4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 217: Shouchenger

Here is the world of water, seaweeds, stone houses, white silhouettes and fish swimming between this wonderful underwater city.

Although there are no roads in the city, the arrangement of each house is still neat. In addition to the ordinary houses where the white dragons live, there are some very special buildings. For example, under the spy, there is a round pillar. There is also a statue on it.

The statue is a white dragon holding a three-pointed spear, wearing a strangely shaped armor, and writing on the base below: 'Where to commemorate our great King of Alaska in the war with the sea devil The outstanding contribution, I hope its soul is still here, and always protect the peace of the city of the sea. ’

In fact, there is this statue everywhere. The so-called 'King of Yalass', Lynn saw its story in the library, mainly because it has a wonderful weapon that can be used to summon lightning and let the waves Rolling, it used this weapon to defeat a monster from the sea and saved the city of Bailulong...

Bai Xiaolong really likes to do this kind of thing, but they mainly like to think of the imaginary worship as exactly the same as their own, rather than the various forms like the emerald dragon, this is quite special.

Perhaps there are more dangers in the sea, they only stand up to protect the surrounding security, but they also understand that this statue has no practical use, so there are still many soldiers here.

But it is not easy to rely on the guards alone, because the dangers may come from everywhere, and the white dragons tend to raise a creature to protect them.

Now, the spy has just swam through a 'seabed farm' that raises this creature.

This place called the farm looks like a big stone cage. There are many creatures in the cage called ‘Small Shell Shrimp’ that are active...

At the same time, the shellfish is also the creature that makes the bubbles needed by the white dragon. The spy swam over the cage. I can see some bubbles sticking to the ground and filled with oval eggs.

At this time, there is a white dragon that opens the door of the cage. This white dragon has a group of seaweed in its hand, which contacts the seaweed with the air bubbles, and the bubble sticks to the seaweed.

At this time, it took out the eggs inside the bubble, stuffed it into other bubbles nearby, and finally it left the bubbles stuck on the seaweed and then left.

This bubble is used to supplement the air in the house. The blister shrimp will make this special bubble, the outer shell of the bubble is wrapped in a large amount of sticky material, and the inside is filled with oxygen. Generally, the shell shrimp use this bubble to put their eggs.

Their behavior is very wonderful. The general aquatic limbs will return to the water to lay eggs, while the shellfish will put their eggs in the air, which probably prevents some marine parasites.

However, their behavior was also discovered and utilized by Baijilong to create an underwater house. The viscous material of the shellfish is very stable, and the bubbles will not explode as long as the force is not too strong.

At the same time, the shellfish is also a large creature with a body shape of up to three meters. Lynn thinks they come from creatures like Bronde, and they don't attack the white dragon. I don't know why, but Bai Haolong can't command them, but as long as they are released, they will be everywhere in Bai's houses and cities. They will automatically protect the safety of Bailong City, which is more dangerous to others. Sea creatures are quite hostile.

Therefore, in this sea city, you can see squirting shrimps sloshing everywhere, while the white dragons will drive some shrimps in the breeding season to the 'farm' to collect bubbles.

Presumably, the establishment of a city in the sea has a lot to do with these shrimps. The main reason why Baijilong wants to live in the water should be related to the plague fungus. The white dragons accidentally discovered that the fungus was afraid of seawater, so they became quite like water.

They should have been active in the water for a long time. Lin is now more than a hundred meters away from the water, but they can still move freely at this depth, presumably their lungs can withstand some pressure.

The castle that Lynn wants to travel is in a deeper place.

It stands beside a trench. The style of the castle is almost identical to that of the city on the land. It is a square castle, but it is slightly smaller, about 50 meters high, and its width is 300. Around the meter, even if I look at it from a distance, Lin feels that this is an amazing building...

It's hard to imagine how long it took for Bai Haolong to build this huge castle underwater.

