4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 9 Chapter 61: new creature

There is a class of creatures called 'Shadow Creatures'.

They actually include many kinds of creatures, and there is usually no great relationship between different species, but one thing in common...they make the shadow of the void sink faster.

When survivors capture other civilization creatures, they will occasionally find some such creatures. As long as they have a sinking effect, they are collectively referred to as shadow creatures.

Compared with the civilized creatures that can restore the shadow of the void to normal, most of the shadow creatures are non-intelligent species, and they are often some wild animals in the area where the local civilization lives.

And the most important thing is that the survivors have no way of investigating why the shadow creatures make the shadow of the void 'sink' faster.

Like the civilized creatures that restore the shadows of the void because they are connected somewhere far away, and the shadow creatures don't seem to have any reason.

So for these creatures, the survivors deal with them directly.

It was easy to deal with initially, the creatures were so weak that they were easy to kill.

But then some more peculiar shadow creatures appeared.

These creatures are not accidentally caught by survivors, or even from outside, they are a 'native creature'.

At least the survivors did not find them coming from the outside world, and at the same time they also believed that the creature was born in the shadow of the void.

This kind of creature does not have an 'evolutionary order' from small to large, but has a variety of body types from the beginning.

For example, the "invisible zone" that Lin and the giant whale encountered before was also considered by the survivors to be one of the creatures born in the shadow of the void.

The Invisible Zones were a little different when they were first discovered by survivors than they are now. They mainly destroyed the ruins the survivors made, and sucked the creatures above to their surface and trapped them.

They will be trapped in the Invisible Zone for a long time, but they will not die. The Invisible Zone will keep them alive, and they will slowly start to "transform" and become another kind of creature when they stay in this place.

This creature is called the Invisible Shadow, and just like the name, it looks like a shadow.

They... don't seem to make any sense, they continue to wander the Invisibility Zone, then slowly get smaller and smaller and disappear.

And after these creatures are transformed into this shadow state, they are already shadow creatures, and they can make the shadow of the void sink faster.

So, the survivors began to attack the Invisible Zone.

They used a variety of methods, including the most direct bombing of the Invisible Zone, and they also tried to kill it by throwing various space-adjusting devices on the Invisible Zone.

Their attacks are effective, and after an event, survivors wipe out numerous Invisibility Zones, which still pop up occasionally.

At the same time, survivors also found that the new invisible zone is becoming more and more 'mild', and the latest one will no longer attack the ruins.

So they turned their attention to other... shadow creatures.

At that time, many shadow creatures were born, and one of them was the 'final experiencer' that Lin was familiar with.

The ultimate experiencers were first born from surveillance, that is, the system that survivors use on the ruins to monitor the civilizations above.

These monitoring systems themselves also have a certain degree of intelligence. They will always observe and record the situation of civilized creatures on the ruins. At the same time, they also have the power to modify some areas of the ruins. The main reason is that they must keep the ruins... always the ruins.

And at some point, these systems suddenly liked playing 'playing games'.

The monitoring system begins to imagine that he is a certain creature, and then what kind of life will he lead.

Survivors also stumbled upon these ideas from the surveillance system. At first they didn't care, but later found that similar situations occurred in the surveillance systems of many ruins.

There are also some monitoring systems that have specially started to modify their own systems in order to better imagine, and have added and manufactured a lot of parts that are not related to monitoring, so that they can better simulate the life of a certain creature.

What they try to play are generally civilized species living on the ruins, sometimes wild animals they brought in, and some completely imaginary creatures.

The surveillance system can imagine various environments and what the creatures are like through the descriptions of the places where they have lived.

Through continuous adjustment and transformation, the monitoring system finally creates a 'brain' specially designed for experience and simulation, which can completely simulate the living conditions of a creature and various environments.

The monitoring system soon discovered the limitations of this brain, because no matter how they imagined it, they could only imagine playing objects based on the creatures they had observed, and there was no way to imagine a completely new creature and living environment out of thin air.

As a result, these monitoring systems let the 'brain' fly to other ruins to observe other creatures to obtain more information for performance purposes.

But there are some brains... they never came back after they were released.

They became a kind of shadow creatures, began to wander in the shadow of the void, and gained some ability to think for themselves, turning into small intelligent machines.

Originally, they didn't have this kind of function, but after being released, various abilities were miraculously added.

But their main goal has remained the same, that is, to observe civilized creatures, and then act in their own minds.

Of course, these brains are no longer going to report to the monitoring system, they are now completely playing the role-playing game by themselves.

When the survivors discovered this, they wanted to destroy the surveillance system and the brains they created, but they suddenly wanted to conduct a test.

These brains themselves are considered shadow creatures, and their large numbers make the shadow of the void sink faster, but since they are created creatures with a small number of digits, they are relatively easy to understand, so they began to grab these 'brains' for experiments.

Because the invisible zone can transform civilization creatures into shadow creatures, so they feel that their brains can also become non-shadow creatures.

During the course of their research, survivors quickly discovered that these 'brains' were indeed capable of changing, slowly becoming less shadowy as they played more, and eventually even leaving shadow creatures altogether.

Although they are born with a 'shadow' effect, it is their natural habit to get rid of shadows.

And survivors have also discovered that these brain-playing behaviors may be more capable of monitoring civilized creatures than the original surveillance system...

So they removed the original monitoring system and carried out a series of brain modifications. The final result is the version that Lin is seeing now, which is the 'primitive experiencer'. They will mainly experience the 'life of a ruin' '.

In addition to these relatively easy to deal with creatures, there are also some shadow creatures that are difficult to deal with.

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