4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 233: Ceremony not synchronized

'Boom! 'Lin looked at this very likely "third prophet" Bai Yanlong said a lot of words, the wooden stick in his hand poked on the ground, and then shouted: "The creator, will recover! ”

Then... nothing happened.

"Hey?" This white dragon seems quite surprised. Then, it slams the ground with a wooden stick: "Resuscitation! Recovery!"

Despite its very hard work, nothing happened. Some of the white dragons around it looked at it with strange expressions. It had to stop and wondered: "Is this ritual wrong?"

Lin looked at the white dragon and noticed a problem. The stick in his hand was actually made of wood.

And it's not like the branches that are picked up casually, but the wood that has been specially cut, and it also depicts a lot of strange patterns, which seem to be made with great care.

It should take a long time for Bai Xiaolong not to use wood products. Isn’t this group of white dragons not worshiping the 'wood spirit'?

And the weird ritual they are doing now seems to be the way ‘the creator has recovered’ that she has seen before.

But this is obviously not successful... Lin does not feel that doing some strange movements and reading some strange words can make the creator appear again.

"The prophet... What is the reason for this?" A white dragon next to him asked: "We have been preparing for so long, why is there no response?"

The prophet, and sure enough, the white dragon holding the wooden stick said: "This...nothing. I listen to what it says to me every night and night. I will never make a mistake... Yes, maybe there is Who is not synchronized!"

"Let's investigate!" When the voice of the prophet fell, the white dragon around it immediately dispersed. They walked under the rock wall on one side of the cave and pulled open the stone door on the rock wall, revealing the room inside...

Lin found that basically five white dragons were gathered in each room. They wore clothes woven like leaves. They were sitting on the ground motionless. But immediately after seeing the door being pushed open, he stood up.

“Who are you out of sync?” Bai Yanlong, who opened the door, said: “You dare to do such a thing, this will make all our efforts in vain!”

Lin is also very curious to follow, what are they saying that they are not synchronized?

"No, we are absolutely not out of sync!" The white dragons in this room shook their heads: "You can investigate!"

"Is it?" The white dragon that opened the door went to the corner of the room. Lin found that there was a small tree-like plant, but its leaves were brown.

This kind of tree should be specially planted by Bailulong. There was a pile of mud in the place where the tree grew out, and the white dragon had gently pulled the tree up, only to see a swollen structure on the root of the tree.

Lyne feels like I saw that structure?

Then Bai Xiaolong knocked on the swollen part, and suddenly the tree made a sound - "Gu Yu..."

Was this voice not pronounced by the white dragons in the room? Can it be said that this tree... is the same species of crystalline tree?

Lin still remembers that in the crystalline woodland, those crystal trees have a strange 'recording' structure. The sound of the creature can be recorded and replayed at some point.

And this tree... seems to have the same function?

Bai Xiaolong knocked a few times, listening to the voice of Gu Yu inside, and then it said: "There is no unsynchronized look, go see the next one!"

Speaking of it, the tree was buried in the soil and then went to the next room.

Lynn watched it leave and immediately walked to the side of the tree. Use the spear's sharp claws to inject a tiny unit into the tree to watch the situation inside...

As the troops quickly passed through the transmission pipeline in the trees and entered the roots, Lin found the organ. After some investigation, Lin found that... sure enough.

This tree does have a recording organ like a crystal tree. Although it is much smaller than the crystal tree, it still has this effect, and it can record the recent biological sounds.

This structure is wonderful because it doesn't seem to make sense. Lin thinks it should also be a kind of crystal tree. Although its body surface does not cover the crystalline outer skin, it is very small, but the body structure is very similar...

It is true that some of the gaps are large but they are of the same type. Is the white dragon planting this tree specifically for recording?

The group of white dragons continue to investigate other rooms, and there are trees in each room. They pulled the trees up and listened. Lin found that most of the leaves of these trees were bitten. It seemed to be made by Maoyu, which caused them to dye the color of the leaves and make the body brown.

