4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 256: Ultimate weapon?

"Good, just like that, put that thing on the shelf! Move faster!"

On the outskirts of the Rift Valley, a large number of white dragons gathered, they were very busy, and at the request of the crystal mad, they were pieced together with the same new things.

It is a new thing, in fact, it is just a modification of the old one, that is... an empty fish boat.

"That's it! Put a little better, don't forget to test it!" Crystal Mad and several captains are constantly commanding. Under their command, Bai Haolong is building a huge... empty fish boat.

This empty fish boat is much larger than the previous one. The basket is nearly 60 meters long. The basket is more than 40 meters wide at its widest point. The overall shape is like a plant fruit called 'banana'. On its two sides, there are two pairs of huge 'fins' that are shaped from various things from the ocean, mainly seaweed and fish. As for the basket itself, it is made up of similar materials, and then the shell shrimp A mucus secreted is bonded, which is quite strong after drying and is very light.

This empty fish boat was actually built very early, and it was dragged here. The huge airbag above it has a lot of gas made by empty jellyfish, but this thing is mainly used by one. The creature is flying.

That is the huge empty jellyfish.

The large air jellyfish is not in the airbag, but in the lower 'boat cabin', it is wrapped in a layer of seaweed capsules, and it is also tied with many ropes.

The empty jellyfish is now asleep, not because of the lack of oxygen, but because of the inhalation of a smoke. Crystal Mad is making an empty fish boat. I have been trying to use this empty jellyfish. Eventually it found a plant-fired smoke that would leave the empty jellyfish in a 'drowsy' state.

Then, it became like this. The empty jellyfish originally lived in the pool above the castle, but the crystal madness caused the white dragon to tie a lot of ropes on the jellyfish's tentacles, so that the jellyfish could not fly when it was lifted. Going out, the white dragons released the smoke to make it stun, and then a lot of white dragons dragged it to the surface of the water, and began to build a gondola basket on it.

The empty jellyfish is not hostile to the white dragon. This is a wonderful place.

In fact, this is not a hanging basket, but more like a 'flying ship', but the crystal madness did not give it a special name, although it looks very huge, but actually more like wrapped The large jellyfish has a shell, so it's very light, and with the extra airbag, this giant can easily fly to the sky.

"Do you know that if you want to defeat a big monster, you must be bigger than it!" Crystal Mad said loudly that it was unreasonable. But the white dragons are moving faster, and they are hanging some huge weapons into the airship with airbags. And assemble it.

These weapons are called 'small guns' and are actually enlarged arrows. They are mounted on the head of an empty fish boat and have two sides and a tail. There are eight in total, and the top is about three meters long. The arrow is made of a large fish bone.

The white dragons are debugging these cannons, they can swing up and down, and can better aim at the target.

"This is very good." Crystal madly looked at his highest masterpiece with satisfaction. It climbed down the ropes to the empty fish boat. At this time, the white dragons almost assembled everything.

"Then should be the time to start." Crystal Mad said: "Let them look at my weapons, captain, let all the dragons ready!"

"Hey!" The white dragon, called the captain, immediately ran to call, and many soldiers climbed the airship. They all experienced considerable training and were the most elite troops.

These troops have a hundred dragons. They climbed onto the airships and stood on their own seats. In addition to them, there were other white dragons responsible for the fins.

Crystal mad looked at the fiery sun in the sky, and then felt the wind around him. It shouted: "So now... take off!"

"Hey!" The white dragons under the empty fish boat loosened the fixed ropes, and the huge empty fish boat climbed into the air at this moment! At this time, the white dragons began to draw fins, and the empty fish boats began to move toward the rift at a very slow speed.

Lin feels that it seems that it is incredible to fly things at any time, but what is even more incredible is that it actually took it on. Lin thought that the crystal madness would wait until the end is completely safe.

It may be that you want to try your own work, or think about it over there, it should know that it means danger.

"We also take off!" With the take-off of huge airships, many white dragons also took the remaining small airships, and they flew into the air with their king.

Whether it is a large airship or a small airship, their speed is not so good, Lin estimates that they will take a long time to reach the opposite side...

At this time, over the jungle in the land, the Ten Yalongs are rapidly flying in the direction of the target rift.

Among these Yalong knights, one jade dragon is the main commander of the jade dragon, Mukla.

"We came mainly to investigate the bottom of the rift, not to fight, do you understand?" Mukhla said to the surrounding knights: "The king said that they may live under the rift and float in a strange way. Come up!"

"This kind of thing... is it really possible? Commander?" asked an emerald dragon next to it.

"I don't think it's possible, but I won't question the king. Wang has been to many places before. It has more knowledge than us... Wait, we are here."

When Mukla said, the jungle in front of the dragons had reached the end, and a huge rift appeared in front of them.

"It's those things."

The emerald dragons flew over the rift, only to see that the empty fish boats were still tied to the edge of the cliff, and slowly swayed with the breeze.

"This is a wonderful structure. How do they fly in the end?" Mukla and Yalong approached the airship. The more they look at these empty boats, the more strange they are, because the jade dragon doesn't know much about floating air. Physical things.

"Commander, look at this!" At this moment, a voice came from afar. Mukla immediately flew over. I saw that the other nine emerald dragons were all surrounded by cliffs. I saw blood on the edge of the cliff. There are also some wreckage of the white dragon, and there is a thigh bone on the wreckage that doesn't know what creature...

"This is a gnome..." Mukla looked at the tragic situation here: "It seems that they are hiding here, and then they are attacked by the gnomes. No matter, let's go to the bottom of the rift!" (To be continued, please search Floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ Bai Ni ~ the monthly ticket ~

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