4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 257: Above the rift

It is located in the abyss, the bottom of the extremely rift.

Although the darkness is the main color here, it does not completely cover the whole place, and there is still some light to provide illumination for this abyss on land...

"There is such a place in the world..."

Mukla and the other nine emerald dragon knights slowly flew at the bottom of the rift, holding torches in their hands, and the light of the flames provided them with a good view.

And they also saw that under this rift is a wonderful world, it is not without life, but with some strange creatures that are different from those on land.

Under the Mukhara, there are black plants, which are like withered trees, but the branches are covered with dense spines. At first glance, they don’t feel that they are alive, but As Mukhla approached, the plants seemed to feel the same, began to tremble slightly, and made a sound of '咔咔咔'.

Regarding this kind of plant, Lin didn't know what it was, because Lin and Mukla were the first to go down to the rift valley in the west.

This time, Lin did not use the eyeballs, but followed them with the pilot.

Lin used to take Susumumi to the rift valley of other places. I didn't expect the rift here to have a whole new group of creatures. They formed a special environment that belongs to them only, which is quite interesting.

But for Mukla, they should be considered 'horror'. Every Emerald Dragon knight who flies here has a feeling of fear.

"What are those things?" Flying over the strange woods, Mukla saw a quagmire, and the trees had grown on the quagmire. However, there are some other creatures in the quagmire... one body is more than one meter long. Gray worm with body fat.

They seem to feed on mud. Intensively drilled in the quagmire, this scene makes Mukla a very disgusting feeling, and they are estimated to associate with those rot.

Above the quagmire, there are some skeletons of unknown creatures. A jade dragon knight seems to be very curious. It rides on Yalong and approaches a skeleton, carefully watching it.

"You don't want to be so close." Mukla said to the emerald dragon: "Our main task is to look here to see if there is a nest of white dragons."

'boom! In the moment when Mukla finished this sentence, he suddenly burst into a big mouth in the quagmire. It looks like a black flower, each petal is covered with barbs, and when it is open, it has a width of more than five meters. It bites Yalong’s abdomen and pulls it down... ...

"Hey!" The emerald dragon suddenly became shocked. The Yalong under him also screamed and flapped his wings, trying to get out of this mouth. When the mouth bites it, the worms underneath suddenly gathered in large numbers. It seems that I was waiting for the moment when Yalong was dragged to the quagmire.

"Hurry up and help it!" Mukla yelled and picked up the bow and arrow. It shot an arrow at the long ‘neck’ behind the big mouth, as the arrow penetrated the target. A large amount of gray liquid gushed from the wound, and the mouth also loosened Yalong and retracted into the mire.

"It's too dangerous..." The jade dragon was still in a state of horror, and he let out a sigh of relief: "Thanks to the commander."

"There are such monsters here..." Mukla said: "We all fly a little higher."

Next, the Jade Dragons flew to a higher place to continue their exploration, and Lin's flight crew also looked at the quagmire and followed it up.

The one just was a carnivorous plant, but I don’t know why, Lynn has a ‘very weird’ feeling for it.

Although I want to see what the subject is hidden under, but then let's talk about it.

The jade dragons flew a lot under the rift. Most of the creatures here are grotesque plants. They are all black and don't know what to eat.

In addition to plants, there are many worms and small dinosaurs, and some pterosaurs are also here to make nests. The quagmire is the main environment here. It is like a swamp, and it will not be long before you can see a quagmire.

But in this place, it is obvious that you can't find any 'White Dragon's Nest'.

"Commander, we have already circled a lot of places." Now the Jade Dragons are flying in a vast quagmire. An emerald dragon said to Mukla: "The torch has already burned out, and we have to reproduce it on land."

"Maybe the white dragon does not live here." Mukla said: "All in all, let's fly up first."


"What is that sound?" Suddenly, a burst of sound stopped the Emerald Dragons, and I saw a few large creatures in the mud pool not far away.

...that is the Poseidon dragon? I did not expect to have these large long-necked dragons here? Lin remembers to see them only on the other side of the river. These large dragons are about 20 meters long and move slowly in the quagmire.

‘Poseidon Dragon’ is the name in Lin Si’s thoughts, not Lin’s own, but are they here, does it mean that some roads can reach the bottom of this rift? The little dinosaurs can climb down the rock wall, and the large ones definitely need passage.

