4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 58: disappear

"...The target disappeared."

The giant whale and the whale dwellers, as well as some of Lin's spies... are walking in the darkness.

Not long ago, Lin and them found a lot of 'primitive experiencers' in a huge hemispherical object in the 'invisible zone'. After some research, the giant whale decided to transform this hemisphere with many primitive experiencers. into an aircraft so they can ride it away.

This is not very difficult for a giant whale, because it quickly understands the structure of this thing through 'observation', it is indeed an aircraft, and the damage itself is not very high, and this aircraft is also a whale dweller Repairable.

So under the command of the giant whale, the whale residents moved out a large number of original experiencers, and then repaired various internal systems, mainly flying, and built some cabins. As for the giant whale itself, it was too The big one couldn't get in, so it sat directly on the aircraft.

After everything was ready, the whale dweller started the aircraft and flew out of the invisible zone.

Generally speaking, the creatures that fall into the invisible zone do not have any vehicles to fall in, so it is difficult to escape, but if there is such an aircraft or something, they can still fly out.

And after flying out of the invisible zone, the giant whales quickly noticed a problem...that they lost their way.

This position was originally not far from the ruins of the giant whale. When it flew out, it also flew in the direction of returning. After leaving, it found that it could not detect the location of the ruins.

Because there are miniature troops floating in the surrounding air, Lin is very clear why. In fact, this invisible zone began to change its position not long after it sucked them in. Some of it seemed to be teleporting. somewhere far away.

It is also because of this transposition that they encounter the hemispherical aircraft with the original experiencer.

The giant whale had nothing to hide. After it told the whale dwellers that they got lost, it really caused a panic among the whale dwellers, and the giant whale told them that the aircraft had the original positioning system, that is, it did not control it to let it go. Using the positioning system to automate the aircraft, it should be able to reach a normal place.

Generally speaking, it should be a ruin or something. Although it is not going back, it is probably a place with sufficient resources.

So in the case of no other way, the whale resident had to start the automatic positioning system.

At the moment of startup, the aircraft suddenly shook violently, and after a few seconds, a wonderful scenery appeared around the aircraft.

The place looks like a pure white bright space, in stark contrast to the dark area before.

And there are many disc-shaped objects with a diameter of about one kilometer floating around. These objects are also white. After the aircraft came here, it slowly landed on a disc, and then stopped moving.

"What the **** is this place..."

The giant whale was quite surprised by the performance here. It climbed down from the aircraft and landed on the disc with weak gravity to look around.

The whale occupants in the aircraft have been staying inside, watching the situation outside through the screen.

At this time, Lin noticed that something flew over in the distance.

This thing is a giant whale that looks almost exactly like... a giant whale.

It's just that it's also white, and occasionally flickers like a phantom. When it floats in front of the giant whale, it says in the giant whale's 'language': "Not recorded, recording..."

"..." The giant whale just looked at it and didn't do anything.

After a few seconds, Lin found that the giant whale and this 'phantom giant whale' were approaching each other, the two sides slowly merged together, and disappeared after a violent flash.

"They...what's the matter?"

The whale dwellers in the aircraft were completely at a loss when they saw this situation, and as for Lin... they didn't quite know what was going on.

But in general, we can know something, this is related to the brain of the giant whale. The brain of the giant whale itself is a very wonderful existence, similar to a distorted space, and the phantom also has a similar 'brain' inside.

As they approached each other, there seemed to be some kind of resonance that caused the two to come together and then disappear.

Lin didn't know why they had such a result. Although Lin had many miniature troops on this giant whale, after they disappeared, these miniature troops were all left in place.

And after a short while, a new situation occurred, and a large number of squares appeared where the giant whale disappeared.

These squares were all a few meters in size. After they appeared, they slowly fell to the platform. Lin found that as long as she approached these squares, she could receive some signals.

This is exactly the same language that giant whales used to communicate before, that is, some signals that can be directly transmitted to the brain.

It seems that the giant whale wants to talk to the whale dwellers through this after being teleported away, but these blocks do not teach them how to leave here, but a lot of information... mainly about this place.

This pure white area is a 'management point', so to speak, it is an area used to manage and observe all the phantom ruins.

Lin had previously investigated the original tracker's simulation system and learned that the phantom ruins were not created by the "Void Shadow", but there were no more details in the original tracker's brain.

Here, we can learn from these materials... The Phantom Ruins are essentially a relatively special civilization.

This civilization is called 'Survivor'.

It is said that the species of this civilization have already perished, but their "ideas" have not perished, and they have continued for a very long time in some way.

This way is actually ruins.

Many civilizations in the past have the experience of building long-distance space tunnels, and the space tunnels they build are not necessarily 'new', sometimes used by other civilizations, and even some civilizations are found by accident. Space entrance, and found some space technology-related materials in it to create a space tunnel.

The 'survivor' civilization continues through ruins, and the ruins of their civilization are often found in some spaces suitable for tunnels, attracting civilizations that discover this space to explore them, and then obtain technical information from them.

But there are some special things buried in these ruins. They will slowly 'erode' the civilization that came to explore, use this civilization to keep themselves, and then wait for others to bury in the ruins after the civilization perishes. The arrival of civilization.

Therefore, they are called "survivors", and the main purpose of this civilization is to prevent the growth of the shadow of the void.

(End of this chapter)

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