4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 234: Inspirer

"I... heard it! The voice of the creator!"

At the moment when the brain wave emerged, the prophet also said this sentence almost at the same time. Lin is now sure that this is going on.

Lin has been watching the life of these white dragons in this mine since staying up late. There are exactly one hundred white dragons living here. It turned out to be 105, but the five were killed before because they were 'out of synch'. .

These white dragons have always been in the mines, but sometimes some of them leave the mine and go into the city to buy something they need, such as fuel and food to keep the brazier burning.

At the same time they will sell something, such as brown jade and some special stones found in the mine, as well as the seeds of the tree that will be recorded to exchange more shells.

So far there is nothing special except that they don't live in the city, but they do a lot more weird things...

They hold a ceremony called 'prayer ceremony' every two nights and nights. It is different from the one that Lynn saw before. This ceremony is relatively simple, mainly gathering together to read some strange words...

Lin found that the language they read is a language that can be called 'ancient white dragon', which is the language they used earlier. The language of Bai Xiaolong has changed from generation to generation and has become different from before, but carefully If you listen to it, you can still hear some of the meaning inside.

When the spies first came here, they saw that the ceremony they held was called the 'recovery ceremony', which was held to recover the creators. It is said that it can only be held at special times. However, after being interrupted by ‘out of sync’. It is said that it will take dozens of days and nights to go again.

Obviously. These white dragons also worship the creators, but they worship in a different way, for example, they use wood, in addition to the wooden sticks that the prophet holds, which uses strange traces, they also use some other wood. article.

These white dragons, especially the prophets, think that they should not worship anything other than the creator, they think that they are the white dragons that the creators care about.

“The stupid things that live in the city have long been abandoned by the creators. Only a small part of us who are inspired to hear the voice of the creator!” The prophet said many times. .

Lin found that the way they heard the 'sound' mainly relied on splitting the brainwaves of the brain. The split brain did not release the brain waves, but occasionally released, and each time the release, the prophet could perceive The look of some kind of information.

Commonly, there are split brains with crystal shells, and their brain waves affect the white dragons, but the brain waves released by these split brains seem to be only what the prophet can feel. It seems that these split brains are in this way. Communicate with the prophet.

And some of the white dragons staying here seem to be able to feel it. But it is so clear without the prophet, but the white dragons gathered here are like this. So I gathered here.

For these brains, Lin also decomposed several to investigate, they are not much different from those that were common before, but the muscles of the body's tentacles are more developed and the body size is slightly larger, which means they are more energetic. They can move and eat on their own.

In order to feed these brains, it is more troublesome. Just as Lin had thought before, the prophet is giving them a 'feeding' general white dragon.

At some point, some split brains will begin to crystallize. It will form a layer of crystalline shells on the surface to wrap itself, and it will enter another state and will begin to release brain waves.

This brain wave has a small range of influence, about 30 meters in radius. At this time, a white dragon will take it out. Some white dragons excavated in the quarry may be attracted by brain waves and then brought into this abandoned. Among the mines.

The white dragons brought in will be tested first 'whether they are qualified to be inspired by the creators'. Lin has seen them bring a group of white dragons to come in, there are more than a dozen, but these white dragons are all considered 'ineligible', so both Was killed and fed the split brain...

The way to judge whether there is 'qualification' is to see that they are reacted by brain waves. The white dragons in the mines have no special reaction at all. They don't seem to be affected, and the ordinary white dragons will enter a similar situation. In the state of 'drunk'.

White dragons occasionally eat some beverages made from plant juices, and they will fall into this state. However, after being affected by the split brain, they will involuntarily enter the mine, and then they will be caught by the prophet and the white dragon inside. catch……

They think that these easily affected Bai Xiaolong's thoughts are not strong enough to accept the creators' inspiration.

The same is true of the white dragons that occasionally get lost. So it is called “the mine that cannot be returned”.

However, if the prophets often bring white dragons to come in very easily, it seems that the split brain understands this, so these split brains do not always need food. In fact, they often go to sleep to reduce consumption, and they are sleeping. Can maintain for a long time without eating.

The prophet also has the ability to communicate with the split brain, which can feel some white dragons who are qualified to be called by the creators. They can even take the split brain to determine the position of the target.

At the beginning, some of the white dragons took the split brain to the mainland, and found the black pepper bitten by the brain-making monsters. These white dragons are obviously a part of it.

But how did they reach the mainland? It should not be with the madness of them...

Lin’s thoughts on these white dragons feel that they are only controlled by the split brains of the Astra people. The split brain controls the prophet and uses them to worship the creators to do all kinds of things for themselves.

Sending some information to their brains and letting them believe in this information... This kind of thing is quite simple.

The split brains are gathered together, and there may be some connection between them. Lin believes that the Ate group cannot be a creator, and the creator should be a more primitive... powerful creature.

The creator's recovery ritual was also very suspicious. They should be 'recovering' something, but it should not be the real creator, and where did these split brains come from?

Lynn decided to let the spy get a structure that can accept the split brain information, but also to dig them out, maybe hidden underneath.

Speaking of digging... Lin has dug up interesting things on the salt floor. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ 688~

Thanks ~ auspicious Yuntian ~ He Sky's monthly ticket~

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