The Emerald Dragons were also amazed at the appearance of these dragons. They watched for a while, and then waited until the torches in their hands were slowly extinguished before they flew up.

The torch is mainly made of oil from certain plants and can be burned for a long time, but it can't be too long.

"There are so many wonderful things here, the commander."

"Yes, we have to report to the king, but Bai Xiaolong does not seem to be underneath."

"The following is too big, we can't find the whole, we should ask for reinforcements..."

The Jade Dragons slowly approached the Rift Valley as they chatted. It was located in the middle of the Rift Valley and was covered in fog everywhere.

"Hey? Where is this? I can't tell the direction!" The jade dragons looked around in a panic, and Mukla said calmly: "It doesn't matter, just..."

"What is that?" Mukla suddenly changed his tone. The Jade Dragons noticed that it was staring in a direction, and they also looked in that direction...

I saw a huge black shadow in the fog not far away. The black shadow flashed in front of the shadow, just like a pair of red eyes watching them...

"What the **** is that!" "It's coming!"

The jade dragons immediately rode around Yalong, and they rode to Yalong to fly to a higher place. At this moment, a light breeze suddenly burst, although it was not big, but it also blew a lot of fog, which made The jade dragons saw what this thing looks like...

The behemoth is covered with a mixture of dark green and gray. If you smell it carefully, you can still smell the sea bream. The two 'eyes' are two large at the top of the head. The brazier, the burning flame above it, illuminates the dense fog area of ​​the belt.

The emerald dragons looked at this thing with scorn, and their thoughts could not explain what it was, but at this time, they were already found on the opposite side.

"Wang! Some strange things appeared in front of you!" On the huge empty fish boat, the scout standing next to the brazier had already seen the figure of the top ten Yalong in front, and it immediately ran to report to the crystal madness.

"I didn't expect to meet them so quickly." Crystal madly went to the boat head and looked at the ten black shadows not far away: "Sure enough, these green things, as seen at that time..."

"Shooting! Beat them all down!"

"Hey!" Under the command of the crystal madness, the white dragons immediately began to move, and the opposite jade dragon looked at the puzzledly, only to see the front end of the empty boat, and a strange device made up of fish bones suddenly moved. It first swayed from side to side and then aimed at the Jade Dragons.

"That is..." Mukla looked at the device that aimed at them. It suddenly realized what it was. It immediately shouted: "Quickly spread!"

'boom! At the moment when Mukla called out, a huge arrow shot out. In the emerald dragon, a fierce scream rang out...

The arrow did not hit the Yalong, but hit an emerald dragon riding on the back of Yalong. Its waist was divided into two breaks in an instant by the huge impact force. This two-piece body also fell from the back of Yalong and fell into the abyss of the Rift Valley.

"Hey?" The emerald dragons reacted, their companions have disappeared, and an emerald dragon shouted at the bottom: "Hey!!!"

It shouted with a very sad mood, which seemed to be a very good companion.

"I shot a good one." Crystal mad looked at the opposite of an emerald dragon was directly hit into two, it lifted the watch to the watch: "Continue to shoot, each shot of a reward of five thousand shells!"

"Distributed!" Mukla did not have time to grieve for his companions. Under its shouting, the emerald dragons immediately rode around Yalong to fly away. While flying side by side, Mukla also noticed the boat opposite. White figure on the.

"It’s a white dragon!" Mukla called. "It’s the white dragon sitting on it! We must..."

"Oh!" The sad emerald dragon suddenly became extremely angry after hearing it. It rushed to the airboat and rushed to the airboat. Mukla immediately called: "Wait a minute!"

But this jade dragon did not stop, it seems to have been covered by anger, Lin found that when the creature is extremely angry, the ability to think will be reduced, and even impossible to think can happen.

"It's coming! Shoot!" Under the command of Crystal Mad, the second arrow suddenly shot, but it only slightly rubbed the wings of Yalong. The Emerald Dragon took the anger and anger and rode the Yalong directly. On the empty boat!

"That oh!" Mukla looked at the situation above, and he shouted to other knights: "We cover it!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ dew nkysun~'s reward~

Thanks ~ no character ~ sluggish eyes ~ monthly ticket ~

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