4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 307: New white object

Within the trunk, tiny wars continue, and countless scarlet pompons are constantly expanding their armies, and countless swords are fighting to stop their lives...

However, they failed.

Lin's red pompom has occupied a vast area of ​​100 meters in diameter and tens of meters in height in the creator. The water here is dyed red, and there is no creature except the red pompom.

However, Lin still feels too slow. This area seems to be very large, but in fact it is only a small part of the creator. The surrounding area is still the green water that does not end. The diameter of this trunk is still a mystery.

Although the swordsmen are constantly retreating, their resistance is still effective. If it is a general creature, Lin has already dyed it all red.

The creator may be the first in the history of the world to use a large army of divisional species as the immune system, and the sword is also developed to deal with viruses that are as small as viruses and other multicellular parasites. A large variety.

And the difference between them is also very large. Generally speaking, for a large number of enemy forces, some viruses or toxins can make them completely destroyed, but for the swordsman, this method can only infect a part of it. The other part may have resistance. Among them, there are also kinds called 'therapists', which secrete various substances against viruses or toxins...

It has far more immunity than any biological immune system, and the sword can even deal with some large creatures. Lin's affiliated worms, which were originally observed below, are now besieged by a large number of swords. They release a strong solution to dissolve the outer shell of the worm. And drilled into the structure of the body.

and so. The red pompoms use the easiest way to attack the blast, which also makes the sword have no way to deal with it.

However... it is still very slow.

The whole continent has been covered by infected plants, and the dinosaurs and plants in it are fighting for death. Every second, there are huge dinosaurs or plant corpses...

If this continues, the purpose of the creator will be achieved.

Lynn had to think about other ways. Lin had already done some research on the viruses released by the creators, and at the same time created some corresponding 'antidote'. It should be experimented now...

The so-called antidote is not to make mutated plants change back. It is almost impossible, but the ability to influence their identification of the enemy and the enemy, so that they no longer target animals, but instead attack other mutant plants.

In this way, they will enter a state of 'internal consumption'. Although it will kill many plants, it is always better than all, and there are still many plants that are not infected. The missing plants will recover sooner or later.

However, there are some mutant plants. Lynn may be able to make it grow again, so that it doesn't need to kill to get nutrients.

Although this is the first time to use these 'antidote'...

In the underground base on the north side of the mainland. The pipes connected to the ground began to open, and some shark-shaped transporters flew out from them.

They flew over the jungle and dispersed, sprinkling a large amount of powder into the jungle. These were tiny units that would fly automatically, quickly searching for plants in the jungle and drilling into it.

The mutated plants have some 'identifying organs' that send the received information to a newly-mutated nervous system-like structure in the body, which is to change their identifying organs, and some of the arms are It is responsible for releasing some special substances that stimulate the plants to let them grow leaves.

In the experiment, some mutant plants have been successfully used, but I don't know if I can use them in a wide range.

On the other side, some creatures are preparing for this urgent situation, although Lynn does not know what the true meaning of this 'preparation' is.

"Wake up." "Wake up." "I want to bite it." "Don't bite."

Among the crystallized underground caves, a group of brain-creating brains are expressing their meanings with brain waves, which are surrounded by a white dragon dragon cub, the layer of transparency that previously sealed the white dragon dragon cub. The coagulum has been dissolved by their use of excreta.

Although I don't know why this kind of brain blame has this strange ability to dissolve, the white cockroach cubs are exposed to oxygen, and it slowly opens their eyes.

"Wake up." "It looks stupid." "Can I eat its head?" "Don't eat." "I love the head of a turkey dragon."

Every movement of the Bailulong cubs will cause a discussion of the brains, but most of them are content that seems to have no meaning...

The cub slowly awakened completely at this moment. It looked at the surrounding brain-building monsters with a confused look and said: "Oh... I am... I am... the prophet..."

"It will call." "Useless noise." "It's head is affected by the wake, so it will be called." "It's head was smashed."

