4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 241: The end of prophecy

"Where is this monster? Is it buried underneath?" Crystal mad saw the monster into the split brain, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, Lin walked to the pit and looked down, I saw The big hole that the monster drilled out was still there, and a lot of split brains were rushing into the hole...

It is very likely that there will be deeper tunnels below, so I should check it out.

Now that the surrounding guards have almost recovered, Crystal Man looked around and said: "You, grab the strange dragons here, and dispose of the disgusting meatballs!"

So, is this bunch of split brains very disgusting for normal white dragons? Lin only noticed this. Disgusting is a very useful feeling that can keep creatures away from all kinds of dangers, but obviously the white dragons that are 'invited' don't feel split brain disgusting...

"Hey!" The guards who were waking up immediately began to work, and at this time, the prophet who was inserted on the ground by the sword, the crystal madness was not paying attention to the command. It pulled the sword out and then it quickly ran to the pit. At the edge of the cave, he jumped into the split brain.

"You!" Crystal Mad wants to chase after, and sees the prophet plunging into the split brain, seeing countless squirming split brains, and the face of Crystal Mad suddenly produces an uncomfortable expression, which is completely Did not want to chase down.

In this way, the guards brought by the crystal madman captured all the white dragons here, they were tied with ropes, and in order to deal with the split brain, the crystal mad also told a group of guards to bring a lot of cans called Something for 'grey oil'.

Ash oil is mainly made from a kind of mud that they have dug under the sea floor, and the combustion efficiency is very good.

"Pour the oil in!" A large number of guards stood by the pit, under the command of the crystal mad. Pour a can of oil into the potholes that split the brain. The split brains are drowned by oil. Everyone is starting to struggle.

They may have intelligence, but their ability to move is too bad to escape. When the pothole is full of oil, a guard will move in the brazier that has been burning around the room, and then put the fuel inside with the flame. Pour it in together...


The radiance of the flame instantly makes the whole space dazzling, the air is filled with the scorching smell of flesh and blood, and there is a special voice: "Ah-"

It seems like a scream. Are these brains... screaming? They seem to be constantly sending brainwaves before being swallowed by the flames. This brainwave is constantly transmitting, and 'listening' is like the sound of claws on the wooden surface, which makes the crystal madness and the white dragon here feel very good. Not comfortable.

"This should be solved... the monster will definitely be burned or suffocated below! We will leave!" Because the brain wave is very uncomfortable, the crystal madness quickly took the guards and dragged the group of bound white dragons to leave. Here.

Now, there is only one burning pit left here.

Because it is in the cave, the constant burning here causes the oxygen to disappear very quickly, and the surrounding is quickly filled with pure smell of burnt smoke, and the flame is slowly extinguished. The rest is only a large pile of burnt wreckage, and a large number of split brains are burned together with the headless bodies of Neptune. Some of the ones buried below may not be burnt, but they will also be bored or hot.

In addition to screaming, these split brains did not make any counterattacks. Lin felt that in addition to the powerful brain waves that they might not be able to send in the shellless state, there is another point... they have no value because the monster Successfully 'revived' so no longer need to split the brain.

Thinking, Lin's spy jumped into the pile of blackened meat **** and began to dig up where the monsters got in. After dug for a while, Lin reached the bottom.

This pit is very shallow, about three meters, but there is a very strange scene on the bottom layer. A group of split brains are tightly wounded together, even if they die, they are not loosened. After Lin broke the split brain that was rolled up together, he could see a **** hole below.

The spy entered the hole and slowly climbed down...

This seems to be quite deep...

After the spy walked for a while, he reached the bottom. There was a very spacious cave underneath. There was moist water on the ground. There were many bones on the water. A kind of fungus that glowed on the cheekbone was on the shin. There are quite a few small beetles.

Feeling is a very special place, because of these lights, when Lin came in, she saw that the monster was lying on the ground, the arrow on his face had been pulled out, and the prophet was lying next to it.

This monster is quite like a worm. It has a body length of about ten meters. It feels like a brain is being stretched.

They are now... Are they resting? This is quite interesting...

At this time, Crystal Madman also searched everywhere with the guards. After bringing out the group of 'invited' white dragons, they then explored them everywhere in the cave.

