4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

: The twenty-second day of return

This day and night is a special day. In the bright sunshine, whether it is the inhabitants of the sea or the inhabitants of the land, they are gathered in a special place.

It is located on the east side of the 'White Dragon Island'. It is a vast wasteland with no houses, no creatures, only dry mud and rocks, and in front of the wasteland is endless green - composed of Venerable Vine jungle.

This powerful plant twists and twists in a mass, forming a dense jungle, this place can also be described as 'forbidden land', Lin can clearly feel the fear of the white dragons, they may have been really like this The vine is scared. These half-carnivorous plants occupy almost half of the islands. Under the circumstances that nothing can be done, the white dragon has come up with the way to return the wood to the 'wood spirit', and the wood spirit has become the worship of the white dragon. Every child will be taught how great the wood spirit is.

At this time, they finally reached the last time to return the wood! They believe this time, can make the wood inspiration, and let the forest be born again!

The two kings are now standing on a stone platform. They are talking loudly about some things about the wood spirit. There are a lot of white dragons gathered around them. Although not the whole city’s white dragons have come, but at least there are Tens of thousands.

Lin found that Bai Xiaolong also believes in the 'soul', and the wood spirit is actually the soul of the trees. It makes these vines soar because of anger.

At the time of the two kings talking, the Bailulong group began to slowly split into two groups. Between them, a group of white dragons carrying wood appeared. These white dragons hold a lot of wood in their hands. Some white dragons also carry huge logs.

They deliberately do not use other means of transportation. Instead, he carries the wood himself, and Bai Yulong thinks that this is a sincerity for the ‘wood spirit’.

The white dragons piled the wood 30 meters from the jungle of the Vengeance, which also included the wood of the ship of the brainworm, but these white dragons did not dare to approach the jungle.

After setting the wood, the two kings shouted at the same time: "Raise the picture!"

At this moment, all the white dragons present at the scene raised the stone paintings in their hands. Their paintings were all painted in the jungle, and some were poorly painted. And some still use the last used painting, but some of them are quite realistic and very thoughtful.

When tens of thousands of paintings were lifted at the same time, the whole area seemed to be covered with a piece of white, which was quite spectacular. Lin looked at it from the sky with the eyeball, and was almost stabbed by the light reflected by the painting.

"Through the creator, we will return all the wood and let the jungle recover! Wood Spirit!"

The screams of the white dragons screamed and stunned a large number of flying creatures in the woods of the Vengeance, as these creatures flew. Bai Xiaolong also pushed a strange thing to the wood pile.

This thing is completely made of stone and looks like a huge slingshot. The bowstring doesn't know what to do, but it's very elastic. The white dragon puts the wood on the bowstring and puts the blocks on it...

'boom! ’

Along with a loud bang, the wood flew out of the large slingshot and fell into the jungle of Venering.

However, some of the larger logs were unable to fly, and they were mainly pushed by some white dragons to roll them to the edge of the jungle.

Their way of returning is really special. Lin’s spy is now in the group of Bai Xiaolong, observing their activities. Do you know if the wood spirit will really regenerate the forest?

"There is intelligence! There is intelligence!"

When I thought about it, Lin suddenly received a voice. This is... brainworm?

Above the distant ocean, the brain worm is rolling over to the display of the boat room, followed by a robber, and is speaking instead of the brain worm.

"The ball, complete, a lot of information, hidden inside."

Is the ball broken down? Before Lin, I mainly wanted to let the brain worm read the ‘memory’ in the ball, because there was a brain in the ball, but at first, Lin thought that the brain was too small and the function was not complete. There may be no information.

But now it seems that there is a lot of information?

"This news comes from the ball." The brainworm's robbers said: "Deformation, modification, is the foundation, it can make creatures, change shape, disintegrate the shell, reorganize the limbs."

"Although similar to my family, but there are differences, first, change, acting on adult, second, these changes are more dull, clumsy, can only be applied to one adult at a time, another want to get, need to line up, Third, the extraction to change, the action time is too long, not suitable for dealing with emergencies, and occasionally ineffective, it is sad."

Lin heard this basic understanding, the brain of the brain is able to give the Queen information, and the ball can only give a single point of information? It takes a long time to extract and change. It is no wonder that they did not change immediately when dealing with the Emerald Dragon's offensive, and there will be failures.

It seems that the record ball of the Yate group seems to be very troublesome.

The brain worm continues: "The information stored in the ball, dissolve the knife, change the state, grow the blade, and the creatures created are dull and unable to roll, which is even more tragic."

... is it sad because of the appearance and the inability to roll? Speaking of the sickle, it should be similar to the infantry of the brain worm group.

Lin found that the brain worm is ‘counting’ the Atlante, which seems to be because the other party has the same ball as it makes it feel unhappy.

For this, it feels easier to understand something more irritating than the inaccurate pronunciation of the Inca group...

"Information 2, flight changes, still dull."

Next, the brain worm said something about the 'No. 1 record ball', which was the one that Lynn originally found. The brain inside has information about flying and the information of the sickle, and there are some that have not appeared. Arms.

The description of the brainworms is basically ground combat units. They strengthen some armor and weapons. However, there are only two kinds of flying and sickle in the stand that Lynn has seen. Others may be that they don’t want to change. , or change... didn't it succeed?

Next, it is the ball of record two, the ball is smaller and the estimated information is less.

"Information nine, the second ball, only one message." The brain worm said: "The change after the evaluation, too fat." (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

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