The brain-creating people started to 'discuss' again, but Lynn was a little surprised that the baby could tell the language of the white dragon, but it was not the newborn baby, but it was probably grown for two years. About three years ago, it is estimated that the language was sealed up at that time.

It seems that the creator ‘educated’ the baby and made it think he was the prophet.

At this time, one of the brains came to the front of the cub, and it sent some information to the cub: "Who are you?"

"Hey?" The cub seemed to be stunned by the electric: "I am... the prophet."

"You are not a prophet, you are..." The brainstorm suddenly stopped sending messages, and then it turned and sent brainwaves to other brains: "What is it?"

"Food." "Shark bait." "Seduction." "Excretion." "White stone." "The head is not good." "Claws."

The surrounding brains suddenly sent a lot of information. After the brain-minding was accepted, it seemed to be considered for a while, and then sent messages to the baby: "You are a tempter."

"The tempter!" "The tempter!" "The tempter!"

After it made such a decision, all the brain-building monsters sent the same message together, a large amount of brain wave energy spread continuously, and poured into the brain of the white dragon's cub...

"Oh ah..." The white dragon cub slammed his head in pain, and it couldn't bear the impact of such a large number of brain waves on it. Under the constant "destruction" of the brains, it finally fainted.

The brain-scream stopped the sending of the brainwaves, and a brain-killing monster bit the tail of the baby and placed it on the square stone used to gather brain waves.

Then, the brain-creating people sent a large number of brain waves again. This brain wave seems to have no meaning in it, but a very strong energy.

Even in a coma, the baby's body is constantly twitching, it seems to experience great pain, and Lin can even feel that it is about to suffocate.

But the brain-killing monster did not send a brain wave that made it fatal, but perfectly controlled it on the edge of death, which allowed the creature to feel the greatest pain. If the baby is dreaming, then maybe it can dream Let the whole body be shredded.

When the sending of the brainwaves is over, the brain-carrying monster will bring the white dragon cub to the hole of the crystallized cave and throw it on the ground.

At the same time, the brain-creating monster still put a stick made of crystals around it. No, it should be said to be a 'stick'. This thing is actually a pile of split brains bonded together, and then secreted a crystal shell to solidify. of.

After a while, the little cub woke up and looked around, but his eyes were not lost.

"I am... tempted." The young man reached out and picked up the crystal rod around him. He raised his head and shouted at the sky: "I am... tempted! Oh, ah, ah! Enticement!"

It looked like it was crazy, and Lin suddenly thought that if the original brain monster had given it another name, it would be very interesting to call it, for example, ‘I am excrement! ‘And ‘I’m not a good head! 'What.

The cub is talking about the white dragon on the island, and it is the current language rather than the ancient language. This is a wonderful feeling. Then, it takes the crystallization stick and walks slowly toward the wilderness... ...

Lin believes that if it enters the jungle, it will die in a few seconds.

The brain-creating people seem to be aware of this as well, and Lynn sees several brain-building monsters drilled out of the crystallized caves.

"It will die." "I found it in time." "You bring it." "I don't want to bring it." "I don't want it." "The game."

A few brain-creating people seem to be reluctant to bring this white dragon, so they line up in a row, and put a small stone at their feet... and then slam!

"You lost." "If you lose, go take it."

Lin found that after learning about the brainwave language, these brains are such interesting creatures.

The farthest brain-minding that kicked the stone seemed to be lost, and it ran to the white dragon cub.

When the cub sees the brain-creating, he seems to see the most intimate creatures. He happily hugs the legs of the brain-creating, and the brain-making monster has no special reaction. It kneels down and sends brain waves to let the cubs Climbed to my back...

Then, with the youngsters running fast, they left the wasteland and walked into the dangerous jungle...

Brain-creating seems to be a way to avoid those infected plants, but it can't be completely avoided, but it escapes very quickly, so the baby is safe...

After walking far away in the jungle, they reached their first destination. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Songshan Lake 3~ arranged for the ~qjde hole wu~ reward ~

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