4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 49: penetrate

A burst of brilliance flickered under the starry sky.

It was the brilliance of a huge fleet.

From the time crystal thinkers invaded this galaxy to now, the whale dwellers have finally become stable.

Although they have been desperate before, they are not so stable, because what appeared before were some strange and powerful forces, such as the storm that devastated the surface, or the huge force that devoured the whole world, and then the distortion of the void, Everything is shaking constantly.

Although very desperate, but also mixed with a lot of doubts, do not know what happened, why is it like this, many whale dwellers thought that all this was a dream.

Now, they saw their familiar battle scenes, the star-obscuring fleets, and the dense fireworks they fired.

Looking at this scene, they no longer have doubts, only pure, stable despair.

Compared with the things in the second recording area, obviously the things in the first recording area are more suitable for the current void, so directly letting them occupy this place should be the best after the space here is 'normal' by Lin. choose.

What's more amazing is that the species that Lin saw at first, including the will armor, did not participate in the battle, and a brand new fleet appeared here.

There are hundreds of thousands of them, most of them are ships ranging from hundreds of meters to several kilometers in size, but there are also some behemoths, such as those with a diameter of 300 kilometers, like a small tumbler of metal, and some long Up to tens of kilometers, a battleship similar to a minaret.

Generally speaking, even the individual biological civilizations that occupy several galaxies cannot build a fleet of this size, and the countless missiles they emit look more like a world that can wash over every whale dweller.

When the barrage that covered the starry sky arrived, the void was distorted again.

Similar to the previous situation, the scenery in the Whale Dweller galaxy began to distort. Some places converged to a point like a vortex, and there were also huge cracks, and some places became pitch black.

After a large barrage flew into the distorted void, a situation appeared. Some disappeared directly, some exploded in the void, and some lost their target and began to fly around. Only few successfully reached the surface of the whale dwellers.

These few arriving missiles instantly destroyed a large number of dilapidated buildings on the surface, but this was nothing compared to the previous damage.

This is similar to what Lin thought. If Lin can directly open some space entrances and exits with normal void rules here to normalize the entire area, then it can also open some space entrances and exits with less normal rules, causing distortions here.

In fact, opening space entrances and exits in other places will not have any effect on the void, but the range of the galaxies of the whale dwellers is somewhat different, and it is now very vulnerable to various influences.

When space is warped, it's hard for these missiles to hit anything successfully.

But Lynn noticed that some of the attacks were different.

'boom! 'A beam of light that penetrated the void directly hit the Whale Dweller's Land of Eternal Night. It was launched by a sphere with a diameter of 300 kilometers. This sphere is called the shadow of the sun, which is used by a civilization to destroy the rolling. weapon of the fighter.

The land of Eternal Night that was hit by it was first blasted out of a large pit of more than ten kilometers on the surface, and then all the surrounding matter continued to flow into the pit as if being attracted, turned into powder and dissipated. As the pit spreads bigger and bigger, it seems that the whole world will collapse into it soon.

There are actually three Shadows of the Sun, one after hitting the Land of Eternal Night, and the other two aiming at other Whale Dweller worlds.

But before they were designed, there were already many white spheres around them. These spheres were hundreds of meters in size, and they quickly slammed into the surface of the shadow of the sun.

Seeing this, a large number of surrounding warships immediately opened fire, and the surface of the ground that covered the sun like a smooth metal also cracked countless openings in an instant, and the dense rain of light blasted towards the incoming sphere.

The hit white sphere exploded instantly, turning into countless small white spheres.

And these relatively small spheres became even smaller under the impact of the surrounding warships, and finally became a large fog-like sphere, each only a few centimeters in size.

These fog-like spheres quickly dispersed, some of them drilled directly into the surrounding battleships, and some fell on the surface of the shadow of the sun.

They are unobstructed, and each sphere can fly right in through their outer shell.

In fact, these spheres are mainly small "space ships", which are essentially similar to Ershi's travel space. They are made by some cells in the miniature space.

Although they have entities, they are not directly contacted by things in the void, so they can penetrate various things and come to each other's interior.

Many of the surrounding battleships had quite a lot of crew inside, and they were very terrified when they found these things coming in, and tried to use various weapons to get rid of them.

And these spheres quickly flew to places like the engines of the battleships, which quickly failed or exploded.

What is more special is the shadow of the sun. This large-scale weapon itself has no ordinary passengers. It is full of automatic machines responsible for maintenance. When Lin's 'space ship' entered, they began to move quickly. Expands a space protection inside.

This kind of protection is more interesting, it can prevent the space from opening the entrance and exit here, that is, Lin's miniature arms cannot directly come out of the space ship and cause damage inside.

But the protection also prevented them from continuing to attack, and each shadow of the sun stopped attacking, and the whale dwellers on the other tumbling people were temporarily relieved.

At the same time, Lin also found a group of fleets appearing near Lin's... space control platform.

Lin mainly controls the space through this platform, whether it is to distort the space or precisely control the space ship.

This fleet consists of thousands of warships of 100 meters in size, and they poured countless firepower on the control platform the moment they appeared.

Lin's space platform did not move, but these missiles exploded directly when they approached, and they failed to hit the platform.

At the same time, a meteor shower appeared around the fleet and smashed at them, and these warships began to intercept the meteor shower, and few remained to continue attacking the platform.

However, suddenly a beam of light penetrated Lin's space platform, and Lin found that it was another... a shadow covering the sun.

Counting this one, there are already four, and Lin also confirmed something when it appeared.

In fact, from the start of the war to now... Lin has been conducting various tests, mainly testing the control over the space.

Lin now almost understands how much control these recording areas have.

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