4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 249: Woodland scream

It used to be a city of Lishui, but this is no longer a stand-up, but the city of this pyramid is still full of creatures. This place is very lively now...

Lin's flightman flew over the sky and saw a lot of emerald dragons coming and going on the ground. They built tents like tents near the pyramids, and many emerald dragons climbed onto the pyramids, using hoes and A tool such as a hammer knocks the crystal down and then carries it away.

At the same time, there are some jade dragons hunting nearby, and some even digging the ground, they are testing whether it is suitable for planting.

Susumi also launched a large number of projects at the same time, intending to turn this into a new city of emerald dragons. The city of Lishui is a good place. Under some huge pyramids, underground rivers are connected, which can solve the problem of water sources. And the food nearby is also very rich, because there are no trees around, it is easy to build up.

But there is still a problem, that is, the original city is too far from here, it is impossible to abandon the original city, the two sides are separated by the whole forest, and there are quite a lot of dangers in the forest...

As a result, Susumi is considering increasing the breeding of Yalong and making some Yalongs become 'public', so that many Emerald dragons can be transported back and forth, and the speed is very fast.

Yalong can also transport some crystals, which is perfect! Susumi recently discussed this situation with Mukla.

The flightr flew over the ‘new jade dragon city’ and approached the crystal woodland.

Here is the crystal woodland, this place is the same as before. Not much change, the ground is dry land, and the covered trees are everywhere, because only a few creatures feed on them. So they have almost no death.

The twenty-seventh tree...

Lin flew aside and soon found the location of the twenty-seventh tree. The pilot flew under the tree and observed it first. This tree is no different from the surrounding trees. Why do you want to bury your brain? Here? According to the brain worm, it seems that Haiwang himself wants to do this, but it does not know why it is done.

Lin found that there were some cracks in the crystallized skin of the tree, which brought the pilot closer and extended the tiny tentacles from the mouth, which seemed to extend directly into the tree.

This way you can listen to the ‘sound’ of the tree.

then. The pilot began to release some weak current to the tree. After being stimulated by current. The tree's recording organ reacted and made a "ah-!!" sound.

This seems to be the scream of the ribs, try again...

Lynn heard a lot of creatures calling. But there is a voice that is very suspicious, that is... ‘咕’.

This sound has the largest proportion in it, which means that many such creatures have been called nearby, and the number is quite large.

This voice is the cry of making brains. Although they rarely speak out, they still call, and they are obviously secretly planning things.

Lin estimates that they won't do anything other than the recovery of the Atlantis... What Lynn has to do is stop them, because the war is fun to play, but it also causes a lot of trouble...

Next second. The two excavators landed behind the pilot and began to dig around the tree. Because they didn't know the exact location, they had to dig around.

After digging for a while, Lin found a ball in the depth of two meters beside the tree.

This ball is stuck in the root of the tree. It feels like it has been put for a long time. This ball is alive and needs to be fed regularly, so it is said that there are creatures like brains nearby feeding it.

...something came over, the pilot heard some voices...

One of the excavators immediately flew away with the ball, and the other filled the soil back, and then flew to the sky, leaving only the plane to stop at a nearby tree to keep an eye on it...

If it is a feeder, it will be fine.

When Lin thought so, she suddenly saw two green figures coming in the woodland in the distance. Is it... Jade Dragon?

"It's so beautiful here! I want to live here all the time!" said a small, younger emerald dragon. "How did you find this place? It's just amazing, look at these trees..."

It said that he ran under a crystal tree and reached out and gently touched: "I really want to dig a walk."

"You can't talk to other dragons. I was forced to escape because I was found to have stolen things. Later, I went through the jungle somehow and came here." Another taller emerald dragon said: "It seems like Something is calling me."

"This must be the soul of the light to guide you." Xiao Jade Long said: "Just dig a walk, we will not steal things in the future, although there are many crystals in the city, but they are all planned to be distributed, we have no share. ""

Lynn listened to the two emerald dragons, as if they were two lower-level jade dragons. Did one accidentally stroll here? No, it should not be accidental.

