4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 230: conflict

'boom! The collision of the stone made the boat shake a little, but there was nothing wrong with it. The robbers suddenly shouted: "What is it!"

All the white dragons immediately went to the place where the boulder flew out. They saw a huge stone slingshot on the coast of the land. The boulder was just shot from the slingshot.

"Ready to shoot! Kill them all!"

A white figure wearing a cyan armor stood on the coast, and it was accompanied by a large number of guards. These guards set up these giant slings up to several meters and installed them with huge stones.

This figure is crystal mad, it came to command the battle.

In fact, it took a long time to come from the castle on the mountain, so they also arrived when they were fast-moving. All the white dragons cried when they saw the crystal madness: "Isn't that a ‘warrior’?”

"Yes, it’s a warrior, it comes to command the battle!"

Before the crystal madness, it was sealed by the king of the mountain as a 'warrior'. Of course, it also has the right to command troops.

Lin feels that Crystal Mad has now decided to replace the king, so it needs more things to prove itself. It is not enough to go to land. The appearance of these ships gives it a good chance. It just destroys them. Can get the recognition of the white dragons!

Of course, it doesn't know how powerful the opponents on these ships are...

"Our king was assassinated, it can't come, but I can lead you, now, destroying the big pieces of wood floating on the sea!"

The soldiers acted immediately after hearing the order. They placed a piece of stone on the slingshot and then slowly pulled the bowstring slowly...

They use a rope made of seaweed to tie the bowstring. Let a lot of guards pull. Lin found that in this way they could also move the stone farther. However, the power does not seem to be as strong as the 'Giant Bow'.

‘Hey! 'Under the loud noise, more than a dozen large stones flew out of the coast, and most of them fell into the water, but some of them fell on the ship. Although there was no damage to the ship, it was enough for the brainworm. Pay attention to this.

In fact, the brain worm is not here, it is still far from the sea, but it has quite a lot of troops in these ships.

"A dull creature attack! An accident!" The robbers yelled at the land: "You have listened to this dull thing. Your bones and flesh and blood will be flat like gravel!"

At the moment when its voice fell, countless infantry emerged from the ship, and they climbed into the sea along the hull and swam quickly toward the shore.

The number of these creatures can cover the surrounding sea water, and some white dragons scream in horror: "That is a dark monster! Those are the monsters recorded in history!"

"Are these monsters coming back?"

The white dragons screamed in a panic, and Lin remembered that there were records on the slate. When the creator ‘creates land, there are many monsters. Does it seem to mean the limbs?

But usually Bai Yanlong has also been exposed to many similar creatures, such as shrimp or trilobites. Why don't they think that they are monsters?

Crystal Mad yelled without hesitation: "Don't panic! The general dragons are all back! The soldiers are coming forward. Hold the beach and keep them close!"

"Yes!" The guards in armor stepped forward and they held a blue shield. A shining wall of reflection was formed in front of the insects of the brainworm, and other white dragons retreated to the city in time.

Lin found that this group of guards seemed to be more swift than the king. They were also executed more quickly by the orders of the crystal madness. Some of them were soldiers who were brought to the land by the king. They were more willing to listen to the orders of the crystal mad.

Perhaps it is because the crystal madness is more ‘pure’? Or do white dragons like it more? After all, the character of the crystal madness should only be known to a few of the "good people" Bai Xiaolong.

Crystal madness may indeed be more likely to become king, even if it does not kill the king, but... Crystal mad at this time provoked a ... devastating war.

"Oh!" Under a roar, the war broke out, and the first group of worms of the brain worms rushed to the land. They slashed their forembs like the sickle's forelimbs!

'clang'! A burst of sound sounded through the beach, and many of the infantry's first strikes were bounced back by the white dragon's armor. The white dragons immediately counterattacked, and their shimmering blue blades flicked down, but they were also lifted by the infantry. The sickle stopped.

Although the infantry is small, its own shell is not fragile, but because of its small size, the white dragon still has a slight advantage. They find that cutting the infantry's head with a sword can harm them.

The infantry tried to stab the gaps of the white dragons with a sickle, or climbed them a lot to attack, but the number of white dragons gathered on the beach was no less than the infantry, and they slowly began to repel the infantry back.

"Wow!" Suddenly, the roaring worm screamed. The vibration of this sound made some white dragons suddenly stand still, and the infantry immediately took the opportunity to attack. They pierced the white dragon's neck with a sharp sickle end. Let their blood flow like a fountain.

"Don't be affected by those voices!" Crystal mad stood on the high ground and commanded loudly, but most of its sounds are hard to hear.

More and more infantry from the upper reaches of the sea to the land, they not only attack the white dragon, but many climbed into the house and ran into the building to attack everywhere.

However, there are more Baijilong soldiers coming here. Lin is still not sure how many troops are in the end, but it is certainly not less than the six ships of the brainworm.

"Oh oh? Retreat! Dull creatures, see you next time!"

Suddenly, the robbers shouted a strange word, and then all the infantry suddenly turned into the sea and swam in the direction of the ship.

"...they ran!" Bai Haolong cried and said, "We have won!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" All the white dragons cheered and said: "Great! We managed to hold the island without angering the wood!"

"I really want to be a warrior. I can easily drive away those monsters!" At this time, those hiding white dragons also came out of the city. They called for the crystal carnival: "This is the creator of the warrior!"

When the crystal madness was cheered by the dragons, it walked down without saying a word, riding the big dragon that it was riding when it came, and quickly ran to the city.

Although Bai Xiaolong did win a lot in this battle, Crystal Mad has the ability to command, but it is strange, why did the brain worm suddenly retreat? Could it be that……

Is it attacked? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ axe stone ~ oil waist ~ imagination is rich ~ spaghetti house i ~ magical cells ~ reward ~

Thank you ~00121ling~ monthly ticket~

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