4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 231: Absolutely selfish


At this time, the cheers of the white dragons passed with the rise of the rising sun, and the news that the crystal mad leader led the troops to win was spread in the city.

And a peculiar remark, 'Crystal Guards the Wood Spirit', began to spread. The Bailulongs thought that the crystal madness protected the forest that the island would grow. The name of the crystal madness did not have much general white dragon awareness. After this incident, its reputation soared.

This move of Crystal Mad is really making it more and more famous. It has got a great impression in other white dragons, but it is not so happy at present, but riding a big dragon to the castle. The direction quickly ran back, as if rushing to catch something...

On the other side of the ocean, the brain worm is also a little anxious.

The reason for its sudden withdrawal is not because it can't beat the white dragon, but because its main fleet has suffered some kind of situation.

'boom! 'On the ocean, the roaring sounds through the sky!

There are a total of fifteen ships floating on the water, eight of which are attacking the other seven.

"I will let you sink into the abyss!" With a shout, a ship slammed into another ship, and the ship was constantly shaking, but there was no major damage.

These ships look divided into two types, the seven are brainworms, the overall vessels look like curved shapes, they are not all made of wood, and three are worms that are chewed with larvae. The stone and the sand are bonded together. This kind of ship is harder than the average wooden ship. It is also a type of ship that it treats itself.

The other eight are wooden boats, some of which are like the shells of turtles. But there are no hands and feet. It looks like a turtle shell floating on the water. Although they are shorter, they are only about 40 meters long and 20 meters wide, but they are more flexible because of their smaller size.

And these ships are the ships used by Monte II! It was because it sneaked on the brain worm that the brain worm was going to retreat.

"Attack me, you can't do it!"

After the impact, Monte's ‘turtle boat’ quickly receded, showing that it was much more flexible than the ship of the brainworm. Not only is it fast, but it can also move around from side to side, mainly because of the use of arms by Monte II instead of using wind, and its ship is completely covered by a layer of wood resembling a tortoiseshell. It is not clear what is happening inside the ship, making it difficult for opponents to attack.

However, the ship of the brainworm was not slow. After being hit, its ship suddenly rushed forward and slammed into the ship of Monte II. Because of the small size, the ship of Monte II was knocked out. There is also a crack on the surface.

"Sad Montezuma, your slow manufacturing can't make you live longer!"

The robbers stood on the boat, and instead of the brain worms, they yelled at the bottom.

Now, the ships of both sides have retreated to a certain distance, forming a confrontational situation, and the battle will start again!

In fact, this kind of battle is quite common. After the last incident of Monte II being caught by the abyss, Montenegro’s hostility towards Lin seems to have become lower, which makes it possible for Lin to occasionally Do some communication and give it a 'dream connecter' to let it enter the dream.

The brain worms often enter their dreams, so that they often meet in the two, and they start to play in the dreams, but then they develop into a contract to slam the battle in a certain place.

Occasionally, this kind of behavior will happen once. In the decisive battle, both sides will continue to improve their own ships, and at the same time, they will try to make the troops able to swim. Etc. Monte's 'turtle shell ship' is also made in this constant transformation. Come out, but because the ship pursues the inconvenient relationship of the other party, they have never successfully solved each other...

However, this duel did not seem to have been agreed in the dream, but the sudden attack by Monte II, so that the brain worm became nervous, it immediately let the troops retreat for this reason.

Monte II has now changed into a complete maritime life, that is, drifting around the sea, leaving every island after acquiring certain resources and continuing to wander, and Monte II, who learned the last lesson, did not expect to be on the island. Although this kind of life is even more dangerous, even if it is invincible on land, it will always encounter more powerful creatures in the water, and even storms.

But it survived and there was a small fleet.

Now, the two sides seem to be looking at each other... Lin feels that they won't play too much. Monte II has a lot of ships, but it only brings eight ships, which means that it has not worked hard.

It was probably just a chance to hit when it was wandering, but it was also because of the accidental raid by Monte II that ‘rescue’ a lot of white dragons.

After the brain worms are finished, they should not want to pay attention to the white dragons. In fact, the brain worms are not very concerned about them.

