4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 221: Extended desire

After the ship of the brainworm was sunk, it has been a while... Although the ship of the brainworm is moving forward here, it will take a long time to reach it, and the brainworm will disperse the entire fleet in search of it. Come, it will take a long time to get together.

At the same time, on the side of the city where the emerald dragon occupies the city, Susumu seems to have thought that Lie will not come back to attack. It begins to let a large number of emerald dragons in the city go to the city, ready to collect a lot of it. crystallization.

Many emerald dragons want to take crystallization for resources, or as an ornament, but Susumi wants to use these crystals as weapons or armor...

Lin's spy is still in the city of the sea, staying in the same room as the king of the sea.

This room feels a lot more gorgeous than before, the floor is covered with a variety of shells, and on both sides of the wall are starfish, coral, lobster pliers and trilobite shells, etc. Decorations, there are still a lot of living creatures floating in here - empty jellyfish, they wander freely in the room, it is very happy.

In the center of the room stood a statue of a white dragon, holding a sword, and stepping on a skeleton that did not know what creatures made a victory.

Lin carefully studied the creature it was stepping on. The statue was carved out of coral bones, but the biological bones underneath it are real. The triangular skull has six eye holes, although it looks like an arthropod. Class, but it has a long spine and a lot of spikes on it...

This weird creature has never seen it. And this statue is the white dragon known as the 'King of the Sea'. It is said that after defeating this monster, it became a sea king.

On its shoulders. There is also a small creature statue that looks like a sea dragon's reduced shape. Shouldn't it be the sea dragon outside?

However, Lin’s most concerned thing is the conversation between the King of the Sea and the King of the Mountain. At the end of the room, a group of guards are standing neatly in two rows, among them. It was the king sitting on two stone chairs.

"It is said that... they found a lot of things." This is the mountain king. It looks taller than the sea king, and the scales on it are whiter. It feels very much in line with the title of mountain king.

“They really went back to the ‘creator’s land’?” said the sea king: “Where shouldn’t it be destroyed?”

“It’s not destroyed.” Shan Wang said: “It’s said that there are many jungles there, and there are many strange creatures we haven’t seen. Although the teams that went to explore have suffered heavy casualties, they still bring back a lot of information... but the real situation I have Go back and ask 'Crystal Mania' to know."

"Crystal madness? The stupid person that I hate? Is it still alive? Are you sure that it brings back the right news?" Sea King seems to have a very bad impression of the crystal madness...

"Of course, it will at least not deceive me, and I will not deceive you." Shan Wang suddenly revealed a expression called ‘smile.’ It reached out and put it on the shoulder of Neptune: "If the land of the creator is really so good, then it proves that the creator may have come back. It solved the horror thing there and made the land re-filled with life! It is also our chance to accept its gift, and our ethnic group will be expanded!"

Sure enough, every king’s brain is very fond of extending territory?

"..." Haiwang lowered his head as if he was thinking about something, and then he suddenly said: "Yes, there is something about the wood spirit..."

Then, Neptune told the mountain king about the situation of the brain-worm vessel. The sea king appeared nervous during the process of speaking, because there was a strange creature using wood products, which might cause the last 'return of wood'. What influence, maybe it will lead to the anger of the Wood Spirit.

Lin found that these two kings are very convinced of their own cults, and Susumi is completely different, but if they can not cut wood like brain worms, use wood in a balanced and reasonable way, they are Never anger the 'wood spirit'.

Shan Wang did not care very much about it. It said: "It doesn't matter. As long as you succeed in sinking it, ‘return’ will still be held as usual, but there is something about the land of the creator...”

The mountain king quickly pulled the topic back to discuss the mainland. In the course of their conversation, it was obvious that the mountain king wanted to go back to the mainland. Is it because it has been here for too long? The sea king does not care much about this thing, and it hates the crystal madness. It seems that the extreme selfish personality of the crystal madness is still very famous. Neptune even proposed that all this is a mad scam.

"Mugu's flight direction can't be confirmed at all. How do you know if it is in a strange place, and then kill your companions, and then plan to lie to you?"

