4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 289: Communication cannot


The ground, constantly trembled, accompanied by tremors, huge roots drilled from the surface, they pushed down the surrounding trees and rocks, and grew large blades to shield the sun.

Ten days and nights have passed since Lin and the creator began fighting. Lin has almost cleared all the roots that can be seen on the ground during the first few nights...

But it can be described as ‘endless’. More roots emerge from the mainland. Under the ravages of the virus, the madness of plants affects a large area around it. If this continues, it will subvert the entire continent.

Has it appeared again here? This time it is near the city of the Emerald Dragon.


Under the bombardment of countless bombs, these roots that had just been drilled for a long time were smashed, but many viruses have spread out, and the creatures here seem to be in trouble.

Before the continent was destroyed, Lynn had to destroy this creator, but...it didn't seem easy.

In the depths of the salt flats, a large number of excavators are constantly digging underground. They dig and tear the roots while digging, and Lin finds that the roots of these trees are more and more huge.

The roots of the ground that were originally drilled from the ground are generally one to three meters in diameter, but the roots of five to seven meters in diameter have been dug up here, and some of the thickest parts have a diameter of about ten meters.

Moreover, they are like the ground holes of ants, and they are scattered all over the ground, not only in the salt fields, but also in the rift valleys and other places, and also found huge roots under the excavation.

Lynn found out. It is indeed underground throughout the continent. This way you can't dig from the outside. Otherwise, it will lead to a major earthquake on the land. To clean up these roots, it is necessary to start intrusion from the root of the tree.

At the same time, Lin also wants to find the creator's 'ontology'. It should have a main part somewhere on the ground. If you dig it out, you can destroy it directly!

But at the moment, I don’t know where the ontology is, I have to have a special way to find out...

Let the creator say it yourself.

...then, start attacking!

At the initial attack point, Lin started from the rift in the west. Lin feels that this place is the closest to the depths of the underground.

Several floating **** slowly flew down from the air, injecting a huge amount of troops into the section of many tree roots. These troops were called 'drills', a small, worm-like worm. Bring a huge amount of erosion into the roots of the tree.

At the moment of entering, countless swords inside attacked Lin, but the 'Drilling Man' was a thousand times larger than them, and they were 'opening the road' at a very fast speed. All the structures inside, including those swords, are smashed into paste, while the erosive is assisted by the side. Devouring the remaining swords that escaped, constantly moving toward the roots of the tree.

There are many pipes in the root of the tree. Just as blood vessels are complex, they not only transport liquid nutrients, etc., but also use them for the channel of the sword, and Lin now completely does not move along these pipes, but constantly drills forward and destroys everything inside, this tree The roots are not like many hardened structures in ordinary plants. Instead, they are as soft as animals, and it is much easier to drill.

Lin began to invade from ten roots and soon drilled into the depth of more than ten meters underground. After entering a certain depth, some of the eros will start new work, they secrete shells from the tail, making The hardened 'skeleton' is supported within the root of the tree, which is caused by the internal pressure of the roots being smashed and unable to withstand the pressure of the ground.

But the most important thing is that Lin wants to find out if there is any special thing, the so-called command position.

Two kinds of symbiotic organisms, fungi and sword mites, are currently found in the 'creator', but they should not only be used as a place of residence.

Lynn believes that creators have the ability to command them, and that creators should be very intelligent creatures.

In fact, this creator does not have to be a long time before it has appeared. It has appeared several times before.

It should have some degree of communication with the original Bailuo, and the so-called 'prophet' is also related to it. The 'prophet' may be the white dragon of the creator's special 'manufacturing', let them mix in the group of Bailulong. They have an impact.

These signs indicate that the creator should be intellectual, but Lin has not found any high intelligence. It will only continue to drill out of the soil like a plant. If the distance is too close, it will drill some predatory structures. Trying to attack, but this is something that ordinary plants can do.

Therefore, Lin is very skeptical about the creator's intelligence, and should find more secrets in the depths of the tree roots.

As the mad drill deepens, the surrounding roots become more spacious. At the same time, Lynn also finds some new saclike structures inside, which are attached around the pipe and filled with many eggs.

