4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 308: Scarlet art

"My name is the tempter! The caller of the brain, the eviction of the horror, the savior of life, follow me, obey me, I am the savior!"

A small white dragon cub stood on the back of the brain-creating monster. It held up the crystal rod in his hand and shouted in front of a group of wild white dragons who could not understand it.

After the plant infection occurred, not only did the three dragons in the city of Licheng appear the phenomenon of 'harmony talks', but even the wild white dragons that lived in the jungle and scattered in small communities also gathered together. Larger communities face the danger together.

Even so, only a few of them survived the attack of infected plants.

The white dragon community in front of the cubs is one of them. They have already gathered more than one hundred dragons, but there are only more than 30 left. They look at the white dragon cub and the body with a tired and puzzled look. Brain-building.

"Why don't you act fast!" The fluency of the baby's speech makes it not like a cub, it is waving the crystal rod in his hand. These wild white dragons suddenly feel like they have gathered together, and then they fall down to the young. In front of the child.

Although they do not understand, the effects of brain waves are not separated.

"Oh! Come on, let's go to the next place! Call for more dragons!" The cubs rode their brains and walked with a large group of white dragons.

The crystallization stick seems to be very special. The brain waves released inside are relatively small, but they can affect a large number of white dragons. It should be something specially made by brain-making monsters.

Their purpose seems to be to control a large number of white dragons, but what are they doing for this? This is still difficult to guess.

However, Lin does not stop them at present. Instead, look at what they can do.

On the other side. The edge of the coast on the north side of the mainland.

"Come on and roll out!" A large number of brainworm boats docked on the beach. These ships are much larger than the previous ones. This was the original ship made by the brainworms. They later changed from brainworms to smaller and faster ships. These boats were always parked next to the island, and now they are finally Have the opportunity to use...

The side of the vessel opened a huge 'door', and a large number of arms came out of it. These were almost all types of troops of the brain worm, and some new arms.

Some of the boats docked on the shore suddenly began to tremble. There were a lot of cracks in the hull, and the whole ship was smashed with cracks. The huge crackers took a heavy step from the wrecked wreckage to the land.

They are in the middle of the jungle, and they are stepping into the jungle of the ground. The purpose of the brainworm is to... save a creature that it wants to kill...

This army is far stronger than ever, and the infected trees are vulnerable to the crackers' giant pythons. The huge, jagged flowers can't even leave traces on its outer shell. The diffuse toxins are in the crackers. The jet power has no effect, and the jungle that had made the brain worms feel desperate and fearful is now vulnerable.

The army of the head smashed a path of plant debris in the jungle. Go to the location where Monte II is.

Monte II is now located in the rift valley north of the mainland, and Lin does not know what the creators are going to do with it. However, it seems that there is no harm to it at present.

And the brain worm may not really save its opponents. This ‘feeling’ seems to be very interesting.

These creatures are working hard, and in the city of Lishui, although no one knows who made them to hold the meeting, but they did not fight again, although they did not fight side by side, but at least they can hold themselves. The location, which puts a lot of pressure on them.

Since they are all working hard, Lin has to speed up the action.

The infection rate of red pompom is slow, although it is quite fast according to common sense, but the environment changes faster. Lin's release of 'antidote' only succeeded in affecting a small number of plants. Lin is detailed in the jungle. After the study, it was discovered that the original viruses did not know why a lot of variants were changed. Generally speaking, it is impossible to become so fast. It may be that the creators have released more new types, so they cannot continue this way...

If you really follow the brains, you may have a biological injury to a certain extent, and the creator will enter the next stage. Although Lin wants to see it, he can't sacrifice the environment.

So, Lynn began to make the red pompon 'evolution'.

The surface of these pompons is soft and can be dissolved and combined at will. In the red waters of the trunk, a large number of pompons inside form some relatively large structures, which are glued together to form one after another. The huge organ of scarlet.

These organs have only one role, speeding up overall liquid transport and production, and making more explosives...

The composition of the explosives can be obtained from the broken scorpion wreckage and the various cells of the creator here, and Behemoth will also cast.

At the same time, the red pompoms on the periphery no longer spread, but began to secrete some shells, enveloping all the red pompoms, just like the transparent walls made by Swordsman...

Those swords seemed to have doubts about the behavior of the red pompoms, and they did not immediately attack the shell made of red pompoms.

As they continue to combine, the Blazers have also freed this red water.

Because the structure is very simple, Lin combined the red pom-poms in the red waters in less than one day and night, and the outer layer was completely surrounded by shells, which formed a shell that was red and shaped like a ball. Giant object.

This layer of shell is very thin, because it is too thick to affect, because the red pompoms are tightly attached together, so the weight of the whole red sphere makes it begin to sink below the trunk...

The power of a pompom explosion is small, but it is enough to blow up a large number of swords around, but what if you can make a giant bomb with a red ball in the waters of a hundred meters in diameter?

The creator will fully appreciate its power... This is the biggest bomb that Lind has ever made, and it is also the ultimate art!

This may cause the entire Emerald Dragon City to disappear in the earthquake, but now it doesn't matter...

It slowly sinks into the trunk. When it reaches almost the middle part, Lin begins to let the red pompom dissolve their outer shells. The endless red begins to detonate their bodies, and they will be in the flash of brilliance. The art of scarlet... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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