4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 236: Prophecy team

Bai Haolong...has they here?

This white dragon is a typical 'prophecy team', they are in groups of five, with a backpack full of tools, and one of them is probably the leader of the white dragon holding a split brain crystal.

But they are now dead. The body has been completely dehydrated in this dry place and turned into a dead body, but some of them have traces of biting by Mao Yu.

Although dry, Lin can still investigate their cause of death, the digger got a piece of dry meat from above, and then swallowed it to break down... When the white dragon died... It’s close to the present, probably dozens Stay up all night.

Their cause of death was mainly hunger and dehydration, and there were traces of their catching the ground nearby, and it seemed that they had struggled before they died.

This team is the so-called 'prophet team'. In fact, Lin knows that the prophet who hides in the mine of the island will occasionally dispatch some teams. The characteristics of these teams are like this, five groups, not wearing armor, inside. There is definitely a split brain.

Although she did not directly see the team's departure, Lin's spy found some slate in the room of the prophet, with records about the exploration team.

It seems that this prophet, after the madness of their departure, began to form a team of five dragons to explore on land. One purpose is to use the split brain to find something called the creator's voice.

The main thing is to find out according to the reaction of the split brain, but the split brain seems to respond to all kinds of things, like the black pepper bitten by the brain. The main brain crystal placed in the city of Lijing, etc...

It seems that the split brain can't find the creator accurately.

The prophet sent a lot of teams. Lynn still doesn't know how they came over. Is it climbing from the rift and climbing up? In any case, it should have died a lot. Maybe the prophet originally had a lot of white dragons, but there are very few left, so it has not sent such a team...

However, how did they find it here? Does this cave have a road to the ground? Also, why are they coming? Thinking, Lin asked the excavator to pick up its split brain from the ground.

This split brain is still dead, they can live for a long time. And still exude some information...

According to the location of the information, the excavator went in one direction. Soon, Lin found the target location, which was a sand pile from the ground.

After digging the sand, Lin saw a plant root that was similar to the previous one, and it was also a broken root.

Is this plant? Lin asked the excavator to dig through the root system and investigate the inside. It was found that the structure was similar to the plants I saw before. There were sleeping swords and many sacs filled with strange things. For example, there is a bag filled with small gravel.

Why does split brain respond to this? At present, the split brains are all responding to the Astra group, they can accept the brain waves that split the brain...

But these plants are clearly unacceptable. But the split brain has also sent brainwaves to this location, continue to dig deeper and look better, and may be able to find something else.

...it seems to be missing something.

Lin continued to dig a lot of places in this cave. In addition to discovering some broken plant roots, I found no useful things. In the deeper part, it was a harder rock formation. It was more difficult to dig and forcibly Excavation may cause collapse.

It seems that the clue has been interrupted? What is special about this plant? Lin took the plants and went to the ground to continue the research.

I always feel that these plants are very suspicious... not only this plant, but also other plants, because there are not only dinosaurs on this continent, but also quite a lot of carnivorous plants and new plants. There is almost no similarity in the northern continent. plant.

This means that they should have evolved at the same time as dinosaurs. Is this also the creator?

I’m building a base here, and I’m going to dig in a slower way, maybe the secret is hidden under the ground.

While Lin was moving in this underground cave, there were some new problems on the other side of the island.

The king of the mountain has already woken up, and the crystal madness still did not kill the king, but it has begun to find a way to replace its position. What method it uses is interesting, but now the main concern is the castle of the sea...

It’s the night now, and Lynn discovers that Neptune has left its castle, and this time it’s not going to the deep sea, but to the direction of the land...

Neptune came out alone, and still avoided the guards. After arriving on land, it went straight to a place - the quarry.

The appearance of Neptune seems to have no white dragons to recognize. It is not in the city, but it is quite normal. Wang has always lived in the castle. It is sure that many white dragons have not seen it, and the portraits are not. There are things everywhere.

After the sea king arrived at the quarry, it barely paused and walked directly into the mine...

Lin has long speculated about the identity of the sea king. It should be a member of the group of white dragons hiding in the mine. They are exactly the same, the white dragons controlled by the split brain.

For this, Lin has already made some research progress.

In the initial splitting of the brain, it will affect the white dragon that it is exposed to. Most of the white dragons will be affected by an abnormal state after being affected, and only a few white dragons can ignore this influence.

At this time, the split brain will have a deeper influence on the white dragon. It can send some information to the white dragon, but only the prophet can hear the precise information, and other white dragons can only feel the fuzzy information.

Then they acted on the command to split the brain... As for what order did the split brain give them?

Lin currently allows the spy to create a similar receiving organ to receive part of the split brain information, the most important part is to let them hold the 'ceremony' again.

Lin discovers the king of the sea, and is also a white dragon who can hear ‘precise information’ in addition to the prophet.

It now entered the mine and passed through a narrow passage leading to the room of the prophet.

The prophet also seems to have known the general, standing at the door waiting for the arrival of the sea king... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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