4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 235: Buried under salt

It may not be the oldest place on the mainland.

On the white ground, there is still a salty and dry wind. The dragon has given the place a lot of names, such as 'daylighting land', 'pom ball plain', 'flavor park', etc., but Lin usually Call it 'salt land'.

This was originally an endless white, but at present the pile of white is shoveled by large blocks, which is the only place on the mainland where Lin believes that it can be arbitrarily excavated.

As the new type of excavation of Lin, it has a beetle-type body of up to three meters. The forelimbs have a structure similar to the 'bit' for excavation, and the second pair of limbs are hollow, which can be dug out. The salt and other debris are inhaled into the body, and then condensed into a ball and ejected behind it.

So this is a kind of unit that doesn't have to deal with excavation waste! Even so, there are still a lot of things to deal with.

Lin has now dug into a deep place. There are a hundred excavators here. Under the ground, Lin found quite a lot of fungal fossils.

As previously discovered, these fungal fossils were not formed after a long time of burial, but at some point they seem to have been 'cursed', all fungi are hardened at the same time, it feels very weird... ...

Lin used to find many skeletons of the white dragon and the skeleton of a dragon. This can be thought of as the scene they were attacked by fungi. The fungus here was not considered to be a plague fungus, but they are very similar, or one. Variants are also possible...

They destroyed the white dragons riding the dragons, but the white dragons riding the dragons should not be with the white dragons on the island. Tucker saw them when they were young.

And the fungus here... is also in a relatively short period of time, destroying the white dragon that rides the dragon.

It can be seen that the fungus in this salt underground is not directly related to the island Baijilong. They came out in the near future, at least within a few decades, and the island's white dragons were attacked by plague fungi earlier and fled to the island.

Moreover, no traces of the white dragons lived and established the city were found here. It can be seen that the island Bailong has not lived here.

In general, stone things can be kept for a long time, even if they are woody, they can be kept for a long time in this salty environment.

But there are no traces here... There are only fossils and corpses, so Lin’s main investigation now is why the fungi here are 'Petrified'.

Moreover, why do these fungi pop up suddenly? Is there any reason? Lin has conducted some research on the fungal structure of these fungi and found that they are indeed simpler than the plague fungus. There is not much complicated things in it, but there is also a parasitic growth function.

Lin believes that these fungi may be called 'original species', that is, the later plague fungi is the evolution of them.

But why did this ‘primitive species’ emerge in the near future in decades? Lin thought of a possibility. It is the birthplace of plague fungi.

They may not be marine life, nor come out from other places, the birthplace of plague fungus... maybe here!

Later, there may be various reasons. The plague fungus left the mainland and then entered the sea. Then it produced a brain-like ‘army’ under the command of the brain. They were even more terrible and powerful, but they were hit hard by the special attack methods of the Atlantis and eventually became extinct by Lin.

In fact, they have not been completely extinct, because Lin still has a little dust, only need some nutrients, they will erupt again!

Although that is probably not possible.

The process from the original fungus to the latest look is completely mysterious, and it is clear that the 'primitive' is still on this continent.

This needs to be studied, so Lin's digger has already dug deeper underground, which is much deeper than Lin and Tucker arrived before, and here. There is also a white cave that looks a lot like the top.

In fact, the underground here is full of various caves. Although the shape of the cave is like its own, Lin feels like a creature dug out.

Here, there are also fossils of many fungi.

The excavator is slowly advancing in the cave. Their own bright light illuminates the walls on both sides. The cave walls are full of raised fossils, but unlike the fossils with various mushrooms, they are pure mycelium fossils. They are like It is the carpet that is generally covered with the ground and the surroundings.

The excavators finally gathered in a place, this is a newly discovered pothole, and Lin found a piece of wood here.

It should be said to be the root of a plant.

This root has a diameter of more than one meter and is more than five meters long. It looks like it has been broken. Let's not mention why it appears in such a deep underground. The most important thing is that it is still alive.

