Fear, nervous, anxious.

It seems that this kind of emotion does not appear in the creator's thoughts, but it does have this kind of emotion. In the ganglion of the roots, Lin discovered some recent neural reactions related to these emotions...

Indeed, the creator is afraid of something, it wakes up so early.

But... what is that? Why can the creators feel fear? This kind of huge creature also has fear, it is incredible...

However, Lin didn't know...what is it. If it was an event like an earthquake, Lin could feel it. Is it a stone falling from the sky?

It may be judged from the creator's behavior that after the creator came out, it quickly destroyed and swallowed various creatures on the continent, and chose Maoyu as the admirer of the next generation.

This is really strange. Although Maoyu says that they are a large number, their intelligence is not high. The creators should choose some intellectuals with high intelligence as admirers. Why don’t they choose other dinosaurs, or like jade dragons? And 骸龙 and the like? This may mean that Maoyu has any special advantages...

This advantage may allow Maoyu to survive the next event and become a creature that worships the creator.

There are many advantages to Maoyu, but some small dinosaurs are not lost to Maoyu.

This problem requires more research and thinking. Lin intends to take the jade in the creator and take it away. It is said that this jade is still alive. If it grows, it may see more things.

Lin continues to restore the land as much as possible. Lin first sprinkled a large number of seeds in places that were severely damaged. Let various plants begin to grow.

Then accelerate the reproduction speed of various organisms. Those animals that survived. Lin wants them to speed up, and the creators will be useful at this time. It is not only Lin’s nutrients, but Lin’s stored energy buried deep underground has been used for the recovery of the entire continent. .

This continent has been unable to withstand more torture... although Lin is still very interested in what will happen...


"We can't predict what will happen again! But I believe that the creators still care for us!"

On the island of Bailong, the crystal madness stood in the center of the city's square and continued its speech on the high platform.

"We met the disaster. We met the destruction, we saw the end! I saw that my army was swallowed by terrible power, but I could not stop..."

There are quite a lot of white dragons gathered in the square. It seems that there is almost no difference in density before the departure of Crystal Mad, but in fact, the number of white dragons in the city is already much less than the original, and only about 10% survived. Fortunately, half of the cities in the Bailong are in the sea, while the dragons in the sea are less affected.

"We have to face it with grief. But it's not that terrible."

The crystal madness said louder and louder, and the surrounding white dragons looked quietly.

just now. All dragons seem to have a sad mood, and the sky is shrouded in heavy clouds, which makes everything appear darker, but there is a hope in their sorrow, that hope is... Crystal mad.

Because the same incident happened here, no white dragon would feel that the whole army was a failure of the crystal madness. Instead, the crystal madness that survived was the real strong, and it could lead the white dragon to the light again!

"The power is trying to tear our head. In the land of the creator, that power is terrible... but I have defeated it with my own will!"

"Oh!" The white dragons cheered at this moment. They shouted the name of the crystal madness. They thought that this white dragon could save all the dragons!

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense!"

A voice interrupted it all.

I saw it in the dragon group, and came out with a white dragon that was wounded and dressed in rotten armor. It stepped down to the high platform of the crystal madness and shouted at the crystal madness: "Our army is not For that reason, but when it passes through the rift, it is swallowed up by the roots!"

"At the time, when the dragon was swallowed by the roots, the king did not do anything. It was just running away from his own self. I and several captains fell behind it and then were trees. The roots are clamped, but no matter how we call for help, it has not looked back! It has not only made a wrong decision, let us pass through the dangerous rift, and abandoned us!"

"Hey...?" The white dragons around them began to become very confused after hearing these words. Some of them are constantly discussing, but most of the content of the discussion is 'who is it', 'what is it saying'? Tree roots and the like.

Most of the white dragons here have never been to the rift. They certainly cannot know things like the rift and the roots. They remember only the strong brainwave effects...

"Isn't this Captain Hayley?" Crystal Mad looked at the white dragon and said: "It's a poor dragon. Although it survived, it went crazy in that accident."

"I let you rest first in the castle, but it seems that you are completely mad, and your spirit has been seriously affected."

At this time, after the white dragons heard the words of the crystal madness, they all showed a look like this, because there are also many dragons that are mad by the influence of brain waves.

"Hey! What are you talking about, I am not crazy, it is you..."

When it was not finished, it was interrupted by the crystal madness: "Although it is very pitiful, you are no longer qualified to be the creator's people. We must return it to the creator's land and let its soul create. Wash your own madness there!"

Several guards came over and arrested the captain. Most of these guards were inside the Neptune Castle. They came here because of things on the land.

"Oh! Oh! No! It abandoned us! It..."

Regardless of its call, the white dragon was taken off the armor, and the guards tied a large amount of metal to it, and then tied it to a stone pillar and stood up high.

This is an act called ‘lightning ritual’ that allows the kidnapped to be beaten by Ley, and Bai Yulong thinks that this can go directly to the creator.


At this moment, the sky appeared the thunder of lightning, the earth began to swell, no matter how the captain cried, there is no dragon to pay attention to it...

However, although the sky is surrounded by electric light, the first thing that falls is not lightning, but... a white object that rushes straight down from the sky and perfectly squats on the head of the crystal madness. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~00121ling~ wave by 丨灬宝灬~ the monthly ticket~

Thanks ~ pangolin good~ land warfare team ~ Amazon jungle ~ monthly ticket ~

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