And how was it made? There should be no way to glue stones in the water. Those smaller buildings are easier, just stack them with stones, or slowly build them with a large stone, and how the giant castle is built. ?

Before the spy had arrived at the castle, the spy slowly landed in front of the gate. There were no houses around it, only a lot of gravel and a variety of marine plants.

There are many glowing fish swimming around the spies, as if they are very curious about the spies, and Lynn is very curious about the castle...

Its gate is very small, only a little more than two meters, there is no large door on the land, but although small but very many, a large number of small doors are filled with the bottom of the castle wall, which makes Lin some unclear Which door to enter.

Or are these doors all connected?

Lin is close to a door and puts her hand on the stone door that is covered with tiny algae. This feeling...is not a normal stone, but a...shell material? This is the coral's shell!

Linden was a little surprised, not only the door, the surrounding walls, maybe the entire castle was made up of coral shells...

Was there a huge coral here, and then the emerald dragon made it into a castle? But this large castle is really unlikely to be stacked with scattered coral bones.

But there are no corals in the vicinity, and why do the corals grow on the edge of the trench and grow so big?

This kind of question is not very good than the information. In any case, this coral should have died long ago, and Bai Haolong just took advantage of its skeleton...

‘咕...’ At the time of Lin’s thought, the spy suddenly heard a low voice... When the sound was heard, the surrounding small fish escaped in an instant.

It feels like a dangerous creature is about to appear...

Lin looked up, there was the direction of the sound coming out, I saw a giant creature lying on the wall, its eyes were staring at the spy.

Lynn found that this creature is somewhat like a crocodile, but it is more slender, some like a new type of reptile 'snake', this kind of creature, but it also has thick and strong limbs with giant claws, and it The head is somewhat like a large carnivorous dinosaur with a flattened tail.

The shape of this creature is very suitable for swimming in the water, and its shape is quite large, about 25 meters in length, is a giant marine carnivorous creature.

Moreover, it looks like a reptile. In addition to the crocodile, Lin is the first to see giant reptiles in the sea.

However, this creature seems to have great hostility towards the spy. Its eyes are closely staring at the spy. This is not a general hunting. The creature hunting will hide this kind of **, but it does not The release of scruples seems to be simply trying to kill the spy...

why? Does the spy and it have some kind of hatred? Obviously impossible, and the spy is too small for it, it is also impossible to eat spies...

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the creature opened his mouth, and a huge amount of bubbles suddenly ejected from its mouth. The spy suddenly felt a heat wave rushing in front of him. This bubble... is it hot?

The spy slammed, then turned and swam toward the rear, avoiding the attack of this large bubble.

At this time, the creature rushed over, and Lin noticed that the way it swims is like the usual fish, which is usually swinging left and right, but the speed is very fast, and the huge body instantly rushes from the top of the castle. On the ground, a strong impact on the seabed ignited a large amount of dust.

And this creature was not affected by the dust, it quickly found the spy hidden in the dust, and rushed over here.

It seems to have some kind of detection ability, it may rely on smell or something else, but Lin believes that this creature does not have the ability to breathe in the water, it needs to breathe on the water.

The spy swam quickly toward the heights. This creature also followed. The spy was very fast in the water. It was not comparable to the average white dragon, but the creature was approaching at a faster speed, but it was about to When it touched the spy, it suddenly turned to swim back and then squatted at the top of the castle.

This seems very strange...

Thinking, Lin let the spy swim closer, and the creature suddenly looked up and looked at the spy with hostility. The spy swam away and it went back...

It feels like guarding this castle. This is really interesting. Does it have anything to do with the ‘Sea King’ inside? Or just simply use it as a site? It is no wonder that there are no houses in the surrounding area, but how can other white dragons enter the castle?

Anyway, it’s easy for Lynn to go in. The spy only needs to change color to get close to the castle.

Although this creature can find spies in the dust, but the discolored spy approached but did not respond at all, the spy casually pushed a door under the castle and walked into the castle. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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