4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 218: Water castle

The castle in the sea... Lin has always imagined that the castle may be filled with all kinds of wonderful landscapes, such as seagrass, full of glowing corals and fishes with beautiful colors, but come in After that, I found out that this is far from the imagination...

After entering the door, Lin found that it was a dark and narrow tunnel filled with water, and some creatures such as sea anemones and trilobites were slowly crawling around.

Nothing else, there are cracks around the passage, and it feels like it has been abandoned.

Is it because of the giant creature outside, so no white dragon can come in here, and eventually the entire city is abandoned? The king is not here but fled to other places?

If this is the case, it will be very troublesome to find it, but first investigate the castle first...

For the creature outside, Lin also did some simple investigations, in fact, releasing a small eyeball to observe its body.

Originally thought it originated from the crocodile and other creatures, but after careful observation, it found that its scales are very similar to the creatures like the dragon.

And there are two very short limbs behind it. It should be useless. It looks like it is degraded. So, this creature is really related to the dragon. Only the creatures of the dragon have three pairs. Limb.

And its long body shape is also suitable for the dragon.

This is called Hailong. Now, Lin has discovered two dragon subspecies. The sea dragon here. There are also ribs that belong to this category of 'six limbs'. But the gap between them is very big, I don't know when it started to separate.

However, the sea dragon and the dragon are still relatively close, and all three creatures have the same characteristics, which will spray high temperature objects.

The sea dragon may synthesize a substance in the body to boil the sea water and then eject it. This attack feels so beautiful without flames, but it is still fatal, so this ability has not been degraded.

I don’t know how the sea dragon’s population is now. It shouldn’t be as small as the dragon...

Thinking about it. The spy also walked a long way. Lin found that there was a step up in front of him. The ladder was covered with a creature called a sea urchin, and there were traces of cracking everywhere. It felt like I had not taken care of it for a long time.

As Lin walked up the ladder, she suddenly saw a layer of things on the top. When she was close, she poked her hand and found that it was the kind of mucus layer made by the shell shrimp...

After passing through the mucus layer, the spy reached a space full of air.

It turns out that there is still air here? Then say that it may not be abandoned, but it must be filled with such a big castle. I don't know how many bubbles are needed.

The place where the spy is standing now is also a long corridor, but it is totally different from the one just now. The ground is covered with a layer of white sand, and on both sides of the corridor are white stone-shaped statues of the white dragon guards. They look quite clean and should be cleaned by Bai Qilong.

Although it is said to be nautical, there should be no dust.

There are also some biological activities, some small arthropods crawling up and down the ground, and some clawfish and starfish climbed onto the statue, adding special colors to the place.

The rooms here are not one after the other like the castle on the land. Lin walked for a long time before seeing a room, and it was empty.

And because there is no light here, the spy needs to shine by himself to observe the surrounding environment. In addition to the statue, there are some slate paintings on the wall, all of which are painted with a white dragon's face...

Will they not draw something interesting?

"You can't draw something interesting?" When Lin thought about it, she suddenly heard the sound, just in the room ahead.

The door was closed, and there was light shining inside. The spy came to the door and saw a group of white dragons inside. There were some braziers around, and the light emitted by them illuminated them, in the room, one Bai Xiaolong shouted there, and there were a lot of white dragons around him squatting on the stone table on the stone table.

"It’s time to admire the 'Wood Spirit'. You have to draw something very beautiful and gorgeous. Look at what you are painting!" This white dragon suddenly grabbed another painting. Bai Yanlong said: "I asked you to paint the forest, why did you draw a pile of mud? Redraw!" It said that it grabbed the slate and slammed it to the ground to smash it.

The white dragon, which was smashed by it, had extreme anger and dissatisfaction, but it did not show it. It picked up a slate and slowly painted it.

So, there are still living white dragons here, so they are not abandoned, but what are they doing? What is the cause of worshipping the wood spirit?

"Our king will come to test soon!" The white dragon who had been painting before shouted: "You must be prepared to draw the best painting. If the king is not satisfied, you will become... Wang? How? Will it be so fast?"

When the white dragon suddenly shouted, he saw the spy at the door. It suddenly burst into surprise.

"Wang?" The spy looked around in confusion, but there was no white dragon next to it.

"Why didn't you notice in advance? You see that we haven't painted yet..." The white dragon came up with a respectful expression and said, "And now, when it is not yet, you should wait a second..."

king? Does it refer to spies? Right... Is it that?

The spy now looks like a white dragon. It is not exactly what it looks like, but Lin made it according to a slate painted white dragon. The slate is mainly used to record the slate of the great characters of the past. A model that has created a spy, is it just the king of the present?

But this just happened to ask it, and thought, Lin asked: "What are you doing here to paint this?"

Lin asked, this white dragon looked at the spy with a very strange expression, but it quickly said: "Wang, have you forgotten? At this time, we have to express regret for the 'wood spirit'. ”

“Why should you confess to the ‘wood spirit’?”

Asked here, the expression of this white dragon is even more weird, but it is still ready to say, but suddenly another sound is heard.

"What happened here?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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