"Oh ah ah ah! This group of slaves are all dead!" The angry Emerald Dragon drove Yaron to the airship and attacked the surrounding white dragons. The white dragons immediately fled around, but they were not Simply escape, but quickly surrounded by a circle around Yalong.

"Hey!" Yalong roared to chase the white dragon. Once it was seen, Bai Xiaolong immediately turned and fled, and in other white dragons, they had already raised the arrow around.

“Looking up to death?” Crystal Mad has long since retreated to a safe place. It looks at the encirclement that has formed. It immediately yells: “Shooting!”

‘Hey! 'A large number of arrows are shot in an instant, most of them are bounced off on Yalong, but there are still many shots on the emerald dragon knight. It has many shoulders, abdomen, chest and other places. Arrow, it didn't even scream, this angry knight fell from Yalong...

The Yaron, who was still attacking, suddenly stopped the action. It spread its wings and flew away from the empty boat and went away.

This is the characteristic of the Yalong, which is raised by the Jade Dragon. If the Jade Dragon riding on it leaves it for any reason, it will fly back to the place of residence, no matter what is going on now...

"Very good, who shot it?" Crystal mad saw and easily killed an emerald dragon, its mood is obviously very happy.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a scream replied to the crystal madness. I saw it on the airship. A white dragon screamed and fell to the ground. Its neck was piercing an arrow...

"Kill them all! Don't let them get close to the land!" Mukla and the remaining seven Yaron knights are flying around the empty fish boat with bows and arrows. Many arrows are flying around, and there are several Bai Xiaolong screamed and fell to the ground.

Bai Haolong's armor is not a systemic system. There are still some weaknesses in them. The Jade Dragon's riding and shooting technology has undergone a lot of practice. Even in such high air movements, they can hit the target!

"Counterattack! Hurry back!" Crystal screamed, and the white dragons immediately reacted. They raised their hands and shot at the surrounding emerald dragon.

However, a large number of arrows are hit on Yalong's body, it is difficult to hit the emerald dragon riding on it, and the giant pythons mounted on both sides of the empty fish boat are also difficult to aim because the other side is flying too fast. But the Jade Dragon's shooting is very deadly to the white dragons...

"Get aim! Give them to me!" Crystal screamed on the boat. But it did not fight itself, but tried to retreat to the entrance to the cabin.

At the time of shooting, Mukla suddenly noticed the crystal madness, wearing a bright white armor, and screaming at the white dragon, it immediately realized that the crystal madness was a role of the commander, and then it opened the bow and arrow. , aimed at the crystal madness.

“Hey?” Crystal Mad suddenly found out that there was an emerald dragon bow aiming at it! But it is still some distance from the entrance of the cabin. When the other party releases the bowstring, Crystal Mad immediately pulls a white dragon next to it to the front.

‘Hey! ’

Along with a scream. In the eyes of Crystal Mad, there was a body with a neck pierced. At this time, other white dragons noticed the crystal madness. I immediately rushed over and said: "Wang!"

"I'm fine, but it sacrificed my life to protect me." Crystal Mad said: "You continue to fight!" Said, it quickly ran into the cabin.

"How did you shoot this group of incompetent dragons in the end!" On the first floor of the cabin was the area where the guns were operated on both sides of the airship. Crystal madly stepped forward and opened an operating white dragon, which grabbed it personally. The rifle, aiming at the jade dragons that wander around the airship week.

'boom! ’

Along with the huge sound of the rifle shooting, the arrow that was thicker than the spear exploded, and the Yalong flying over was hit, Yalong’s body suddenly slammed, and the emerald dragon above did not catch it. .

The Yaron that was shot was not penetrated by the armor, but it seemed to be injured by the impact of the arrow. It was difficult to maintain a stable flight and left here.

"Hip-hop! That's it! Hurry up the arrow!" Crystal screamed excitedly. Several nearby white dragons immediately moved an arrow. After the gun was loaded, it fired the Yaron outside again.

At this time, several other white dragons operating the artillery guns also seemed to find the feeling. After several loud noises, two Yalongs were hit, and one of the dragon's wings was directly shot through, and it could not fly. With the emerald dragon on the body, it fell into the bottom of the valley...

Bai Xiaolong seems to have regained his advantage. Lin believes that in fact, the Jade Dragon can easily win the battle. They only need to blast the airbag above. The huge empty jellyfish in the boat can't fly. However, it seems that Jade Dragon is still not clear about the relationship between airbags and airships.

"Continue to shoot, knock them all down!" Now there are five out of the Jade Dragon outside. The crystal madness has already felt the approach of victory. It shouted from the rifle while commanding loudly. It came. The next level of the cabin, there are some special things.

"Raise!" Seeing the danger of the cannon, Mukla made the Emerald Dragon knights rise to the higher air, and the cannons could no longer continue to rise, they could not shoot higher targets.

The Emerald Dragons fired again, and Mukla took the Yalong in the air without action, and it seemed to be thinking.

Because Susumi’s original order was to let them search, but did not let them fight, but they were hit, this is mainly Mukhla’s self-proclaimed, because it has realized that these white dragons are not from the underground, but from On the other side of the Rift... it didn't want them to land on land.

With the feeling of feeling Mukla, Lin thinks so...

Therefore, Mukla will kill them, but what should they do? It is impossible to kill the above-mentioned white dragon by the arrow with the arrow, and now the white dragons have already understood the movement of the jade dragon and then evaded or used the armor to resist the arrow.

At this time, Mukla looked up... There were a lot of ropes on the airship, and they were tied to some round drums on it...

At the beginning, Mukla was wondering what these things were for.

"I can test it, what is this thing for?" At the same time, Crystal Mad came out of the ladder in the cabin, holding a strange thing in his hand... (To be continued Search for astronomical literature, novels are better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~metallicclaw~ monthly ticket~

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