4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 216: a city that leads to the abyss

“Where did this come from?” Lin squeezed into the group of white dragons in front. The group of white dragons continued to discuss around a special color creature. The creature is now lying on the ground and seems to have died.

This thing is a brain-cress, I didn't expect it to appear here, but listening to the surrounding Bailonglong discussion, they seem to be the first time I saw this creature.

"Who wants to buy it! This thing is what we caught! The whole one only sells three hundred shells! It is enough for you to eat seven days and nights!" There are five white dragons around the body of the brain-creating, selling, but The white dragons around them obviously don't want to buy this seemingly weird creature.

These white dragons know this too, so the shells are especially small, if they are at least two thousand shells with the fish of the same weight.

"Where did you find this creature?" Lynn stepped forward and asked a white dragon named for sale.

Bai Xiaolong said loudly: "I won't say it, this new discovery is our chance to get a shell!"

They will get a lot of shells called 'shells', which feels quite weird.

But after saying this sentence aloud, the Bai Xiaolong whispered to Lin: "The sentence just said to my companion, they don't want to reveal the location, but I am different. Look at our relationship, you Give me ten shells and I will tell you where to find them."

Looking at this white dragon, Lin felt that this was really a good way to make a shell... Thinking, Lin directly took out ten shells for it, and immediately said: "This is found on the coast, and it was dead when it was discovered. It’s gone."

That is to say, the brain-building blame is running from the sea, and indeed it should go there to see it.

"You give me ten shells. I can take you there..." I didn't wait for the white dragon to finish. Lin turned and left.

It is still far from the sea. But Lynn can take a special 'transportation'.

In the middle of the night, the dragon is still coming, and in the noisy dragon group, some white dragons ride on the huge dragons in the dragon group.

In fact, the big dragons are often used in the creatures raised by the white dragons. They are usually used as riding things, but the big dragons have too many shells for the white dragons, so only a few white dragons have their own. Big dragon.

However, apart from being completely self-owned, there are some that are 'public'. Some of them are not only used to ride themselves. It is used to take other white dragons to earn a shell.

Lin found a white dragon that rode a big dragon. After discussing it with it, it decided to go to the beach with a ten-shelled Lin.

This is obviously much easier than buying a big dragon.

Lin’s spy rides behind it, and the big dragon begins to move on the road. Although it is not fast because of the crowding, but because it is very easy, and it is still faster than walking, many white dragons like to ride this big cockroach. Dragon.

"Come on, here is." After arriving at the beach, Bai Xiaolong left on the big dragon. When Lin looked at the sea, she saw a very wonderful scene...

Here is located on a slope. This is true of the entire coastal terrain. The slopes extend from the heights into the sea, and the same is true of the buildings of the Bailulong. They are built from the heights of the city and have been extended to the sea...

At first it seems that these buildings are like being submerged by the sea, but in fact it is not the case. There are many white dragons that walk directly into the sea. They look like they live in the sea...

Lin certainly has to go down and have a look.

The coast here is mainly rock and sand, but on the rock, there are a lot of buildings like the city above. The Bailongs are still doing business here, and the main road of Baijilong extends directly into the sea. There are many white dragons. Follow this path into the sea...

Do they have a part of living in the water? It is no wonder that the white dragons that you see are very likely to swim.

Thinking, Lin also followed the road that led directly to the sea and went to the water. When the spy's body was completely immersed in the sea, Lin saw almost the same picture as on the land.

A large number of houses and buildings have been built along the slopes of the sea to the bottom of the sea. They are directly standing in the seaweed group on the seabed, and the structure and specifications are almost exactly the same as those on the land. The difference is that there is nothing between them. The road, and the white dragons in the water, of course, are not on the 'ground,' but swim around like fish.

Looking at the progress in front of him, Lin thought that the so-called 'sea king' lived in a castle in the sea? No wonder it is called Sea King, and Lin began to think that it was living by the sea.

Here, there is no white dragon to buy and sell, they swim around to try to catch the fish in the water, and some are pulling the seaweed, Lin found that many seaweeds are arranged neatly, it is estimated that they are specially planted.

But there is a problem, that is, the white dragon does not lick this organ, they can not breathe in the water, so every time they need to go to the water to change the air.

But why do they want to build buildings in the water?

However, this group of white dragons did live in the water in the building... Before Lin traveled to a larger building, the building had no doors, and it was seen that there was a transparent film at the entrance to the building.

After this film, it is an interior space filled with air, and you can see some white dragons resting in the building.

This film seems to be constructed of a very sticky thing. It is used to retain the air in the building. This is quite wonderful. In fact, Lin also saw a creature named 'Water Spider'. A similar 'water balloon', but how did this group of white dragons do it? And how do they replenish the gas?

However, this does allow them to live in the sea. If you find the sea king, it will definitely solve various problems.

Lin walked slowly in the city in the sea. Almost all building houses were like this. They used this special mucus to trap the air inside, which allowed the white dragon to live in the water, but Lin never saw it. How do they make this mucus?

The city of Baijilong has been extended to the deeper seas, but perhaps because of the deep relationship, the deeper the movement, the less and more white dragons around the activity.

After swimming for a while, Lin could see a huge building in the distance, it was built on the edge of a trench... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the origami hand ~ the monthly ticket ~

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