4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 337: Created creation

This is a wonderful underground area, but the location is not in the city of the Emerald Dragon, but in the area of ​​the salt field, where Lin’s excavation forces found something like the creator’s 'annual ring'...

The average tree has an 'annual ring', which is the trace of the massive division and growth of the cells inside, but the creator obviously does not have this annual ring, but its activities always leave a lot of trace.

In the deep place below the salt land, about a kilometer away from the ground, here, the excavator dug out some special roots, which are very thick, usually 15 meters in diameter, and have Large ganglia, which is usually in a state of slumber, and Lin found that it requires a very strong brain wave to wake up.

Now, the ganglion is also in a state of slumber, but it does not wake up, but through the substances secreted by the cells inside, Lin can feel the weird inside these tree roots...

Only when the creator is completely awakened, this kind of roots is active, but the most important thing is not the root of the tree, but some special things in the root of the tree...

Each time they move, these ganglia will produce a lot of special substances because of the violent reaction. This substance is not excluded, but is transported to the deeper part of the root by the sword, and then integrated together. A nutrient use.

When Lin first digging, I found that the roots here are a bit strange, mixed with a strange smell, and after research, Lin discovered that this is the case.

Then, after Lin’s digger was drilled into the roots, he discovered that there were some strange creatures inside.

These things are a lot like before. The white dragon dragon cubs that Lynn saw. They are solidified in a sealed transparent gel. The glue is covered with small holes, which can facilitate the movement of the swords to feed them or repair some... scars.

And these creatures...Lin found them in different ways, they are not stored in large quantities like the white dragon cubs, but they are specially made.

The most special thing about these creatures is their age...

The first creature is not an animal, but a plant, like a tree plant. After discovering it with the micro-arms, Lin found that the plant was quite primitive and had a much simpler structure than the twisted tree. It might be the first generation of terrestrial trees...

Then the second creature, a kind of arthropod, looks like a heavy shell. Lin thinks it is like a creature I have seen before. What is it? That's right, it's a creature called Ice Crystal, but it doesn't have that kind of crystal carapace.

The third creature is a small insect. It looks like...the sword, but the figure is ten centimeters. This is quite... huge, for the sword.

The fourth creature... is a mass of meat.

No, this is not the general meat, but a brain. After exploring the micro-arms, Lin found that its structure is very special... Could it be that... is that the reason? The Atlantis... It turned out to be the case.

The fifth creature... is the white dragon.

The sixth creature, which is a creature with white furry hairs, is quite small, some like a jade, but it has a lot of hair and thicker limbs.

For these things... Lynn now has an idea.

These creatures should mean the creator's 'creation'. Every creature has its special 'creation'. Of course, it is not that the whole creature is composed by itself. The creator may be picking some excellent land on the land at that time. Creatures, then devour some of them and mutate them with viruses or some other way to transform them.

The purpose of the creator to do this...

Lin is not completely clear, it may be to create a creature that is good for itself.

The meaning of the original plants and arthropods is not very clear, but from the third beetle to the white dragon, Lin feels that the creator has a clear meaning from there, and its purpose is to create his own admirers.

The creator may deliberately search for some of the more intelligent creatures on the land, then grab them in to transform them, then guide their ethnic development, make them the dominant creatures on land, and let them use themselves as admirers. Helps not be hindered when you wake up.

Bai Xiaolong is a fairly obvious example, but because of some accidents, they have moved to the island, and the land has been occupied by other creatures.

But there may be other uses for this behavior.

The ‘big sword 更’, which is the front, may be the ancestor of all swords. The creator does not know why this creature was chosen. It may have undergone many generations of variation to become so small and used as an immune system.

Lin Lin is more concerned about the brain. Lin found that it has a lot of special structures, the characteristics of the brain of the sword, and the characteristics of the brain of the Aite group. Lin feels that the two of them may have been 'created'. of.

It is not clear who was born between them, but the creators may have discovered such excellent divisional species and then transformed them to try to create creatures that worship themselves.

