4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 219: Wood spirit

"What happened here?"

When Lynn’s spy heard the voice, she immediately turned around and saw a long, white spy, who was exactly the same as the spy, standing behind, and with some guards wearing strange armor.

This white dragon... Is it the king of the sea? Look at it like it should be, when they came over, Lynn already felt it, but did not look at it.

"Oh..." Just now, Bai Xiaolong looked at the spy and Haiwang in surprise: "Is there two kings?"

The king looked at the spy in confusion: "Who are you? Why do dragons who don't know come here?"

Don't know the dragon? Has this king not seen his own appearance? Forget it, if this is the case, then leave.

In the next moment, the spy disappeared in front of the group of white dragons.

All the white dragons suddenly became shocked, and the sea king shouted in panic: "What happened? Where did it go? It must have been used to escape! Come and find it! Never let the dragon come in here! ”

"Hey!" All the white dragon guards around immediately dispersed, they examined the back of the statue separately, and the room where the white dragon painted.

Of course, they can't see anything. The stealth ability of the spies is very good. Lin also knocked on the armor of these guards. Their materials are different from the cyan armor worn by the guards on the ground.

The armor on the ground is mainly constructed by melting a mixed stone at a high temperature. Lin sees the relevant manufacturing methods in their library. In general, the stone is used instead of the shell. .

They also make things in this way, depending on the purpose of the creation. The various ingredients inside are different. However, the weapons and armor they make are not very strong.

And like a purgatory worm. As well as Lin's pioneers, they also obtained the shells made of stone from the depths of the earth. These shells are characterized by extremely high hardness. Lin once wanted to use the meteorites to make the shells, but it is difficult to achieve because the materials are too small.

These guards in the sea, wearing a lighter armor, feel that they should have been obtained from some kind of sea creatures, and the shape is also convenient for them to swim while fighting.

However, Lynn is strange why the king does not know his appearance? It has not seen the plane that can reflect light. You should also have seen the painting.

At that time, the white dragon that spoke to the spy also reacted. It realized that the spy was not a sea king. It now looks at the real sea king. The fearful thoughts constantly emerge from its mind, as if fearing that the sea king would admit it because of its mistakes. Punish it.

"You!" Suddenly, Neptune called out to him: "How is the preparation of the Wood Spirit?"

“Hey!” said the white dragon, “Yes, it’s almost finished.”

"Very good, we must be ready! So the wood spirit is likely to return!" After the sea king said, he turned and left, and the white dragon suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

The spy is now behind the sea king, and the guards are still looking for it.

According to the king just said. This castle does not seem to be a white dragon can come in, probably because they may suffer from sea dragons. If you want the new white dragon to come in, estimate what special method to use.

Or is that sea dragon and king ‘knowing’? In that case, the relationship between Bai Xiaolong and Feilong is really good...

"Hurry, busy, a lot of things..." Wang whispered something in his voice as he hurried forward, and Lin followed it through a room, the door of the room was not closed, and it was full of slate.

It may be like a 'library', which records some things... Thinking, the spy walked inside.

This place is much smaller than the library in the castle on the ground. The whole room is only a few meters long and the slate is stacked on the corner of the wall.

Lin took a slate and looked up and found that there were a lot of food ingredients on it.

...... This is quite complicated. I wrote a 'cooking trilobite method'. Only a trilobite with a length of about 30 centimeters will put dozens of ingredients, and the main role of these ingredients is ' flavor'.

Lin thinks that these white dragons should be very leisurely, or they should not come up with such things. The trouble of finding these ingredients is not much higher than finding trilobites... or the troublesome food is ' Guimin's special food, ordinary white dragons should eat a lot easier.

Lin put down the slate and picked up the next slate and looked at it, saying "How to paint."

This looks normal. Lin puts it down and picks up the next one. This slate is a scam of one hundred tricks, so that you can shell in a day and night! ’

Actually, how to cheat on the slate? Lin believes that deception should be carried out sneaky, Bai Haolong is really not simple, but the white scorpion dragon who saw this slate will not be deceived.