Bai Xiaolong mainly listens to the frequency of sounds in the tree. It seems that the sound of each ‘Gu嘎嘎嘎’ must be issued within a certain period of time. A little faster or slower will be regarded as ‘out of sync’.

It seems that this is how the ceremony is held. The white dragons in all the rooms here simultaneously make this sound, and then the prophet reads some weird words, then knocks the ground with a wooden stick to let the creator recover.

However, the prophet believes that the white dragons who are neglecting in the room have some unsynchronized thoughts that lead to the failure of the ceremony.

However, they are now investigating all the white dragon rooms, a total of nineteen, and found that they are all synchronized... now the last room is left...

This room is the room that Lin first saw. Their doors are not tight. You can see the inside through the crack...

The investigation of the white dragon opened the last room, and after explaining it with the white dragon inside, he pulled out the tree and listened carefully.

The first few sounds were all in sync, but the last one... Lin heard the sound obviously ahead of it for about three seconds.

"Hey! There are some unsynchronized things here!" The white dragon who heard this suddenly yelled: "Prophet! Found!"

Lin feels that the hearing and memory of this white dragon is really good, because it is hard to hear this kind of thing without careful attention.

The prophet also arrived here at this time. It looked at the five white dragons in the room and said, "You dare not synchronize, you have offended the creators! Kill them!"

"No! Don't!" The five white dragons said in a panic: "Can't you come back? Some mistakes are inevitable..."

"Give me a mouthful! You offenders!" the prophet shouted: "Catch them!"

"Hey!" At this time, the white dragons in other houses gathered together. They gathered around the white dragon of this house. They grabbed the five white dragons and tied them completely. It’s up.

"No, ah, ah!!!" Regardless of their screams, the group of white dragons took them to the fork of the mine passage, the place where Lin had arrived before.

They went to another channel, and Lynn’s spies followed them. When they first entered this channel, they could smell a rotten smell...

The smell became more and more intense as the passage went deeper and deeper, and the white dragons seemed to be a little uncomfortable, but they were still moving forward. Soon, Lin arrived at the end of the passage with them...

this is……

Shown in front of Lynn is a wonderful sight. Here is a space of at least 30 meters wide. There is a round pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters on the ground. The pit is filled with dense and split brains.

Where did they get so many split brains? These things are full of round pits, and there are many bones and various kinds of debris around the pit, and the smell of decay is emitted from them.

Moreover, Lin found that these split brains are not covered with crystals. Each split brain is generally crystallized on the outer layer, while the inside is meat, but they appear directly in the form of meat.

And... they are all moving slowly, and it seems that the ability to act is much stronger than the common split brain.

"Execute these offenders!" Suddenly, the prophet shouted, and the five white dragons were pushed to the potholes before they were pressed to the ground, and then several white dragons with weapons stood behind them.

"No...hey!" With a scream, the bodies of the five white dragons were cut down by them! Blood is like a fountain.

The white dragons that had been cut off their limbs had been painfully unable to make a sound, and then they were thrown into the pits filled with split brains. The splits suddenly started to move, and they grew around the body. The slender tentacles move and slowly surround these white dragons.

The figure of Bai Xiaolong was quickly overwhelmed by this massive split brain, and the limbs they were cut down were also thrown into the potholes that split the brain.

The surrounding white dragons looked at the scene silently. Lin found some white dragons with some fearful emotions, but most of them still didn't feel at all... This is really wonderful.

They are so cruel to treat the same kind, which really makes Lin open the ‘eyes’.

"Let the offenders be swallowed up, this is the best punishment for them!" After the prophet finished, he walked back with a large group of white dragons.

Lin’s spy is still in this place.

The scenes in which the split brains are so concentrated are quite spectacular, and they seem to be different from the common split brains. In addition to the lack of shell and activity, there is also a feature that no brain waves are emitted.

I don't know how they are gathered here. Are they born out of brains? And to feed so many split brains, where did the prophet bring food?

Is it... does it use other white dragons to feed these split brains?

It is possible that the white dragons here are really weird, they obviously hide some special secrets... (to be continued. m. reading.)

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