4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 57: creatures of the past

These creatures are not common 'civilizations'.

From what Lin knew before, most of the creatures entering the 'Shadow of the Void' are individual biological civilizations, such as those described by the giant whale.

This is mainly because it is relatively easier for them to understand creatures similar to themselves. In addition, this shadow of the void seems to have a certain characteristic, and similar creatures are easier to contact... or to contact ruins similar to their own civilization.

In addition to those civilizations, many creatures have also entered here, such as some corpses found by Lin in this 'invisible zone'.

Lin could notice that they were the corpses of some kind of creature, because Lin had seen similar creatures in the void.

This kind of creature is called 'the ultimate experiencer' by Lin. It is a kind of interesting creature. Their shape is somewhat like a huge metal block shining with gold and silver light. They are usually several kilometers in size and like to touch each other very much. It's a very weak group of creatures... say a civilization that hasn't been able to fly into the void.

Although it has this behavior, it is basically harmless. After the "final experiencer" approaches a civilization, it will stay in a higher position and observe the civilization.

In fact, it is reading all the information of the civilization, including the various lives of each of them, their history and culture, etc., and then, it will in its own mind the life of each inhabitant of the civilization Experience it all.

Whether it is the residents at the bottom who are running for food, or the residents who live the most comfortable life at the top, the "final experiencers" will use their own brain simulations to experience their lives.

Of course, it has not actually seen the past of these individuals, but since it has collected all the information of the entire civilization, it can directly simulate what kind of life each individual has lived from birth to the present, although it is somewhat biased, but this The deviation is also small.

Its simulation speed is so fast that it can simulate a civilization with tens of billions of inhabitants in a few pom-pom years. After simulating the life of each inhabitant, it will leave to find new simulation objects.

What is the goal of the 'final experiencer' to do this? Where do they come from? Lin didn't know, and she didn't know it herself. They just kept experiencing the life of various biological groups. There was only this idea in her mind. In addition to civilization, they sometimes experienced some wild animal groups.

However, they are not completely harmless, or their observation is itself a hazard.

Because the 'final experiencer' is too obvious, sometimes the local civilization will use various methods to contact it, and even attack it. If it is attacked, it will destroy everything that comes to attack it, but it will not attack it without attacking it. , and then proceed to simulate the experience.

Sometimes when the local civilization strikes back, it will continue to attack it to exhaust its military strength, and finally try to escape the world in which it lives in the shadow of its terror. Some civilizations will accuse each other of the conspiracy, weapons and weapons. Threats and so on to start a war.

The 'Ultimate Experiencer' will not do anything. If the creatures below blow their world to scorched earth because of the war, then it will experience the apocalyptic life of these creatures.

The 'Ultimate Experiencer' doesn't touch anything that actually has the power to hurt it, so it's always safe.

When Lin roamed in the void, she saw many such wonderful creatures. They didn't know how they were born or where they came from, but they just followed a certain wonderful life pattern endlessly.

And these corpses that I see now... Lin thinks it should be the appearance of the final experiencer before 'evolution'.

Most of them are fragments of several meters in size, and their material structure is very similar to the shell of the final experiencer. At the same time, Lin also found some relatively complete structures, which are spheres with a body size of more than ten meters.

There are also some internal organs inside these spheres that remain intact.

The internal organs of the final experiencer seem to be mechanical devices, but most of them belong to the "brain", which is used to support its simulated experience system, and other structures only occupy a small space.

And the small corpses that Lin found here, they are very similar to the original version of the final experiencer, there is no weapon structure, only the organs and food processing systems used to observe the outside world, and then the brain.

Lin analyzed their brain structures carefully, and found that their simulation efficiency is much lower than that of the final experiencer, but it is indeed mainly used for simulation.

If it is really the 'original version' of the Ultimate Experiencer, it means that the Ultimate Experiencer was previously living in the pre-split void.

But it's not yet confirmed.

"This is..." At this time, the giant whale and the group of whale dwellers also came over.

In fact, the giant whale noticed the corpse here from a distance, but it just looked like it had never seen it before.

For things that have never been seen before, the giant whale takes a long time to parse, and now it seems to have finished parsing and come here.

And when it was about to say something, Lin suddenly found a huge object floating over in the distance.

The giant whale and the whale dwellers also noticed, and all the whale dwellers fled in a hurry, but this huge object just flew slowly over the sky, and after flying for a while, it landed more than ten kilometers away.

This thing looks to be a hemispherical metal with a diameter of more than 300 meters. Because it is also floating very slowly, it is considered to be well preserved.

Lin then asked some spies to approach this hemisphere to investigate. There were many cracks on its surface. Lin asked the spy to sprinkle a large number of micro-arms into it for investigation. Lin found that there were many... 'primitive experiencers'.

It was exactly the same as the corpses Lin found before, but not all of them were corpses. Lin noticed that some of them were alive.

Lin approached the living ones and checked their internal conditions. These primitive experiencers seem to have been running some kind of experience simulation in their brains, but they are not experiencing the life of a certain creature, but experiencing... a ruin life'.

To be precise, it is to experience yourself as a phantom ruin floating in the shadow of the void, and then experience what you have encountered, such as encountering various creatures that come to the ruins.

Although the ruins they simulate are very large, the actual requirements for brain structure are not as high as quickly simulating the life of each inhabitant of the entire civilization, so only the 'primitive' brain can be simulated at a slower speed. A ruined encounter.

And after examining the brains of these primitive experiencers, Lin discovered a special place.

That is, those phantom ruins should not be made by the 'Void Shadow', but something else, and the purpose of their existence is to have some effect on the Void Shadow.

Lin felt that it should be to prevent the shadow of the void from continuing to grow.

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