They may not have classified the slate well. After Lin turned over a lot of slate, he finally saw the record of ‘wood spirit’.

Lin thinks this may be something that has something to do with the creator, but after seeing it, I found out that it was not the case.

A long time ago, this ‘white dragon island’ was full of all kinds of trees. The tall trees shone into the sky, and the white dragons were of course very happy to use them.

After they arrived on the island, they began to chop wood. The wood was used for many things, usually building houses, making weapons, burning, or making decorations. It can be said that the white dragon is completely inseparable from the wood. Look, there are also some white dragons dedicated to chopping wood to get the shell and then buy food and so on.

But because they cut trees too often, they can't stop behind. The trees of the entire island are almost cut down by them, and in the absence of trees, a wonderful vine has begun to grow.

This kind of vine is called the vengeful vine by the white dragon, they can grow very large, and the growth rate is extremely fast, and soon the area where the trees are cut down is over.

Because ‘vengeance vine’ has no wood to use, and it has a small needle on it, it is poisoned when it is tied. Although it is not fatal to Baijilong, it is very dangerous to be stunned for one or two nights and nights.

And this plant has a special feature, it will take revenge, if it is uprooted, after a day and night, the white dragon that pulls it will grow the seedling of this plant all the time, and finally this white dragon will be because of the vine The roots run through the body and cause death, so it is called Vengeance.

Moreover, Baijilong discovered that even if they set fire, these plants will soon be reborn in the ashes, and they are already a lot of water, which is quite difficult to burn.

The white dragons were all scared. They thought that the vengeful vines were because they cut trees casually, which led to the anger of the 'wood spirit'. Therefore, the wood spirit let a large number of vengeful vines grow up to punish them.

Lin believes that this is the original tree that suppresses such plants. When the trees disappear, they begin to grow wild, and the revenge about it should be a parasitic way to make the seeds parasitize on other creatures to grow.

Perhaps the seeds of this plant are at the roots, and it is interesting that the white dragon is sprinkled onto the body when it is completely pulled out.

Later, Bai Xiaolong had to pray for the forgiveness of 'Wood Spirit'. Wang began to mobilize the whole city. They gathered all the wooden houses and wooden things, and threw all the wood back into the vengeance. In the jungle.

It's no wonder that Lin didn't see anything wooden here. At most, there are only a few small shrubs. It turned out to be because of this.

Because of the practice of Bai Yulong, ‘Wood Spirit’ is willing to forgive them, and the Vengeance vine slowly stops spreading to the city of Bailulong.

This is quite wonderful. I don't know why it prevented the growth of Vengeance, but Venus of the Vengeance still occupies part of the island, but the result is quite good.

After that, Bai Xiaolong began to use stone houses and weapons completely, without using any wood products. Once anyone used wood products privately, the white dragon would be a slave.

Bai Xiaolong also uses slaves like the Jade Dragon, but they use less.

Every time, the white dragons will put a large amount of wood stored in the jungle back into the jungle of the vine.

They call this move a 'return', which is to return the wood to the wood spirit.

Because these woods were piled up too much before, so there is no way to put them all in one go. They have to be put in batches. When the previous batch of wood is almost rotted, they will put the wood back and put the wood back. At that time, a large number of white dragons would hold up the 'forest' paintings they painted, in the hope that the island would return to its former woods.

However, this seems unlikely, so Bai Yulong is now more concerned about the development of the sea.

It turned out that there is such an interesting history. When Lin looked down, the slate was painted with the appearance of ‘wood spirit’.

How is it again like a white dragon? And this white dragon has a lot of leaves on it... The imagination of Bai Xiaolong is really inseparable from his own appearance...

At this time, Lin left the room and continued to go to the room where the king was with the smell of the king...

After walking through a small corridor, the spy arrived at the place where the king was. Lin found that the king and another white dragon stayed in a big room. They were discussing something about the wood spirit. Another white dragon seems to be a More representative roles.

"Wang!" Suddenly, a white dragon ran wildly from the other side of the corridor and shouted at the sea king: "Just found the soldiers found that there is a big piece of wood floating on the water!"

Great wood? That is the ...... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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