4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 290: Drilling into the abyss

After three days and nights, the city of Emerald Dragon.

There are also a lot of emerald dragons in the city. They did not participate in the war, nor did they fly to the city of Lishui to do the crystallizer. They still lived an ordinary life and waited for Susummi to win. The news is back.

However, this city, which was originally far from war, has now been involved in the disaster.

“吱...呜...” A large number of plants crawled slowly through the roots. They gathered under the outer wall of the Emerald Dragon City, constantly waving the roots and trying to climb in from the wall.

"These things are getting more and more... Is this jungle already mad?" There are several emerald dragon soldiers on the wall who are observing the following situation. One of the emerald dragons said: "Do we have contact with the king? ”

Another jade dragon said: "I don't know, the Yalong Knight who went out has not responded... Wait, look at that!"

'Boom! There was a loud noise from the earth, and I saw a plant of up to six meters coming out of the forest.

This plant does not move with roots, but with 'legs', it looks like the trunk of the lower half is split in half and forms the structure of the 'legs', also in the upper body it has two special The thick branches are the 'arms'.

The monster walked to the edge of the city wall and raised the ‘arm’ high, and then slammed it on it...

'boom! Under a loud noise, several of the above jade dragons were almost shaken!

"Oh! It wants, ruin the wall! Hurry up! Burn it with fire!" Several emerald dragons quickly climbed down the wall to prepare, this tree with a hand hits the wall again and again, it seems to feel No pain. Under constant attack. The sturdy walls actually began to crack.

"Shooting!" At this time. The emerald dragons arrived. They ignited the arrow and fired the rocket rain at the tree that beat the wall. The giant tree began to tremble under the flame. It slammed the flame on its body and turned and fled. Among the jungle.

The Jade Dragons were relieved to see that it would not cause forest fires to be clearly within their consideration.

Although the jungle is very humid, there is almost no possibility of any fire.

but. Has this category already appeared?

This kind of tree is a new kind of tree. It has more powerful action ability. Lin found that if these trees get enough nutrients, they will continue to mutate under the influence of the virus, and some will change and change and die. And some have become more powerful, this tree is a good example.

But no matter what kind of infected plants, the green cells they originally relied on will disappear, so they can no longer absorb light energy, only by constantly killing the surrounding animals to get the energy needed for change.

At the end. When everything is killed, these plants will wither and fall to the ground because they have no energy. At that time, the purpose of the creator was reached, and the whole continent would be ruined, and they would all become the food of the creator.

In the sky above the Emerald Dragon City, flying a lot of flying people, Lin's next target is here, before in the root of the tree, most of the signals are sent by the ganglion alone, but that is particularly strong signal In fact, it is a signal sent from a major part in the distance, which is transmitted to the brain reader through a large number of ganglia distributed in the root of the tree...

By perceiving this signal, Lynne has discovered where its origin is.

It is under the ground of the Emerald Dragon City, exactly, under a giant egg stone.

These giant egg stones are wonderful things. The emerald dragons lived around them and started the first large-scale group, but I didn't expect the creators to hide them here.

Lynn needs to be careful not to affect the Emerald Dragon above, but it is the best chance to kill the creator, and Lin can't move too slowly.


"What happened?"

The earth was slowly shaking, and the emerald dragons in the city were nervous. They hid in their houses, and only a few stayed in open spaces.

The Emerald Dragons have not experienced a big earthquake. They don't seem to know what to do. Although it is not an earthquake, Lin's largest unit, the Blazers, is moving underground.

More than 70 meters long, the armor formed by the metal formed by the submarine volcanic rocks, the pioneers are like spinning through the soft soil to drill the underground rock formations, going deep into the underground, which caused a slight impact on the ground. The vibration.

The Blazers will not cause excessive cracks in the surrounding rock formations when drilling the ground, so the ground should be fine. In the underground, the Blazers have discovered countless roots, but they are almost worth mentioning to the Blazers. At the moment of contact, they are twisted into powder.

Lin still remembers the position of the signal. The Blazers are constantly approaching the target. The closer they are, the more roots there are. After they are all smashed, the Blazers have reached the goal.

right here!

With the rock formation and the roots being smashed, Lin felt that the Blazers suddenly entered an open space.

this is……

The Blazers shine in front of the head, and Lynn sees a huge structure, which looks like a bark?

The Blazers are now in a cave-like place, the caves are quite narrow, surrounded by rock walls and exposed roots, while the cave passages in front of the Blazers are blocked by a huge bark.

This seems to be a huge tree? But there is obviously no way to see its whole body in this position, but Lin can also speculate on its diameter, maybe there are ... a few hundred meters?

It’s much bigger than the home tree...

No matter how much, just drill it.

Just as the Blazers just wanted to move forward, the surrounding rock walls suddenly shook, and then a lot of white powder sprang from the cracks in the rock wall...

Is this a trap?

These powders are all dusty, they all stick to the Blazers, and because the Blazers have smashed many roots before, the large amount of liquid stuck on them has caused the bacteria to start to grow, and a large number of hyphae have been entangled. The body of the person.

But... this has no meaning!

The Blazers violently spin and accelerate, and the hyphae on it was pulled off in an instant, rushing straight ahead of the passage of the cave, and its head slammed into the bark in front...

'boom! ’

With the huge roar, the Blazers broke a huge crack on the bark.

'boom! 'But almost at the same time, another roar has followed, the sound is not here, but in a farther place... Lin is located in the underground base in the north of the mainland! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ leisure ~ rewards ~

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