"This is...called the tree!" Lin has released the eyeballs and followed the crystal madness. They went to the room where the prophet held the ceremony. There are many recording trees here. The white dragon called it a 'calling tree', as if it sounded strange. Weird feeling.

"There are also here!" "This is also!" The sound of the guards came from the surrounding room. They found the tree in the room around the rock wall.

"There are so many... Are these seeds?" In the room of the prophet, Crystal opened a bag and saw that it was filled with small particles.

Calling trees is very expensive in the city of Bailulong. A seed can be sold to a thousand shells. Because this plant is very rare, and it is always inexplicable to die, it is very difficult to raise. Generally, Bailong believes its brown leaves. Can be used as a drug, some white dragons use it to record the sound of creatures, some white dragons even thought that they can talk to the wood spirit through it, although it seems to have many uses, but it is actually useless, it is purely because of 'rare' It’s expensive.

Because Bai Xiaolong didn't quite understand the law of recording and pronunciation, it seemed that the prophet understood, but it obviously did not publicize it.

"Get these all away!" Under the command of Crystal Mad, the guards took the bag of seeds out and they began to pull the trees on the ground.

And when a guard was pulling the tree, he accidentally touched the swollen part of the root of the tree.

"Ah-!!!" The tree suddenly screamed, and the scared guards threw the tree on the ground.

"Hey!" "Ah!" "Wow!"

After the tree was called, all the trees in the surrounding caves began to scream.

"What's wrong with this?" The guards were all scared by the sudden screams. The sounds of these trees sounded different, but the frequency was very cooperative.

At the moment they called out, the monster in front of Lynn’s spy suddenly woke up as if he had been awakened.

"Oh..." At the moment he woke up, he saw the spy in front of it.

A wave of brain waves spread out as the monster woke up. Lin knew that it was useless to deal with the discoloration of this kind of thing, but it did not intend to attack.

"You... come over." Suddenly, the monster’s mouth made a low voice, using the language of the white dragon...

It actually speaks? Look at it's mouth is not moving at all, there may be a voice capsule or something inside.

But why is it going to spy in the past?

The spy did not move, and the monster continued to say: "Come here, come over, come over..." It repeats the word continuously, and simultaneously sends the brainwave of the same meaning...

It seems to want to control the spy to go over? But that is obviously impossible.

"How come you can't?" The spy tentatively asked him, and the creature suddenly stopped and stopped the brainwaves and sounds.

Then, once again, I fell into a state of silence.

It seems that it does not want to move, but to control this method, just as it was not rushed when it was shot by the crystal mad, but escaped to the underground.

"Hey?" At this moment, the prophet under the monster woke up. When he saw the spy, he picked up the stick and jumped up and said, "Who are you?"

"Kill." The monster suddenly said: "Kill it, head, bring it back."

"Oh!" After hearing the monster's 'command', the prophet raised his stick and rushed to the spy! But the spy easily kicked the stick in the hands of the prophet and dropped the spy on the ground.

The power of the prophet is stronger than that of the general white dragon, but overall it is very weak. These white dragons can be said to be younger than the jade dragon or the dragon.

"Oh..." The prophet was pushed to the ground by the spy. It was crying in pain, but the monster was still indifferent, and its huge size seemed to be only good-looking.

"There is a hole here!" Suddenly, there was a sound coming from it. It seemed that the crystal mad guard ran back and found the cave that the spy had dug in the scorched split brain...

"Hey!" The monster seemed to panic as soon as he heard the sound. He looked up and looked at the left, but there were rocks everywhere, and it seemed to have no way to escape.

Although it looks like a worm, the cave does not seem to be dug up. What happened to the shock of its 'recovery'?

"Let's go see!" Along with a burst of sound, a large group of guards and Crystal Mad enter the cave together.

When Lin saw it, she immediately disappeared her body shape, and now there are prophets and monsters left here...

"Hey!" The prophet ran to the monster's side, and a large number of guards surrounded them.

"You are a sad group of abandoned people!" The prophet looked at the large group of guards and shouted: "You have been abandoned by the creators, and you dare to be so disrespectful to its messengers. What consequences will you know?"

"I only know that your blood will fill this cave!" Crystal yelled: "弩 ready to shoot!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ A gas ~ monthly ticket ~

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