Their symbol is this fleshy group, and there is a primitive brain with two brain characteristics.

Perhaps at first, the brains of this division of creatures are very admired by the creators, but something may happen later, causing it to no longer trust the creator and be the enemy of the creator.

This kind of divisional species may be quite weak at first, and can only live a life that is evasive everywhere, because this primitive brain is actually only about 20 centimeters, and it has a strong mobility, which is obviously a more primitive division of labor. Type species.

And they have evolved in countless battles, and now they have grown into the Atlantis, strong enough to resist the creators a little.

However, it seems that not all brains are hostile to the creators. Obviously, there was not only one brain in the beginning, but some brains were transformed and mutated in the creator and became the thing used to command the sword.

Sword scorpions themselves should be brainless divisional species, perhaps because they want to manage them better, and the creators get a brain to command them.

Perhaps because the division of labor is difficult to control, the creator chooses the individual creature of Bai Qilong to worship himself in the next appearance.

Every time the creator completely wakes up, he will devour all creatures, including his own worship creatures, but it will still keep a small number of creatures and create new creatures that worship themselves, and then let them grow...

It seems that sometimes the creators use the virus to speed up the growth of the creature. Lin found some sealed viruses here. Some of them have been seen even before Lin was a long time ago.

This feeling is wonderful.

The Yate group may be the only creature that has witnessed the creator's three awakenings. The first time it awakens, the creator chooses a very primitive brain as his own admirer. Later, this brain may have discovered a problem and no longer trusts the creator. And then hostile to it.

Maybe they started to be very admired, and it wasn't long before they discovered the creator's problem.

When the creator is asleep and fully awakened again, the Yate community has evolved into more species by arguing with the creator... or hiding, and the brain has become stronger.

This process is quite long... but it seems that the Atlantis can pass on the memory, and it can always remember what happened before.

Then the creator completely awakens, creates the white dragon and devours everything, the Astra group survives again, and then they try to influence the white dragon, until sometime the plague fungus that emerged suddenly emerged.

The source of the plague fungus may be some fungal organism affected by the creator, but the details are not very clear.

However, these are what Lynn thinks, and maybe there are some deviations from the real situation, but there will not be much difference.

What Jean Lin cares about is the sealing gel of these creatures. It can be judged from the substances inside. Each species has been away from the last species for a long time, but it is impossible to accurately predict how long it may be. More than 10 million years? This kind of gelatin is not well tested, but it is obvious that the creator is a creature that climbed the land very early and continues to affect the continent, which also led to the evolution of the organism here much faster than other continents.

Sure enough, if you sleep too long, you will miss a lot of interesting things...

However, it can be seen that the time for the creators to wake up is very regular, and each time they wake up at exactly the same time...

However, the recent wake up made Lin pay attention.

This time, the wake-up was only a short time away from the last time I woke up and created the white dragon. The glue that sealed the white dragon had about ‘lifetime’ for thousands of years.

Because the distance is not very long, Lin can accurately judge it, and the appearance of this white dragon and the current white dragon have almost no change, while other creatures are the original 'version'.

As for the creator's latest creation, it is something that looks like a jade, probably in the time of fighting with Lin...

Maybe the creators look at some kind of hairy jade, then grab them in to mutate, and then make the creatures of this kind, or there is no variation at all, because there are many kinds of hairy jade, and Lin thinks there are some kinds. May not have seen it.

But why do creators get out so early? So much earlier than usual? Is it because the brainwaves of the brains have brought it to 'wake up'...?

No, it has decided to wake up before, and began to release a large number of viruses.

This is really strange... and by studying some of the ganglion responses in the root of the tree, Lynn guessed a possibility.

The creator is afraid of something that will happen... so wake up so early. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the ex9~ soul pursuer who turned around ~ the beauty of the face rewarded ~ the quiet water ~ the reward ~

Thank you ~ the winter mouse ~ the monthly ticket~

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