The plant is under this dry, waterless ground, and its outer body is surrounded by a wood-like shell, but this layer of wood is stronger and more sealed than the bark of the average plant, which makes it difficult to leak energy inside.

Although the excavator poked it and got through it.

After releasing into a small unit, Lin found that the cells in the roots of the plant were in a state of sleep, which allowed its cells to live in it for a long time, even for thousands of years or longer, some similar to one. A creature called 'bear bug' that excels at letting cells fall asleep.

However, Lynn not only found cells in its body, but also many multicellular organisms slept in the transmission pipeline.

This multi-cellular creature has seen it as a multi-cellular creature called 'sword scorpion', which looks like a 'flea', but it is very small, and it is also found in another plant called 'Du Mesha'. Are these creatures the same kind?

But looking at other structures, it is very different from the 'Du Mesha tree'. Although this thing looks like a plant, the structure inside is actually weird. There are some pipes between the pipes that are covered in it. Xiao capsule, Lin believes that these small capsules can shrink and then transport liquid, playing a heart-like function, but there are also some small capsules on both sides of the pipeline...the inside of them...

Filled with a lot of viruses.

Lin hasn't seen this virus yet. They are just like being stored here. The capsule has a solid structure around it. It seems to be used to prevent virus leakage. I don't know what effect this virus has. It may be dangerous. What?

In addition to the virus, there are some small sacs filled with eggs, which should be the eggs of the sword, which is nothing strange.

Lin also found that the plant has some unknown linear structures, and I don't know what to do.

I don't know how to wake it up. This plant is just a part of it. There is no complete structure. You should find something else nearby...

Lin looked around and let the excavators continue to dig around, but there was also a digger who brought a special creature, the salty jade that Lynn caught in the cave above.

Lin wants to try out the effect of the virus. Lin’s use of her own cell experiment is not very meaningful, because the structure inside the Lin cell is actually different from the general creature. This is the virus that was discovered when experimenting with various viruses. Lin can only cause basic damage, that is, enter the cell and use the cell to reproduce.

And for other creatures, sometimes it's not just that, some viruses can cause creatures to do something else, like being crazy, etc...

So take a jade to test it.

Thinking, Lin dug out a small bag full of viruses in the plant, and then injected some of the viruses from a unit called ‘ingestor’.

Just injecting a little bit should be no threat to the life of Maoyu, just need to observe what happens when they enter the cell...

... does not seem to have any effect.

Lin also injected some micro-arms to observe and found that the virus had no effect on the cells of Maoyu, and it was even difficult to enter this cell...

This generally means that the cells of Maoyu are resistant to it, but it also means that the virus does not seem to adapt to this cell.

Usually the virus works for most cells, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Since Maoyu is useless, first keep some of this virus, then test it.

If this strange plant can find the whole, it should be able to get more information...

When I thought of this, some of Lin’s excavators dug up a root system. The root system was smaller, only one meter long. After Lin checked it, I found some cystic organs inside. It seems that there are some cystic organs inside. It is used to make liquids, which contain a strange liquid that seems to belong to a certain toxin.

Some of the ingredients inside are like the 'Petrified Venom' of the Dumeisha Tree, which can harden the muscles of the creature.

And it has another kind of capsule, which contains some ... bacteria dust? This dust is exactly the same as the dust of these fossil fungi!

Sure enough, are these fossils related to this plant? ...but where is its body?

Maybe it shouldn't be excavated only here, and there are some other suspicious locations that can be tapped, such as on the outskirts of the Rift Valley.

There was a lot of white dragon wreckage piled up there, and you should be able to find something right there.

Then, Lin continued to dig around for a while, there seemed to be nothing around, and as Lin was walking towards a deeper cave, she suddenly found a few in the channel ahead... Bai Longlong?

I saw that they all fell to the ground, as if they had been dead for a while, but one of them was still holding a piece tightly... crystallized.

Ps: Thanks ~ magical cells ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ lost and lost ~ monthly ticket ~

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