The words that Neptune said seem to be quite close, and ‘Mugu’ is the name of Bai Yulong’s air jellyfish.

In their conversations, Lin knew how the white dragons had explored on the mainland. The empty jellyfish had a returning habit. They estimated that the little jellyfish was placed in the pool in the castle on the hill. The empty jellyfish will record this place, it will fly out regularly to find food, and then fly back.

Empty jellyfish will rest on the ground closer to the ground after a period of flight, so they can also go out to explore when the jellyfish is resting. When they come back, there is a white dragon that burns some plants for the air jellyfish to smell. Wake up the jellyfish in advance to get it back.

According to the habit of the empty jellyfish, Bai Xiaolong tied a hanging basket directly under it, and then formed an expedition to explore the world outside the island...

At first they may think that this is purely a death act, because the empty jellyfish may fly into the sea or some other strange place, but it may also find the situation on the mainland, which may be a good opportunity for a 'shell'!

So Crystal Mad and other white dragons formed the expedition and took the empty jellyfish to the unknown. Later, this was the case. Crystal Mad successfully killed most of the expedition and several of its companions. And succeeded in bringing the crystals of its instant shells back...

Like the Jade Dragon, the white dragons will crystallize and discover the glittering things that are accidentally discovered as 'precious items'. Usually they can only find very small crumbs, and like the huge crystals brought back by the crystal madness, it Maybe you can change half of the city...

It's no wonder that Crystal Mad has the perseverance of the original, but it is strange that they use this kind of thing that has no practical use as a valuable product.

"Don't say crystal madness, it is trustworthy for me." Shan Wang is quite convinced of crystal madness, although he does not know why it believes so, there may be some special reason.

Neptune seems to be angry and said: "You don't forget, it always wants to replace your position!"

Listening to what it says, Crystal Mad seems to be the king? This is a big problem, if you let it be king.

Next, their discussion has no results. Shan Wang always said that he would go to the mainland to explore and explore, and Haiwang did not manage this matter, but he always kept the topic on the wood spirit.

At the end of the discussion, they started eating. Lin found that they were eating the ones that were previously seen on the slate, and that they needed to add a lot of seasonings to the trilobites... and they tasted quite fun.

The two white dragons did not eat directly, but instead poked out a stone tool with a very pointed end, carefully poked the legs of the trilobite, and then made the inside out little by little. Meat to eat.

Trilobites have very little meat, most of them in the legs, and most of the spices they put on the shells are felt to be wasted.

And they ate the meat and slowly picked it out with the tip of the stone. It took a few thousand seconds to eat the whole trilobite, and there were still a lot of them left, they didn’t eat it, sprinkled outside. The seasonings are basically not overtaken, and Lin feels that they are absolutely not full...

Lin thinks that they may have been too leisurely to have such a time... wasted eating.

After they finished eating, the king of the mountain planned to go back. It was like a white dragon. It was swimming back. When it swam out of the castle, the sea dragon did not seem to be hostile to it.

It is estimated that they are all familiar. The king of the mountain seems to be going to prepare some things about the wood spirit. It is not just the white dragons on the sea castle. In fact, in the whole ground and in the sea, almost all the white dragons have In painting the paintings related to 'forest', it seems that they really want to have a forest. After all, the forest can be said to be 'the basis of biology'.

Although there are many creatures in the woodland of Venezia Vine, there are only a few, the form is too single, which makes Bailulong only develop into the sea, but too much water pressure can not bear, and there is no way to expand in the sea.

Lin feels that they should find a way to build a house floating on the water compared to a house built under water.

However, these species are very unrestrained in their expansion. Even Aztecs will not be like this. Maybe they should be ‘teachered’?

But let's take a look at it first. At present, Lin has not made any progress in finding the creator, but she also knows some information. Obviously this creator is the direct cause of the emergence of dinosaurs in mainland China.

After the mystery of the mainland is solved, perhaps you should find information about them from the ground.

There is that ball... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ gossip gossip ~ metallicclaw~ monthly ticket~

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