4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 250: take off

Since then, there have been dozens of days and nights...

“Changes last longer, the degree of danger is lower. (The fastest update can be found)

Above the sea, slowly floating a giant creature - Lynn Behemoth, it seems that this unit has not been used for a long time, but recently Lynn used it not to fight, but to place 'items' .

In a special cabin in the body of Behemoth, there is a dragonfly of about one meter and a half, surrounded by a thick shell, which is the new look of the sea king.

In fact, a dozen or so nights ago, Lin asked Sea King to try to extract the 'information' from the ball of record, and then make a change, but in order to prevent any strange situation, put it in the body of Behemoth. And the changes in its body have been observed with micro-arms...

After Sea King just extracted the information from the ball of the record, it quickly spit out a lot of mucus and formed a flaw, which was bonded together with the entire recorded ball to form this shape.

Now, this cockroach is in a viscous shape. The sea king and the ball are completely self-decomposing. The cells inside are slowly moving... Lin will change all of it, all the cells are arranged. Recorded, this is not only a good study, but also the fastest way to find out what it is dangerous to combine.

However, it can be said to be very slow compared to the change of Li Li. If Li Li starts to change, it will be almost completed by this time, and it is only in the initial state...

Lin thinks it will take hundreds of days and nights to complete completely. Before that, look at somewhere else.

In these days and nights, Crystal Mad has been modifying its thing called the 'empty fish boat', the name is what it thinks. Obviously it doesn't quite name... As for the word 'boat', it is usually used by white dragons to describe a kind of arthropod floating on the water.

After many modifications, Crystal Mania significantly improved the hardness and stability of the gondola and airbags. It collects light and strong materials for assembly, because there is nothing on the land. Therefore, the basic materials are obtained from the sea. Fortunately, the things in the sea are much richer than the land...

After this, Crystal Mad has also made an 'empty fish boat' for combat. It has fixed arrows around and under the basket so that they can shoot in the sky! Although it feels no different from taking a normal arrow.

But the final problem, the speed is too slow, there is no way to solve it. At present, the speed of the mad airboat is about 900 meters in the 3600 seconds. If you encounter a wind or something, it will be slower, and you are also afraid of the wind and the like.

The empty jellyfish relied on jets, and the crystal mad had tried to make jets, but they all failed.

These are all thoughts of the crystal madness. Perhaps it should allow more white dragons to participate in the research, so the chances of making better things are greatly improved.

but. Crystal mad did not do this, and the crystal madness can no longer wait, the day and night landing on the land has been getting closer and closer, and finally, the crystal mad had to take these other aspects are good, but the speed of the slow-moving empty fish boat set off.

"This is the land of creators!" After a large circle, Crystal Mad with a large number of white dragons set foot on the land of the beach. These white dragons are almost all the 'elegant troops' specially selected by Crystal Mad, as well as various white dragons who are good at architecture, research, etc., and finally 'hard work', that is, those who specialize in excavating stone, carrying food, and doing various kinds of handyman. Bai Xiaolong, they form a tens of thousands of 'big army', as for the specific amount, the crystal mad does not know. They can even dye the blue sea into a white color when swimming in the water.

This is the ‘leading force’ led by Crystal Mad. They plan to build a small town on land first, and then wait for stability to bring more white dragons.

Of course, for the sake of safety. Crystal Mad has a large number of soldiers to ensure that it faces any possible threats.

When they set foot on the wasteland outside the land, many white dragons showed their incredible expressions. Many of them came here for the first time. They looked curiously and watched the pace of the crystal madness.

Crystal mad at the forefront of the entire army, it is as familiar with the road, with white dragons walking quickly from the wasteland, because they landed in the early morning, and as soon as noon, they also arrived Near the huge rift.


The white dragons saw huge and invisible rifts. They gave a burst of exclamation. Many white dragons couldn’t help but have fears. Even if they were hundreds of meters away from the rift, they were afraid to go backwards. ......

Crystal mad riding on a big dragon, it turned and shouted: "Let the road, pull the empty fish boat!"

“Let the way out!” Many captains heard the madness of the command and immediately passed it on. The huge group of white dragons slowly let the road open, and they saw the group of white dragons with ropes.

They dragged the ropes on their bodies. The empty fish boats were not dragged on the ground, but floated in the sky. They were dragged by hundreds of white dragons below. In fact, this is much faster than the empty fish boats themselves. .

Crystal has made more than one hundred empty fish boats, each of which has a height of at least 20 meters and a width of more than 13 meters. From the beginning of the square structure to the fish type, as for the airbag above It is even bigger, but even if the empty jellyfish is small, it is difficult to catch so many quantities, but later, the crystal madness found that the floating air body discharged from the empty jellyfish can be stored.

So now there are no jellyfish in the airbags of many empty fish boats, which are pure floating air bodies.

When the white dragons dragged the empty fish boats to the vicinity of the rift valley, they pulled the ropes hard and dragged the high-altitude empty fish boats to the ground for fixing. In order to prevent the occurrence of broken ropes, the empty fish boats have When several white dragons are on board and the ropes are broken, they will immediately release the airbags, so that the empty fish boats will not drift away.

"Now the wind is small, very good." Crystal mad riding the big dragon to a higher mound said: "So now, start the test flight!"

"Starting the test flight!" After the captain passed the command of the crystal madness, a group of white dragons immediately took an airship. They are the empty fish boats with certain experience.

Then, the white dragons let go of the fixed hooks, and the empty fish boat slowly rose to the sky...

"The creators are protecting you!" Crystal mad looked at the empty fish boat that was lifted off: "Go, climb the land of the creator!"

Ps: Thanks ~ three tongues ~ monthly ticket ~

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