The soul of light is one of their cults. It is said that when you hear the sound of the soul of the light and follow it, you will get an unimaginable treasure. This cult is quite famous among the lower jade dragons.

"Yes, then I followed the voice that called me, and I actually found a ball that would make a sound!" The tall emerald dragon said: "Then, it told me to feed it, it was there!"

As it said, it ran under the tree of the twenty-seventh tree. When it approached, it was shocked: "Nothing! Who was dug up here! The ball is gone!"

"Don't care about the ball." The other little emerald dragon obviously didn't care so much. It touched the tree and said: "If you have any tools, we have to get some back."

"No! I have to find the ball! Where is the ball? Where is the ball?" The tall emerald dragon seems to be very anxious.

Does this ball have the ability to send brain waves? Seeing this jade dragon, Lin immediately let the digger holding the ball put some tiny arms into the ball and made some detections inside.

... This ball is very similar to the previous one, but the brain is relatively large. It seems that the Yate group likes to send brain waves. Let's look at the brainworm first. There is something special about this record ball.

"Do you hear anything?" Little Emerald Dragon was trying to dig some crystal bark with a stone. Suddenly he snorted and said, "There is something calling."

"What?" The tall jade dragon, though big, seemed to be very timid. It suddenly became nervous and looked around. "It seems dangerous here... we still go back first."

Xiao Jade Dragon obviously refused: "No! It's hard to come to this place, we have to dig some crystals back, don't you still find the ball?"

"Don't care what the ball is!" Gao Zicui seems to have no interest in the ball now. He called: "Go away..."

‘Hey! At this time, the little emerald dragon knocked a piece of crystal from the tree. Suddenly, the tree made an extremely sharp sound: "Ah-!!"

When Lin remembered that there was a giant turtle creature eating a tree here, but the tree did not make much noise, but this jade dragon knocked down a bark, how could it be called loud?

Not only that, but all the trees around it are called together, ‘ahh! ! The screams echoed throughout the woodland, scaring the tall emerald dragon, and shouted: "Oh! There are monsters here! There are monsters here!"

"You don't want to call!" Xiao Jade Dragon hit it and said: "Just these trees are calling! I have got crystallized, hurry and leave!"

It’s even more brave to not see the small one, but doesn’t it think that the tree that will be called should be more scary?

...and, there are monsters here, and there are only one reason for these trees to be called at the same time - they are affected by brain waves.

"Oh..." A yellow-colored monster walked out of the woodland and came to the front of the two emerald dragons.

"Appeared! It is a monster!" Gao Cuilong screamed, pulling the little emerald dragon to run wildly, and ran out of this woodland.

And this monster...that is, the brain-making monster, it has not gone up from beginning to end, but has been trying to release brainwaves on these two emerald dragons.

But this brain wave seems to have no effect on the Jade Dragon. Lin remembers that it has a great influence on the Bailulong.

This is very interesting. It seems that Emerald Dragon is naturally resistant to these brain waves of the Astra group. However, Lin finally encountered a living brain-building monster, and now it is followed to see what it will do.

On the other hand, the digger is also taking the ball to investigate the brain worm... If you can find something interesting, just fine...


"The level of fun is not high."

The brainworm looked at the ball in front of the record and said: "There is less content, the change is not clear, and there is only one for the target, that is it."

The brain worm said that he looked at a creature not far from the side, that is, the sea king, which is now locked in a cage made of wood.

Because Lin has previously confirmed that Neptune will not explode, it can be safely placed in this place.

According to the brainworm, it seems that the ball of this record is specially used for the change of the sea king, and it seems unclear what form it changes.

The brain worm said: "If you want to change completely, you need key elements, there are no key elements, and the success rate is low."

The so-called 'key element' is the brain in which crystal madness is placed in the crystallization.

What is it going to change like? Become a new brain? Or is it something else?

Lynn thinks, maybe I can try it out.


Thanks ~ the hundred miles of the gods ~ small book pets ~ monthly ticket ~

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