It seems... the shadow of the void makes the void begin to 'split'.

At that time, the shadow of the void was slowly sinking into the depths of the void, and this process caused the void to separate in different directions.

Survivor civilizations think so, a process they call separation, during which it is said that the 'essence' of the void moves in different directions.

Under the investigation of the survivors, they found that it was mainly caused by the shadow of the void, and the 'sinking' of the shadow of the void would slowly divide the void.

It feels like the shadow of the void has formed a huge rift, and the essence of the void is something that is in a state of activity, and as they pass through this rift, part of the essence is left on one side, and another part goes to the other. aside.

Although this crack does not cut the entire void, the process of its sinking will separate the void.

Lin was very interested in this, but the giant whale did not describe the details.

This is a very slow process, and the effect is small, but since the shadows of the void are growing, the survivors calculate that it will have a big impact on the void.

To slow down this effect is to prevent the shadow of the void from sinking, and this method is mainly to keep it in contact with the void.

The survivors at this time are mainly intelligent machines operating in different ruins, and they have customized the whole plan by connecting with each other.

The first step is to pull other civilizations into the shadow of the void in various ways.

Although the shadow of the void at that time had no access to the void, the survivors could still keep in touch with the void. In fact, some survivor machines were in the ruins of the void outside, not all of them were in the ruins of the tunnel. .

The machines in different locations have some way of getting in touch, so they can get a general idea of ​​the void.

So they started the 'Phantom Ruins' plan that Lin is now familiar with.

But they didn't think of creating phantom ruins in the first place, but to find a way to open the entrance and exit to the shadow of the void, and then get the things outside.

No matter what it is, as long as more things in the void go in, they think that it will not continue to sink, so at first, with the cooperation of the survivors inside and outside, they established some 'doors'.

This kind of 'door' is a little different from the usual space entrances and exits. It cannot be opened all the time and needs to be charged to start. The things that can be sent each time are limited, and the size of the things sent is related to the energy stored in the 'door'.

The survivors sent a lot of things in through this kind of door, most of which are floating objects that are more common in the void, such as rocks or something, but after multiple transmissions, they found that there was no great effect.

At first, the survivors just thought that the things that were sent were too small and too small, and then they tried to get bigger things, such as a star or something, but they didn't actually send a star in, because before getting something that big, They discovered that something special had an effect.

That was... some creatures of the time.

When survivors send things from the void into the shadow of the void, they will occasionally affect some creatures in the void, and they find that some creatures can weakly move the shadow of the void closer to normal.

The 'sinking state' of the shadow of the void is generally speaking more and more sinking into the 'darkness' of the void, and the recovery is in turn returning to the original ordinary space.

Through research, it is found that this seems to be related to the brains of these creatures. Some biological brains seem to have a connection with a very distant place when they grow and mature. After they enter the shadow of the void, this connection is still not interrupted. This kind of Contact also allows Void Shadows to slowly return to normal space.

Lin felt that this 'somewhere far away' might be an unforeseen place.

Non-biological things do not have this effect. At least the survivors did not find it. At the same time, not all biological brains have this kind of 'connection'. As far as they were found at the time, the brains of ordinary civilized creatures have this kind of 'connection'. This connection is relatively common.

Of course, the effect of a small number of creatures is very weak, and it is actually impossible to prevent the shadow of the void from sinking, so the survivors tried to capture a large number of creatures into the shadow of the void at that time.

But they soon discovered that a large number of creatures could not solve the problem, mainly because these creatures used a 'connection channel' to connect to a distant place. When a large number of creatures were together, they would not speed up the recovery of the shadow of the void, only It will only occupy this channel together.

Survivors believe that what they mainly do is to strengthen and expand this connection channel, although it is connected to "somewhere far away", it will also bring the shadow of the void back to normal.

So the survivors gave up using the creatures at the time, and tried to build various devices to detect how the brains of these creatures used this connection channel to connect to that distant place.

Then they began to imitate the biological brain and began to conduct research. After a series of tests, they finally determined the construction plan of the phantom ruins.

In short, the best way to strengthen the channel is to keep the creature in a state for a long time.

That is a state of 'death and rebirth'. Simply put, after a civilization is destroyed, a small number of creatures begin the process of rebuilding civilization, and the connection between their brains and somewhere far away can reach the strongest state.

It's not clear why.

Survivors also found that the connection strength of different creatures is also different. After calculation, they finally decided to design many ruins.

These ruins are built according to different civilizations, and in short, they are very close to these civilizations.

Then use special technology to create 'phantoms', which is what Lin knew before, so that these ruins float around some civilizations, but only when the civilization is really going to die can they be touched, and then it is to put them as a whole Teleport into the shadow of the void.

After entering, the ruins themselves will start to copy the creatures riding on them, that is, these creatures die for some reason, and they will be constructed again. Of course, the memory and so on are also copied according to the original.

These ruins were originally designed to keep these creatures under reconstruction, by design they would continue to rebuild until the Void Shadow returned to normal, and as long as the Void Shadow did not recover, they would not complete the rebuild.

The original design was like this, but it seems that something has happened behind it.

Just like there are creatures that can pull the shadow of the void to normal, there are creatures that can make the shadow of the void sink faster.

(End of this chapter)

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