to be released without being concentrated in one place. Now the concentration may be because I want to quickly distort some areas in depth through this method, but it also allows Lin to blow them up better.

Under Lin's continuous bombardment, Lin discovered that there was something blocking Lin's explosives, and the artillery fire that flew from a distance intercepted some of Lin's spheres.

It was a huge fleet, which could be said to be larger than most of the civilized fleets that Lin had seen, and Lin was familiar with them.

It was the fleet from the first record area, and it seemed that most of them ran out and came here to support the second record area.

(End of this chapter)

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