4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 240: Big monster in the brain

"Oh..." This creature stands in a pile of split brains, and its eyes look around all the creatures around.

Lynn is the first time... seeing this creature, but it is obviously a member of the Yate group, this creature has a huge red head with a small, short yellow tentacles on its head, its mouth Just like a suction cup, it is covered with a circle of teeth.

Its body is as long as a worm, and it is more than four meters tall when it is standing up in the upper body. I don't know how long it is.

It looks like a combat-type unit, but... it seems to be a little different.

"It is the messenger!" Among the white dragons in the field, only the prophet seemed quite excited. He opened his arms and shouted at the creature: "Unbelievable, it woke up without offering sacrifices! Now, lead us to see creation. But before that, I hope that you can give those stupid things a death..."

Said, it looked at the group of crystal madmen who had just entered and a large number of Bailonglong guards.

"You..." Crystal madly looked at the sea king and the prophet in the pothole. It hesitated a little later and shouted immediately: "The sea king! It was raised here after the assassination of the king of the mountain. Kind of monster! Look at this monster, it is the same as the monster we tried to pollute the wood spirit! Kill it! And the king of the sea who created the creator!"

This passage is obviously a temporary sensation of the crystal madness. Its head is still very fast, and the white dragons think that this monster is raised by the king of the sea.

"Hey!" The guards took out their weapons and walked forward, and the group of prophet's white dragons immediately took out their weapons to resist.

However, the number of guards brought by the crystal madness is huge and well equipped. During the battle, the screams are constantly ringing. The prophet's troops continued to fall, and the blood quickly stained the entire ground.

"呜-!!!" Suddenly, the monster made a very sharp scream. At this moment, all the white dragons on the scene suddenly fell to the ground. They kept their heads in their heads, as if they were very painful. In addition to the prophet, it kept its arms wide open and closed its eyes as if it didn't feel anything.

wrong. This is not a cry, the monster sends out a very strong brainwave, this brainwave is mixed with a lot of information, even Lin's spy can feel it...

The brain waves of the average creature are very weak and difficult to be detected by other creatures, but there are also some creatures. For example, the brain worm has a special structure that can release its brainwaves, and this monster seems to have a much stronger brainwave.

"Oh ah!" All the white dragons screamed, and they could hardly accept this strong message, making them difficult to move.

But this information is different from brain worms, which can use brain waves to directly affect the nerves of other creatures. And this... it is more like talking to the brain.

But what exactly is it saying, Lin can't clearly feel it, or it doesn't mean anything at all, just ‘呜——’.

Under its influence, some of the white dragons climbed up, and they walked blindly to the edge of the pothole and then jumped into the split brain.

It seems that this sound makes them crazy... It seems that the information sent by this monster is not meaningless. It should send a huge amount of information, such as 'worship me', so that these white dragons’ brains are like this information. Fully occupied. Squeeze out normal thinking, making them difficult to control.

Now, there are more white dragons standing up and jumping in, some even the guards on the side of the crystal mad.

"Give me a little more awake!" Suddenly. Lynn saw a figure standing up from these crazy white dragons... that is... crystal mad?

"What are you doing? The monster is just screaming!" Crystal madly slammed his foot and stood guarded by a guard on his head. The guard seemed to be a little awake...

I don't know why Crystal Mad is not affected. Is it because its 'selfishness' is too strong? So this monster will have difficulty controlling it?

Crystal Mad has awakened several white dragon guards around, but even if they are not under control, they are still in a state of dizziness and difficult to fight.

Crystal madness does not care about them. It directly picks up a weapon that is carried by a guard, a weapon called '弩'. This weapon is made of materials collected from sea creatures. It feels very interesting, mainly Still like a bow, the bone arrow is shot out, which is stronger than the bow.

The crystal mad man aimed at the head of the monster. With the sound of ‘嗖’, the arrow was just stuck in the big mouth like a monster sucker, and it suddenly made a scream.

Because it stopped sending the information before, all the white dragons around it seem to be a lot easier, but those few that have just been controlled by it still have no recovery.

Crystal Mania did not hesitate, it immediately put on the arrow again, aiming at the monster's face and shooting another arrow!

The arrow was once again tied to the monster's mouth. The monster suddenly made a violent roar. At this time, the prophet in the split brain suddenly climbed up. It lifted the stick and rushed to the crystal. "You ! Dare to hurt the messenger!"

Together with the prophet, there are those who have been controlled by the white dragons. They seem to have no thoughts, and they have a meaningless rush to the crystal mad.

Crystal madly threw away the cockroaches, and it pulled out the sword at the waist and slashed it to the prophet. At the moment when the prophet lifted the stick to resist, the crystal madness turned around and turned it with the tail behind it. Swept down to the ground, and then it stabbed it with a sword. The prophet quickly turned over and tried to escape, but the sword stabbed into its shoulders.

It seems that the crystal madness is quite powerful. I couldn’t see it at first, but then there are a few controlled white dragons rushing over, and these white dragons don’t seem to use weapons, they just grab and bite, and they’re crazy. After the first one was opened, a sword was picked up from the guards next to him, and another white dragon that rushed up was killed again.

At this time, some soldiers around the crystal madness also woke up, they seem to understand the situation, immediately took up the weapon to fight with the crystal mad.

The monster, who stayed there after two arrows, Lin thought that it would rush to fight with its huge body shape, but it did not, but instead looked at a white dragon under it... king.

At this moment, Neptune is slowly recovering. It is the moment of waking up, and the monster’s mouth is seen...

"Hey!" The monster bite into the head of the sea king, then fiercely twisted its head down, and immediately it was drilled back into the split brain underneath it.

Ps: Thank you ~isummer~ monthly ticket~

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