"Assault!" With the roaring worms, the brain worms and the ships on both sides of Monte II began to slam at each other at full speed, but the ship of Monte II turned slightly in the direction, avoiding the frontal impact, but The boat that wiped the head worm swam past.

At the time of contact between the two sides, a large number of small holes appeared on the back of the ship of Monte II. Numerous troops climbed out of the hole and climbed to the ship of the brainworm, while the ship of the brainworm climbed a large number at the same time. Infantry, the two armies are fighting together. Although there are only the first-level troops, the two sides are still fierce...

Suddenly, Montenegro’s troops quickly retreated back into the ship, and then its ship accelerated again, reaching a distance from the ship of the brainworm, and it continued to move forward, slowly and further away.

The ship of the worm can not retreat, so it is difficult to catch up with Monte II. It seems that this battle has to stop here. If Monte II did not want to return to the attack...

But Lynn’s attention is not here, but in the city of Bailulong.

On the hill above the castle, Crystal Mad has finally returned to this place. It ignores the cheers and praises of other Bailong dragons for its victory, but quickly comes to the room where the king was.

The king of the mountain is still in a coma on the ground. There is no white dragon around. The crystal madness looks around and walks to the center of the room, then shouts: "Are you here? Come out, I know you are here!" ”

For this move, Lin felt a little surprised. Obviously, the words of Crystal Mad are said to the spies.

Although it was very hard to command the battle before, in fact, it always cares about spying. After all, there is a spy who is so capable of hiding. Crystal madness certainly has no way to celebrate it. It must solve this problem. Things are fine!

And it knows that it can't bring a lot of guards, it can only come by itself.

"This is more interesting."

Thinking, Lin let the spy show his figure and appear in front of the crystal madness.

"Where are you from the dragon?" Crystal madly shouted when he saw the spy: "Why do you have this strange ability, there is no such a powerful dragon in Culto, are you... prophet? ”

... prophet? For the words of the crystal madness, Lin feels a little strange. Does the prophet have this kind of discoloration ability?

Yes, maybe the prophets have quite a lot of abilities, but they are constantly 'violation of rules', such as when the same family breeds, it will lead to weakening ability...

There is a special feeling when breeding. This feeling will attract the creatures to breed. Lynn finds that some intellectually higher creatures are easily attracted by this feeling, and the prophet should be no exception. They are unlikely to be only with others. The prophet breeds...

Lynn also found that gnomes are the most vulnerable creatures to be attracted by this feeling, while Snapdragons usually have a 'restraint' force.

"You are definitely a prophet, and the third prophet in the legend! So you know what I am going to the land of the creator!" Crystal Mad said: "What do you want to do? Stop me from becoming a king?" Why don't you kill me directly?"

It seems that in the imagination of Crystal Mania, only the prophet can do these things, but... the third prophet in the legend? what is that? In addition to the two castles on both sides, are there other prophets?

But in this case, Lynn simply said: "Do you want to be king?"

"Of course!" Crystal Mad said: "If you can foresee the future, then look, I am definitely more suitable to rule the city than any generation of kings in history!"

"In this case, you should stop these things and use your own ability to prove that you are stronger than the current king, not to prove that you are more despicable than other dragons."

Crystal madly listened to the words of the spy, and its gaze could not help but look at the king lying on the ground, it seems to be slightly thoughtful.

It seems that the madness itself is selfish, but it itself worships the creator and believes in the words of the ‘predictor.

"Very good, I will prove that I am strong." Crystal madly said, and came to the spy and said: "But I can't stand it..."

"Can't stand it?" the spy questioned.

"Can't stand a dragon that can kill me at any time, still alive!" At the moment of approaching the spy, Crystal Mad suddenly slammed into the spy's abdomen with a sword in his hand!

"The city doesn't need any prophets, but what you say is very useful. I will remember that after you die, I will rule the city very well." Crystal Mad said that he was trying to pull the sword out, but It found that the sword did not move, as if it was stuck inside...

At the same time, it also noticed that the spy's abdomen did not even flow out of a drop of blood. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Lost and sinking ~ 588~

Thanks ~ Who is the bat tiger ~ Long Haoyue ~ Light Spirit ~ monthly ticket ~

Happy New Year everyone~~~~

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