It seems that these are the eggs of the sword, but Lin has not seen the kind of queen resembling a sword. The common ability of the sword to reproduce has deteriorated. They should have queens.

When I thought of it, the troops that invaded inward stopped.

The mad drills encountered some swords that were as big as themselves. The swords were like lobster creatures, the forelimbs were a pair of pliers, and it had the structure of the eyes, and the endless little swords around them. These things completely blocked the passage in front.

This huge species is still the first to see, they seem to be protecting what it looks like.

If so, it would be fine.

Thinking, Lin let a mad drill rush towards the other side, and this huge sword is also moving quickly. It grips the head of the mad drill with a pair of pliers. At the same time, there are countless small swords around. Up, they are constantly encircling the body of the mad drill, constantly biting and trying to drill inside.


At this moment, the entire channel shook, the inner wall of the passage bursted open, and a large number of mad drills drilled from the cracked passage wall. They drilled with a sharp head on the giant sword, countless The shell fragments flew away under the drill, and the mad diamonds also plunged into the body of the sword, and the sawtooth of the body swivel instantly shattered the internal organs of the sword.

Although these swords are large, it seems that there is nothing very powerful. Then, countless eroders rushed in. They began to attack the small swords and swallow the fragments of the large swords...

After solving this group of things, Lin found a wonderful ... organ?

Are these swords protecting this? This thing is in the center of a large number of passages, as if all the surrounding passages are connected to it.

And the whole organ looks like a cylinder, and Lynn feels like it has... right!

Thinking, Lin immediately let a special unit swim from the rear. This is a small brain-reader who put some of his tentacles on this organ.

The brain reader immediately received some information. This is some brainwave signals, and I can't understand the specific meaning. But Lin knows that this organ is a ganglion-like structure, much simpler than the general brain, and there are no nerves around it. Wire connection, it is here alone...

There is no connection, the structure is very simple, and it is too small to compare the root of the tree. Does this mean that the creator's intelligence is not high?

Lin’s forces invaded ten roots, and nine other troops found the nerve knot in almost the same position.

However, Lynn has recorded the frequency of the signal it just sent, and through the display, gave it to the brainworm located at sea.

“Simple information, easy to understand.” The brainworm said after rolling a few laps on the ground: “Transfer the signal to a specific language, expressing the meaning... ‘I will find you’”

……What does it mean? When I heard the words of the brain worm, Lin felt very strange. Is the creator's ‘word’ aimed at Lin?

Thinking, Lin tried to connect with the brain and the ganglion, but it didn't react anymore.

Just the information just happened to happen? However, it deliberately sent the brainwaves, which means that it really wants to communicate.

Thinking, Lin asked the brainworm: "Are you talking with me?" How does this information express with brain waves?"

“Send frequency.” The brain worm sent some brainwave signals to the display, and Lin recorded the signals, and then the same signal frequency was sent to the ganglion in the root by reading the brain.

The ganglion suddenly trembled, and suddenly, a lot of information came from inside!

This time, Lin Lin quickly recorded it and gave it to the brainworm. After listening to the brainworm, she said: "This information is more complicated, but it has specific meaning: 'stop the invasion', 'will counterattack', 'find You're 'destroying' and 'swallowing'."

Sure enough, this creator is talking to Lin.

Then, Lynn asked the brainworm a ‘stop all this, or you will be destroyed. 'The expression of brain waves, and sent to the ganglion by the reader.

Lin feels that these ganglia are only used to express signals. There are some main parts that are used for thinking.

Lin only needs to find out where the part is.

Suddenly, Lin felt that huge brain wave energy came from all the roots of the pipeline. They were very strong and they all concentrated on this ganglion. They read the brain's tentacles, and the strong signal made the brain read. The cells in the body begin to damage and feel like they are hit by current.

But this signal calmed down instantly and turned into a simple signal before.

After handing the last signal to the brainworm, it means: ‘has found you. ’

This seems very clever, because Lin also found it. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~metallicclaw~tiger28~ The moonlight under the moonlight ~rgtgr~~

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